
Naruto: Chill of Eternity

Author: yourwinter
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 64.1K Views
  • 23 Chs
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  • NO.200+

From a hidden, unknown village, a mysterious shinobi emerges as a dark force threatens the world's balance. As the encroaching danger intensifies, this figure awakens a long-buried power, confronting deep fears and unraveling the secrets of a shadowy past. With a chilling destiny at stake, she must navigate the icy path that awaits. ==== main.

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Chapter 1A Chill in the Air

The Unknown Village

The sun had barely risen, casting a pale, cold light over the snow-covered village. The once bustling streets now lay silent under a heavy blanket of winter's wrath.

The air was crisp, almost biting, as if it had turned against the very inhabitants it sustained. In this remote, harsh land, the village's residents had grown accustomed to the relentless chill, but today's cold seemed even more unforgiving.

Nyx Hyoketsu walked through the village with a sense of purpose. At thirteen, she was already a seasoned ninja, her abilities and demeanor far surpassing her age. Her white hair, which trailed behind her like a spectral banner, contrasted sharply with the darkness of her ANBU-like attire.

Across her back, Nyx carried a short blade that was perpetually encrusted with frost, a testament to her mastery over Ice Release. The blade gleamed coldly, a symbol of her formidable power. Her blue eyes were sharp and calculating, reflecting a world-weary wisdom that belied her youth.

A white scarf was wrapped around her neck, both practical for the cold weather and symbolic of her enigmatic nature.

The scarf often covered her lower face during combat, adding an air of mystery to her already intimidating presence.

As she passed through the village, whispers of admiration and fear followed her. Her reputation was well-earned; Nyx had become a figure of both awe and trepidation among her peers. The villagers knew her as a prodigy, a warrior forged in the fires of loss and hardship.

Yet, they also knew that her stoic exterior masked a tumultuous past that few truly understood.

Nyx sighed, it was inevitable, the eradication of this village. 

Her eyes softened momentarily as she observed the village children, their laughter echoing through the stillness of the early morning. They played in the snow, their faces lit with the innocent joy that seemed so distant from her own experience. Her gaze lingered on them, a mixture of wistfulness and sorrow in her eyes.

The harsh reality of her world had long since extinguished any semblance of such carefree moments for her.

"I'm sorry." she muttered. 

As twilight deepened and the pale light faded, Nyx stood at the village's edge, her silhouette a dark figure against the encroaching gloom. Her heart was steeled, her mind focused on the grim task ahead. This was not just another mission; it was a personal quest for vengeance against a world that had shown her no mercy.

With a deliberate flick of her wrist, Nyx unsheathed her blade. The frosted edge caught the last rays of sunlight, glinting ominously as she began to summon her chakra. The air around her shimmered with raw energy, and the temperature plummeted rapidly.

A chilling wind erupted from her, carrying shards of ice as sharp as glass. The once serene village was soon engulfed in a tempest of freezing destruction.

Her assault was swift and merciless. Buildings that had withstood countless winters buckled and splintered under her relentless barrage. Wooden frames shattered with a deafening crack, while stone walls crumbled into jagged debris. The structures, once proud and resilient, were reduced to icy ruins, their remains scattered across the frozen ground. The air was filled with the cacophony of destruction—the roar of the wind, the crash of collapsing walls, and the anguished cries of the villagers.

Panic surged through the streets as the villagers, caught completely off guard, scrambled for their lives. The once peaceful morning transformed into a scene of utter chaos. Cries of terror and desperation filled the air, their echoes mingling with the roar of the icy tempest. Families clung together, their faces twisted in fear as they sought to shield one another from the relentless storm Nyx had unleashed.

Among the chaos, a mother emerged from the remains of a partially destroyed home. Her eyes were wide with terror, her face pale as she clutched her young child to her chest. Snow clung to her disheveled clothing, and her breath came in ragged gasps as she stumbled through the debris-strewn streets toward Nyx. The child, small and trembling, buried its face in the mother's shoulder, seeking refuge from the overwhelming terror.

"Please, spare us!" the mother cried, her voice trembling with desperation. "We are innocent! Please, have mercy!"

Nyx paused, her gaze falling upon the distraught pair. The mother's eyes, filled with a mix of fear and hope, met Nyx's cold, unyielding stare. For a fleeting moment, the icy resolve in Nyx's heart seemed to waver, but the memories of her own suffering and loss hardened her resolve. The world had shown her no mercy, and she could not afford to grant any now.

"Sorry," Nyx said, her voice devoid of warmth, as cold and unyielding as the ice she controlled. "This is my revenge for the suffering the world has inflicted upon me." Her words were a chilling testament to her purpose, her gaze unflinching as she turned away from the desperate pleas of the mother.

The mother's cries turned into heart-wrenching sobs of despair as Nyx continued her grim work.

The icy wind howled around her, carrying the echoes of the village's final moments of terror. The child's frightened wails grew fainter, swallowed by the overwhelming roar of the storm.

Nyx's blade cut through the air with deadly precision, her movements calculated to ensure maximum impact. Her control over the elements was a deadly art, leaving behind a frozen wasteland in her wake.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an eerie orange glow over the devastation, Nyx stood amidst the wreckage. The once vibrant village was now a ghostly landscape of shattered buildings and frozen bodies. The streets, once alive with the chatter of daily life, were now eerily silent, save for the haunting echoes of the villagers' final screams.

Nyx's breath was visible in the frigid air, her white scarf fluttering gently as she surveyed the aftermath of her actions. Her blue eyes, cold and unfeeling, took in the devastation with a detached grimness.

There was no satisfaction in her gaze, only the somber acknowledgment of her mission's grim reality. This was not merely an act of destruction; it was a personal vendetta against a world that had inflicted such pain upon her.

The children she had seen earlier were now silent, their lives extinguished along with the village they had once called home.

Nyx's heart, hardened by countless trials and betrayals, remained unmoved as she observed the desolation. The once lively community was now reduced to a lifeless expanse of snow and ice, their existence erased by her hand.

The snow continued to fall, covering the traces of the destruction left in Nyx's wake. 

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