
Proposition to two giant companies

(3rd Person POV)

The next day, Arthur visited to inspect the computer team's color TV project.

Just a week ago, Arthur had reverse-engineered the color TV himself, providing the blueprints and design specifications to the computer group for recreation.

They'd completed it today. Arthur examined the color television carefully.

The computer team felt a mix of pride and humility. After all, Arthur was the mastermind behind the color TV - they'd simply brought his vision to life.

"What do you think, boss?" Drake asked. "Does it meet your expectations?"

"It exceeds them," Arthur nodded with a smile. "This TV will impress my partners."

Arthur planned to present the color TV to HOLLOW, a dwarf-owned company. They would handle the mass production that Arthur's operation couldn't manage alone.

With the color TV already patented, he had no concerns about the presentation.


The next day, Arthur prepared to meet with HOLLOW and Waves Corporation executives in a private room at Fantasia Plaza's finest restaurant.

A dwarf in his thirties and a human representative were already waiting.

Moments later, Arthur arrived and shook hands with the dwarf.

The dwarf introduced himself as Dulo, HOLLOW's representative, while the human was Harry from Waves Corporation.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you both. This is an honor," Arthur greeted them warmly.

Both men responded humbly, with Dulo saying, "No, the honor is ours."

"Indeed," Harry agreed, adding, "Your name echoes throughout the entertainment industry. Your films are truly iconic masterpieces."

"Thank you," Arthur accepted their praise graciously as he took his seat.

Once settled in their seats, Arthur addressed them. "As you know, I'm interested in establishing my own channel here in Horn Kingdom. I already have programs planned for the channel lineup."

Dulo and Harry nodded attentively.

"We've reviewed the documents and your detailed proposition," Harry said. "It's quite ambitious, though risky."

Arthur chuckled. "Oh, is Waves Corporation getting cold feet?"

"Not at all," Harry laughed. "In fact, we find everything you propose spectacular! The 'commercial' concept - advertisements during show programs - and your other ideas for recovering channel operating costs and generating profit are fascinating."

Arthur smiled, continuing his discussion with Harry for several minutes before turning to Dulo Fort.

"Mr. Fort, you might be wondering why I invited you to this meeting," Arthur said with a knowing smile. "I actually have a product I'd like to show you back at my office."

Dulo smiled. "I was starting to think I was just a third wheel here, listening to your conversation with Harry."

Arthur laughed heartily, joined by Harry's chuckles.

"So, what kind of product did you want to show me?" Dulo asked.

"I'll show you at my office. I guarantee you'll be surprised," Arthur replied.

"Now you've made me curious," Dulo chuckled.

"Can I join?" Harry asked.

Arthur turned to him. "Why not?"

After enjoying their meal in the private room, Arthur led Harry and Dulo to his company headquarters and into his office.

As his guests wondered about the mystery product, Arthur approached a box-shaped object covered by a cloth.

"Here it is," Arthur announced, lifting the white cloth to reveal a television.

Looking at the television, Dulo and Harry exchanged confused glances.

"Is this the product you wanted to show us?" Dulo asked. "It's just a TV."

"Yeah..." Harry nodded, hesitating. "Unless we're missing something? Does it just look like a television?"

Arthur smiled. "No, you're both correct. It is indeed a television."

This confirmation only deepened their confusion.

"This..." Dulo said, disappointment creeping into his expression, "I don't see anything special about it, Mr. Morningstar. It's just an ordinary television."

"I have to agree. Nothing seems new about it," Harry added.

Arthur could tell they were silently questioning if this meeting had been a waste of time.

"Well, it is a television," Arthur said, "but one quite different from what you know."

As Dulo and Harry exchanged puzzled looks, Arthur reached for the power switch.

The screen flickered to life with static, before displaying a vibrant test pattern of rainbow stripes with "No Signal" overlaid.

Though it was just a simple test screen, both Dulo and Harry jumped from their seats.

"It's in color!" they exclaimed in unison.

Their shock was understandable. Until now, televisions had only displayed images in black and white. Major companies had tried and failed to develop color TV technology.

Arthur nodded, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. "That's right. This is my company's latest invention - the color television."

"Can it play color films?" Harry asked, still amazed.

"Even if it shows color, there's no way to play film strips on television," Dulo explained. "The format for TV doesn't exist yet."

Arthur's smile widened. "Actually, it can play films."

"It can read film strips?" Dulo asked, shocked.

"Not exactly," Arthur said. "Wait here."

He left the office, retrieving a VHS tape and player from his system storage. Both were recreated by his computer team, with the tape containing "The Demonfather."

When he returned, he found Dulo and Harry leaning close to the color TV, examining it with fascination. "I'm back."

They turned to see Arthur carrying mysterious equipment.

"What's that?" Dulo asked.

"Just watch," Arthur replied. Under their curious observation, he connected the VHS player to the TV.

After inserting a magic core into the VHS player, Arthur slid in the tape.

Dulo and Harry watched in bewilderment as the TV flickered to life, beginning to play "The Demonfather" in full color and sound.

They stood speechless for several minutes, stunned by the demonstration.

Finally regaining his composure, Dulo asked, "Mr. Morningstar... Is that film-playing device also your company's invention?"

"That's right," Arthur nodded. "This is called a VHS player," he explained, then pointed to the cassette. "And this is a VHS tape."

Harry and Dulo exchanged meaningful glances before diving into business discussions about the color TV, VHS player, and tapes.

Arthur smiled at their enthusiasm.

"The VHS player and tapes are incredible inventions! Waves Corporation would be eager to mass produce and distribute them worldwide!" Harry exclaimed.

Noticing Arthur's calculated silence, Dulo asked, "Since you've shown us these inventions, I assume you have a business proposition?"

"Indeed," Arthur confirmed. "While I'm open to negotiating rights for these inventions, I have certain conditions. If met, I'll only request minimal royalty fees and a reasonable upfront payment."

"What are your terms?" Dulo asked eagerly.

"I want to acquire specific patent rights from HOLLOW regarding television technology," Arthur said, then turned to Harry. "And purchase certain frequency and signal patents from Waves Corporation."

Arthur's strategy was clear. He needed HOLLOW's TV rights to sell computers without paying monitor royalties - while HOLLOW hadn't invented television, they owned most rights after purchasing them from Empirica.

He also sought the wireless communication and transmission patents, ensuring his future internet development wouldn't conflict with existing technologies, even though these patents weren't core to internet functionality.

Harry and Dulo exchanged meaningful glances at Arthur's request.

"That could complicate matters, Mr. Morningstar," Dulo said carefully.

Harry nodded. "May I ask why you're interested in these specific patents?"

"I'm planning to establish my own electronics company," Arthur replied with a measured smile.

Dulo and Harry nodded in understanding. "I'll need to consult with the higher-ups about this," Dulo said, rising from his chair. "I hope we can reach an agreement, Mr. Morningstar."

"As do I," Arthur agreed.

"I'll also need to discuss this with management. Such decisions are beyond my authority," Harry added.

Arthur nodded his understanding before escorting his potential business partners out.

With everything set in motion, Arthur simply needed to wait for events to unfold. Soon, his color televisions would spread throughout the Horn Kingdom, and his Hellfire channel would broadcast into homes across the nation.

He felt no concern about HOLLOW and Waves Corporation refusing his terms. After all, he only sought minor technology patents in exchange for groundbreaking innovations. The color television, VHS player, and VHS tapes were too valuable an opportunity for any business to pass up.

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