
Smugness is the Best Revenge

Amara was still riding the high of leaving Eirik speechless. There was something so satisfying about watching his perfectly groomed face twist in frustration. It was like witnessing a mannequin come to life and realize it has no purpose. Priceless.

"Did you see his face?" she muttered under her breath as she and her parents strode away from the confrontation. "It was like someone told him his favorite brand of hair gel was discontinued."

[You really outdid yourself back there. I didn't think you had it in you to take down a walking Ken doll like that.]

Amara smirked, but on the inside, she was a little too proud of herself. Eirik had been getting under her skin for days, and to finally knock him down a peg? It was like winning the lottery but with fewer taxes. Plus, it didn't hurt that her parents had approved of her actions for once. That was a rare occasion like seeing a unicorn. Or Felix admitting he was wrong.

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