

Gretix did not press any further during the following months, Mouse was able to finish the assignment on time and without any further problems. Refurbishing and repairing the spaceship was a great learning experience, and it also highlighted everything the boys still had to learn. It was as if they were on a highway that showed them the path they would have to take in the following years.

As the weeks went by, Gundam was recovering some of his health. Many days, in order not to be alone on the floor while Lala went to the shop, he would go to the large hangar to sit in a chair and watch the boys work, in this way he could give the boys instructions or advice.

The knowledge of the system's abilities, and the knowledge of an engineer with more than forty years of experience. When Gundam was sufficiently recovered, he and Lala began to move what they needed to be able to travel inside and undergo that rejuvenation. One year away, they would be there for a whole year.


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