
Hyper Talent for Magic , Chapter 31

«Mind Control — Disperse!»

As the massive silver claw was about to fall on him, Qin Chen remained unflustered, his eyes flashing silver. With a single thought, an invisible force turned tangible, bursting from his body. The silver claw charging at him shattered as if hit by a speeding train.

However, that move was just a feint by Ai Jiangtu. The real attack was yet to come. Ai Jiangtu had already begun connecting his constellation and was more than halfway through. Only the last fifth remained to complete it.

«You think you can cast a mid-tier spell in front of me? Dream on.»

«Mind Control — Phantom Claw!»

With a thought, a silver claw sped towards Ai Jiangtu. If Ai Jiangtu persisted in connecting his constellation, he would surely be caught, causing the constellation to break. Thus, his spell could never be completed.


Ai Jiangtu decisively abandoned the constellation. In his earlier calculation, he didn't expect Qin Chen to break through his phantom claw so quickly, nor did he anticipate the opponent's claw to reach him so swiftly. This indicated that Qin Chen had an extraordinary understanding and application of space magic, allowing him to exceed conventional limits.

«Mind Control — Phantom Claw!»

As Ai Jiangtu retreated, Qin Chen seized the opportunity to attack again with a faster and more powerful phantom claw. Ai Jiangtu had no chance to dodge and could only withstand it. If he failed to block it, he would lose!

«So fast!»

Ai Jiangtu frowned seriously. As a space mage himself, his control didn't reach Qin Chen's speed.

«Mind Control — Mind Wall!»

Knowing he couldn't dodge, Ai Jiangtu chose to defend. A silver wall materialized in front of him to block Qin Chen's attack. However, when Ai Jiangtu thought he could easily block it, he realized the attack hit his wall with the force of a speeding truck. Only by increasing his mana output at the critical moment did he avoid being knocked back. At this moment, Ai Jiangtu's third-level mental strength fully exploded, easily fending off Qin Chen's attack.

«Third-level mental strength! As expected of the eldest son of the Ai family and future captain of the National Team.»

At that moment, Qin Chen clearly sensed Ai Jiangtu's mental strength level. Those who first awaken to the space element are naturally gifted with strong mental strength. Qin Chen himself reached this level by merging with his past life's soul and enduring daily gravity training to force his mental strength to grow. Despite being only a year older, Ai Jiangtu had already reached the peak of third-level mental strength, just a step away from fourth-level, surpassing Qin Chen's mental strength.

«Military mages often fight monsters in life-and-death situations. Such experiences not only instill great fear but also present great opportunities. Walking the edge of life and death naturally accelerates mental growth.»

Qin Chen silently admired this. Though he disliked being bound by orders, he acknowledged the promising future of military mages.

Ai Jiangtu displayed his full spatial prowess, and Qin Chen naturally held nothing back. Both had an unspoken agreement to only use space magic, ignoring their second elements.

«Mind Control — Phantom Claw!»

Ai Jiangtu's claw reached out for the approaching Qin Chen. Both were mid-tier mages capable of completing constellations with a thought, making it nearly impossible to cast mid-tier spells without interruption. Thus, they primarily used basic spells.

Ai Jiangtu's full power revealed his formidable strength. His phantom claw was faster and more potent than before. However, Qin Chen's physical strength surpassed Ai Jiangtu's, allowing him to dodge attacks that Ai Jiangtu couldn't. Qin Chen's legs exploded with power, sidestepping Ai Jiangtu's claw while sending his own claw back at Ai Jiangtu. This time, Ai Jiangtu chose to counterattack rather than defend, meeting Qin Chen's claw with his own.

Two silver claws clashed in mid-air, each trying to shatter the other.

«Bring it on!»

Qin Chen understood Ai Jiangtu's intent to compare endurance and explosive power. Straightforward yet effective, Qin Chen welcomed the challenge, matching Ai Jiangtu's mental strength and mana output.


A clear sound echoed as the claws collided. Both mages funneled more power into their attacks, causing a commotion that even disturbed the arena's protective barrier, which was said to withstand any mid-tier magic. The intensity of their clash was evident.


Finally, the claws couldn't withstand the continuous output, exploding mid-air and sending both mages flying. Qin Chen quickly regained his footing, closing the thirty-meter distance between him and Ai Jiangtu.

«Mind Control — Mind Sword!»

Silver light flashed in his eyes as he completed the star path. Surrounding him, five swords materialized, forged from space and mental power. These swords had no hilts, only three-finger-wide blades with gleaming tips and edges capable of slicing through warrior-level monster hides.


Under Qin Chen's control, the five mind swords flew at Ai Jiangtu from different directions.

«Basic tier, level four space magic!»

Ai Jiangtu instantly recognized the nature of Qin Chen's spell. It surprised him that someone in this era would invest essence fragments to enhance their stars. But he had to admit, basic tier, level four space magic was formidable. Five swords coming from different angles were hard to block.

«Mind Control — Phantom Claw!»

Ai Jiangtu quickly crushed one sword in mid-air, breaking it with minimal effort due to the limited mana and mental strength Qin Chen had infused.

«Mind Control — Phantom Claw!»

Repeating the maneuver, Ai Jiangtu shattered another sword.

«Mind Control — Mind Wall!»

The last three swords flew towards him. Ai Jiangtu erected mind walls on three sides, blocking the swords.

«Mind Control — Mind Sword!»

However, Ai Jiangtu's distraction allowed Qin Chen to close in. Qin Chen's space magic, a sword similar to his wand sword but made of space and mental power, materialized in his hand.

Holding the mind sword like a solid wand sword, Qin Chen swung it at Ai Jiangtu's waist.


«Mind Control — Mind Wall!»

Ai Jiangtu hastily erected a silver wall, but Qin Chen's physical strength, comparable to an advanced servant-level monster, combined with the mind sword, sent Ai Jiangtu flying.


Qin Chen pressed his advantage, sprinting and slashing at Ai Jiangtu with the mind sword.

«Mind Wall!»

Barely regaining his balance, Ai Jiangtu defended. This time, he tilted the wall, deflecting Qin Chen's attack to the ground.

«Mind Control — Disperse!»

Ai Jiangtu unleashed a burst of power to repel Qin Chen.

«Mind Control — Mind Wall!»

Qin Chen, familiar with space magic, blocked the force with a mind wall.


Seizing the moment, Qin Chen attacked with the mind sword. Ai Jiangtu, prepared this time, countered effectively. As a soldier, Ai Jiangtu had close-combat training, but Qin Chen's superior physical strength gave him the upper hand.

(End of Chapter)

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