


Athena jerked, or rather tried to jerk away from the bad dream she was entrapped in. 

Tried, because the pain that shot through her body prevented her from doing so.  

Yet she struggled to accomplish the task, because she couldn't bear to see her children tortured by Heron.

When her eyes finally fluttered open, she thought she would see the twins, but who she saw was Aiden. 

He was checking her drip, probably gauging how long it would take for the liquefied treatment to be over. 

A soft chuckle broke out from her lips when he scrunched his face impatiently. 

He looked at her, wide-eyed. "Athena! You are finally awake…" 

Athena managed a nod.

 That alone was painful, but she had to exercise her body parts as soon as possible, so they wouldn't get dull. 

"How long have I been out?"

"A day and half."

Athena wasn't surprised. Her body needed thorough rest after the hell it had been subjected to. 

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