
Chapter 16: Shimotsuki Village - The Promise Before Departure

Kuina was unwilling to accept it.

She didn't want Takumi to leave.

It felt so unfair—she hadn't even defeated him yet, and now he was just going to leave like that!

"Takumi," Kuina bit her lip, trying hard to keep her emotions in check. "Do you really have to go? If you leave now, I won't forgive you! Can't you stay, just a little longer?"

"No," Takumi shook his head. "I'm a traveler; I never stay in one place for too long."

"But I haven't beaten you yet…" Kuina said, her voice tinged with frustration. "Does Zoro know you're leaving?"

Takumi had told Zoro before their duel.

But given the situation back then, Zoro probably hadn't paid attention.

Even so, Takumi nodded. "Yeah, I told him."

"That idiot!" Kuina clenched her fists. "How could he just let you leave like that? What the heck is Zoro even thinking?"

"Kuina, enough," Koushirou said with a sigh. "Goodbyes are always painful, but remember, just because you're parting now doesn't mean you won't see each other again. When you and Zoro grow up and become great swordsmen, I won't stop you from going out to sea."

Takumi hadn't expected his departure to affect Kuina so much.

She really was still just a kid.

"Then at least… at least before you go, let's have one more match!" Kuina took a deep breath, just like the first time she had challenged Takumi. She pointed her bamboo sword at him. "I challenge you!"

The words were the same, but her mindset was different.

Koushirou thought about saying something but decided against it.

Takumi looked at Kuina in silence.

He had only come to say goodbye.

That was all.

But now, she was challenging him again…

After a moment of thought, Takumi decided not to accept the challenge.

"Ten years," Takumi said, locking eyes with Kuina. "We'll have our duel ten years from now. When you've become stronger, come find me in the New World."

With that, Takumi didn't linger any longer. He turned and left the dojo.

Kuina stood there, stunned.

Koushirou smiled and patted her on the head. "Before you have your real duel, work hard to make yourself stronger."

"Father," Kuina looked up at Koushirou, "didn't you say that a girl can't become the world's greatest swordsman? Do you think I have a chance of beating Takumi?"

"Who can say what the future holds?" Koushirou replied with a smile. "Kuina, you need to understand, your father isn't someone with a narrow mind or limited vision. You're my daughter, and out of selfishness, I don't want to see you putting yourself in danger by fighting for the title of the greatest. I'd prefer you to stay by my side, grow up healthy and happy like any ordinary girl."

"Father… so that day, when you said those things, you didn't really mean them?" Kuina's eyes glistened with hope.

"Of course not," Koushirou said, smiling.

"Then why are you saying this now?"

"These past few days, I've had time to think it over," Koushirou continued. "If I keep trying to stop you when you're working so hard, I'd be a fool."

"Thank you, Father," Kuina said, her tears replaced by a bright smile. The weight that had been on her heart for days finally lifted. "Father, I want to ask you something."

"Go ahead."

"I want to surpass Takumi. So please, teach me the swordsmanship that will make me stronger."

Kuina's gaze was firm.

"Alright," Koushirou agreed without hesitation.

At that moment, Zoro returned.

Seeing Kuina and Koushirou standing at the dojo's entrance, he asked, "Kuina, Sensei, what are you two doing out here?"

Kuina immediately noticed the Wado Ichimonji hanging from Zoro's waist. She was stunned and asked in disbelief, "Why do you have the Wado Ichimonji?"

"Takumi gave it to me," Zoro replied. "I challenged him to a duel just now. Even though I lost, he gave me some pointers on my new move—the one I used to tie with you. Seriously, Takumi is amazing. With just a few tips from him, the power of my move increased by at least twofold. But during the test, one of my swords broke, so he gave me the Wado Ichimonji."

Zoro paused for a moment before continuing, "I'm not sure why he gave it to me. Maybe it's because I broke a sword, and he just wanted to help."

Kuina clenched her teeth, seething with frustration.

Koushirou watched Zoro, deep in thought.

Zoro scratched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly.

Koushirou finally spoke, "Takumi isn't someone who gives things away lightly. If he gave you the Wado Ichimonji, it means he acknowledges you."

"What?" Zoro was shocked. "Really? Takumi… actually acknowledged me?"

"Hmph!" Kuina huffed, clearly unhappy. "That's great for you. He fought you, gave you pointers, and even gave you a sword. But don't get too cocky, Zoro. I'm not giving up on the Wado Ichimonji. I'll use my strength to win it back. Ten years from now, I'll beat Takumi before you do!"

"Huh? Ten years from now?" Zoro asked, confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't tell me you don't know Takumi is leaving."

"What?" Zoro's eyes widened. "He's leaving? When? Why didn't he tell me?"

Kuina paused, "He said he told you."

"When did he…" Zoro's words trailed off as he remembered what Takumi had said before their duel. His face went pale, and he quickly asked, "He hasn't been gone for long, right?"

Kuina nodded.

Without another word, Zoro took off running toward the harbor.

"Go on," Koushirou gently patted Kuina on the back. "You should go see Takumi off, too."

After a moment's hesitation, Kuina ran after Zoro.

Shimotsuki Village wasn't far from the harbor.

It took Takumi about ten minutes to get there.

He found the small sailboat he had docked at the shore.

Takumi boarded the boat and untied the rope from the dock.

He opened the system navigation and began sailing in the direction of the Baratie, the sea restaurant.

From the shore, Zoro's voice suddenly called out.

"Takumi!" Zoro shouted at Takumi's retreating figure on the small boat now several dozen meters away. "Thank you!"

Takumi turned to look back.

By that time, Kuina had also arrived at the shore. She called out just like Zoro, "Ten years from now, I'll find you in the New World. Until our next duel, you better stay alive. I won't forgive you if you lose to anyone else before I beat you!"

"Takumi!" Zoro shouted, holding up the Wado Ichimonji. "I'll beat you before Kuina does, and with the Wado Ichimonji, I'll become the world's greatest swordsman!"

Takumi looked back at Zoro and Kuina, exasperated.

What were those two even doing here…?

After a moment's thought, he raised his hand and waved.

The two on the shore immediately waved back, shouting in unison, "Safe travels!"

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