
The Total Change

Next morning 

Ezra is going to fish again; he is excited as before. "I feel young and strong, I can catch a lot of fish!" he mumbled. "Papa, I also want to find a new job," Maria said as she preparing their breakfast. "It's up to you dear, but you need to help me first to sell the fish in the market" Ezra said as he drank his coffee. "Oh yes, with your renewed energy, I bet you will catch a lot of fish today," Maria nodded and she smiled. "I think I can do that, wait for me my dear," Ezra smiled back. "But I'm still worrying, you still look old to me," Maria said with worried face. Ezra placed a reassuring hand on her arm. "Only my looks in the outside, but deep inside I feel young and strong, Maria, I've never felt better. Now, I am going to work. The fish won't catch themselves; you know." He replied. "Okay papa, take care of yourself, okay? I'll see you later in the seashore," Maria said as she smiled. 

When he reached the docks, Ezra's usual fishing partners greeted him with a mix of surprise and confusion. "Well, I'll be," one of the men, a grizzled old-timer named Hank, exclaimed. "Ezra, you're looking downright spry this morning! You look healthy and lots of energy, what did you up to?" Hank asked in surprised. Ezra chuckled, though he felt a pang of unease at the jest. "Nothing of the sort, Hank. I just had a good night's sleep, that's all." He chuckled. Fabio came in, he was surprised when he saw Ezra's energized gesture. "You look stronger today than yesterday, I thought you will not come," Fabio asked in astonishment. "Nah, I'm just exhausted yesterday, but I'm okay now," Ezra replied. The other men exchanged skeptical glances, but Ezra ignored them, quickly boarding his small fishing boat and beginning the familiar routine of preparing his gear. As they pushed off from the dock and Ezra began steering the boat out into the open water, he couldn't help but feel a surge of exhilaration. The familiar motions of casting his line and tending to the nets were easier than they had been in years, and he found himself marveling at the renewed strength in his limbs. The morning's catch was bountiful, and Ezra worked alongside his comrades with an energy that surprised even himself. By the time they returned to the docks, the town was bustling with activity, and curious onlookers gathered around Ezra as he disembarked. Maria was in the sea shore waiting for Ezra. "Papa, I'm here!" Maria waved as she saw Ezra coming with his co-fishermen. "You catch a lot of fish today than anyone of us, that's unusual for you," Hank said again, scratching his grizzled chin. "You really are looking spry today, Ezra. What's your secret?" Fabio said. Ezra felt his heart skip a beat, and he glanced nervously at Maria who is waving at him, who seemed equally uncomfortable with the attention. "No secret Fabio," Ezra replied, hoping his voice sounded casual. "Just a good night's rest, that's all." Ezra said, Maria helped him to sell the fish in the market. 

That night, they were very happy to the money that they earned that day, they didn't earned before. "Our life is about to change now my dear, I'll go fish again tomorrow," Ezra said with excitement on his face. "You look so great papa, I'm so happy for you," Maria smiled as she prepared to go to bed. 

The next day. As Ezra opened his eyes, he knew since yesterday he wasn't in his usual 72-year-old body anymore. Ezra got out of bed and stretching his body, he feels more lighter than yesterday, but that moment, felt more something different. He looked at himself in the mirror, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. His reflection in the mirror showed a young, handsome man staring back at him. His once tired and wrinkled face was now smooth and flawless. His hair, which had been thinning and greying, was now thick and luscious. It was as if he had been given a second chance at youth. He jumped out of bed and ran his hands over his new body, marveling at the transformation. He couldn't help but grin from ear to ear as he examined every inch of himself. He was no longer the old man he had been before. He was now a young, handsome that couldn't be compared to anyone else. He heard a footstep approaching his door. "Papa? Are you okay, I heard some noise in your room?" Maria called out as she knocked the door. Ezra excitedly opened the door. Maria couldn't believe her eyes. "Papa, what happened to you?" she asked, her voice filled with shock and curiosity. Ezra on the other hand was also shock when he saw Maria, but he can't talk because Maria was still in shocked too. Maria couldn't help but stare at her father. She noticed his skin seemed to have a healthy glow. "You look amazing father," she gushed. "Maria, have you seen yourself on the mirror?" Ezra incredibly smiled. "Not yet father, but look at you, I can't_" Maria didn't finish her word yet, Ezra held her both shoulder and he dragged her to see her face in the mirror too. "Don't you see yourself yet, come on, look at yourself!" Ezra venting out. Maria looked into the mirror, and she was astonished on what she saw. "Oh no, father I look so young and very...very beautiful!" She startled. "I told you!" Ezra said with big smile. "I thought I was dreaming when I saw mine!" Ezra gazed. "I feel so amazed father, but what about my legs?" she sighed as she sat down in the edge of the hard bed. Ezra examined her legs, but nothing changes. Ezra shook his head. "I feel sorry for your legs my child." Ezra said feeling sorry for Maria. "That's fine father, the most important, we look young and healthy now, with one-of-a-kind beauty, I still can't believe that this is happening!" Maria still gushed in dis-belief as she is gazing to Ezra's incredible appearance. "I thought being strong and healthy is the only indication of that water, but look at us?" Ezra exclaimed. "You are right father, that water is really amazing!" Maria exclaimed back. She approached the mirror again to examine her face, while doing this, she felt something strange on her legs. 

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