
the life of an adventure isn't always fun

After Yuri, Lilly, and Hestia moved into her new home they mannaged to get used to their new daily lives pretty quickly. Lilly and Yuri would go to the dungeon for around six hours a day. After which they would return and Yuri would practice her smithing. With this two weeks went by. But all things are prone to change and change doesn't wait for others to accept it.

Yuri and Lilly started their day like any other after waking up they ate and left for the dungeon. After making their way to the fifth floor something seemed off. Yuri couldn't put her finger on what was wrong but the monsters stopped spawning and the dungeon was too quiet. Getting a bad feeling Yuri was about to tell Lilly to go back when she felt something staring at her.

Turning around she met eyes with a horrible creature. It almost looked like a dragon made of bones without wings it had razor-sharp claws and its tail ended in what looked like a blade. Seeing the menacing figure Yuri recognized the creature and turned pale.

Before them was a juggernaut the defense system of the dungeon. She barely had time to tell Lilly to run before the creature was upon her. Yuri mannaged to block its first strike but this monster had more power than anything she had faced thus far. Managing to push it away for a moment she noticed Lilly had not moved she turned grabbing her by the hand and tried to gain some distance from the juggernaut. As they moved Yuri explained that this monster was dangerous and they needed help.

As her explanation ended she pushed Lilly to the side and an explosion hit where Lilly was just standing. Looking up Lilly could see the creature standing there ready to strike. Before it could move though Yuri gained its attention by striking out with her weapon. Before she could move to try and help Yuri shouted "Don't come here go and get help. This thing is too strong for us to beat alone".

Hearing this contrary to Lilly wanting to help she also trusted in Yuri so getting up she turned and ran for the exit. The juggernaut not wishing for its prey to escape turned to give chase. Noticing its plan Yuri grabbed it by its tail trying to keep it pinned to its current position.

After preventing it from immediately following Lilly it got angry and turned its focus on Yuri. Seeing that she now had its attention, Yuri knew she needed to put all her focus on the juggernaut. This creature was only on the beginner levels so hopefully, it was only as strong as a level two to a beginner level three.

While Yuri was keeping it busy Lilly managed to make it to the fourth floor. Lucky for her it hadn't been so long since they had been through this floor so monsters had yet to respawn. The only thing she was focused on was finding someone, anyone to bring back to help Yuri. It only took her ten minutes to manage to arrive at the stairs leading to the third floor. But as she started up she bumped into someone.

Returning to Yuri she wasn't having a good time she managed to pin the juggernaut down to allow Lilly to escape. However, she couldn't keep up with its speed to the point of actually landing attacks on it. She was able for the most part to react to its attacks on her and bring up her guard. However, in only ten minutes, she was starting to slow and was receiving more and more wounds.

While she didn't consider herself lucky to be in this situation she couldn't help but think that with the difficulty of this fight her skills would be working overtime. She refused to think of anything besides surviving this encounter because if she didn't she knew things would end badly. As she was about to strike out at the juggernaut it disappeared from its space in front of her. Seeing this Yuri stopped and focused on her surroundings trying to locate its position.

After listening she noticed the slightest movement from behind her not having time to block Yuri dove to the side trying to evade.

Unfortunately, while she managed to avoid the worst she didn't make it out unscathed. As she dove the attack managed to barely miss the top of her head on the left side. If she was still in her original body this would have been fine. However, she now had wold ears and the juggernaut had mannaged to slice about halfway through her left one.

Lilly had mannaged to find help and was guiding them back to Yuri's location. As they re-entered the fifth floor the silence was broken by a blood-curtailing scream. Hearing this while Lilly turned pale and pushed herself even faster not wanting anything to happen to Yuri.

After rounding a corner Lilly and her followers came across a sight that was not pleasant.

The juggernaut finally managed to land a hard hit on Yuri causing her to stop long enough to get ahold of her. As a way to prevent another round of her dodging or blocking its attacks, it took this opportunity to pierce her leg with its tail. This caused Yuri to release the loudest scream she had ever made. Having her attached to its tail it lifted her from the ground to stop all movement so it could finish her off.

Yuri was in so much pain between her ear and now her leg she almost didn't even notice the others enter the room. But as she locked eyes with Lilly her vision started to blur. Thankfully in only a few seconds, Yuri found herself lying on the ground surrounded by a warm feeling. Lilly rushed to her side crying but managed to spit out "Look Yuri Lilly found help she found members of the Loki famillia so you have to be okay you have to keep teaching Lilly how to enjoy being an adventure".

Yes, the group that Lilly managed to encounter was a group of three from the Loki famillia. The group consisted of Ais, Lefyia, and Riveria. Seeing the situation upon arrival Ais immediately entered the fight managing to cut the end of its tail she freed Yuri from the monster and laid her on the ground. After which she went back to attacking the monster. Once freed from the monster Riveria immediately started to use her magic to heal her wounds.

After hearing Lilly tell her that she brought help Yuri gave her a sweet smile she wanted to thank her but due to the loss of blood and her exhaustion she passed out. ( and to those who might say the blood loss shouldn't be that bad head wounds including those to the ears bleed a lot it's almost like someone turned on a tap.)

Yuri found herself dreaming about the last few days of her previous life before the accident that placed her in her coma. Arguments she had with her mother over stupid things. Like picking up her socks from the entryway instead of leaving them lying around. Hanging out with her friends and going shopping she never realized how peaceful her life actually was.

Yuri's dream was interrupted by the sound of people talking all around her she couldn't quite make out what they were saying. As she tried to focus on what they were saying she noticed one voice was just crying. Focusing on the crying voice she felt a wet spot on her shoulder. The voices and wetness on her shoulder helped to pull her back from her dazed state. After a few minutes, Yuri managed to open her eyes only to be blinded by sunlight streaming onto her face.

Noticing her eyes open and close again the room other than the crying went quiet. Shutting the curtains the sunlight stopped hurting Yuri's eyes allowing them to open again. The first thing Yuri noticed was that she didn't know where she was having never been in this room. But she did recognize the people who surrounded her. The person crying on her shoulder was Lilly of course but other than her there was also Hestia Tsubaki and Hephaestus.

After taking a moment the first thing Yuri did was fling the blanket off her legs getting the attention of Lilly who hadn't noticed that she was awake. Not seeing a hole in her leg she breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing this Hephaestus gave a slight chuckle and broke the silence saying " the Loki famillias core member Riveria heals you the best she could before they brought you out of the dungeon".

Hearing this Yuri smiled before she noticed that she said the best she could. Deciding to sate her curiosity she asked what do you mean the best she could? Hearing this question whether she realized he intimacy of the action or not Hephaestus reached out and held her left ear in her hand feeling something off with the feeling. Yuri then brought her own hand up and noticed she now had a little chip missing out of the side of her ear like a little wedge was removed about midway up the ear.

Thank you for reading hope everyone is enjoying the story so far.

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