
important conversation and powering up

Previously on Yuri ball z!

Jk. After Yuri finished having Hephaestus update her falna, she told her that they needed to talk. Hephaestus had an idea that it was about the girl that Yuri brought with her. She sat down across from Yuri and nodded as a sign to continue. Understanding the importance of the conversation, she gave Yuri her full attention as she explained how she and Lilly met in the dungeon and even defeated the variant.

After hearing the story and seeing how deeply Yuri was affected, Hephaestus couldn't help but feel for the girl. She admired Yuri's compassion and willingness to help someone in need. It reminded her of her own struggles and the kindness she received from a friend during difficult times.

Realizing the significance of this request to Yuri, Hephaestus decided to grant her wish. Before making the final decision, she asked why the girl was so important to Yuri, especially since they had just met. In response, Yuri expressed her belief in helping those in need and couldn't bear to leave someone who required assistance. Her sincerity struck a chord with Hephaestus, reminding her of her friend who had once stood by her side without judgment.

Taking everything into consideration, Hephaestus requested Yuri to step out and bring Lilly in. She wanted to talk to the girl and understand her situation before making any decisions. Leading Lilly into the room, she offered her a warm, reassuring smile and told her to relax, assuring her that she would be waiting right outside.

After closing the door behind Lilly Yuri sat down on a stool that sat nearby. Figuring this conversation would take a while she decided to mess around with her system. She hadn't looked at it for nearly two months due to being focused on her training and getting stronger.

When she opened the system her eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. When her training began she asked for the system to stop any notifications so as to not interrupt or distract her. Now seeing so many notifications all at once she was nearly overwhelmed.

[Quest: First step- learn to make ingots for use of smithing (complete) rewards received a single-use coupon for shop use to receive one item worth 2 so or less for free.

Quest: Hard worker- smith your first weapon or piece of armor without external help (complete ) reword received 10 sp, and stamina potion x2

Quest: Graduation- complete basic training for blacksmithing (complete ) reword received 15 sp, blacksmith skill, Smithing hammer & anvil unbreakable.]

The list of quests that she had completed truly stunned her. By the end, she wound up with twenty-eight potions with varying effects, a hammer, an anvil that would never break, a few pieces of work clothing, a new skill, and most importantly her sp had skyrocketed as she now had one hundred and thirteen points.

After taking a moment to calm herself she decided to look through the store to see what good things she could get. Deciding to look at the skills first she asked her system if she could filter any that she couldn't afford out to make the list shorter. After asking the list of skills went from 1,876,546,269 to a mere 1,385,123. Still seeing so many she asked to filter those that could help her gain strength faster. After this filter, it dropped to 143,587. She wound up adding filters such as not needing special conditions to use the skill, not being a skill that had negative effects, and not needing to be a specific race before she was left with four skills.

Skill: Breath of the fairy queen- when in the dungeon gain excelia at an increased rate

Cost: 65 sp

Skill: Body of hardship- gains stat points equal to effort used the more you push yourself the stronger the effects.

Cost: 15 sp

Skill: Worriers pledge - for every five pints your stats increase gain an extra point in that stay.

Cost: 20 sp

Skill: Natural enemy- for every monster you defeat gain a slight increase in excelia gained when defeating monsters of the same type.

Cost: 6 sp

Seeing how strong these skills actually are she decided to get them all. But seeing her sp go back down from 113 all the way to 7 almost made Yuri cry tears of blood. But thankfully Yuri knew that by using these skills to their full potential. She could become one of the strongest adventures way quicker than before.

Just as she was psyching herself back up. The door to the room Lilly entered opened and she stepped out with Hephaestus close behind. As Yuri was about to ask if they were finished with their talk she noticed the look of pure rage on Hephaestus's face. Before even getting a word out Hephaestus told Yuri that she would follow her they had something to do. Not having a clue what was going on Yuri turned to Lilly to see if she had any idea. Looking over Lilly kept her head down refusing to make eye contact. With no other options, Yuri let out a sigh and just followed behind.

It was quiet while they walked but it didn't take long until Yuri realized they were on the same path that she usually took to return to Tsubaki's house. Thinking about everything that happened after leaving the dungeon, Yuri thought she might have an idea of what may be happening.

After approaching Tsubaki's house like she had a sixth sense Tsubaki was outside like she knew they were coming. Unlike her normal character Hephaestus just barely glanced at her before saying follow and they changed direction and kept moving.

After walking for about an hour Yuri noticed that they were in a shadier part of the city. There were people who looked like they were high or something. People who had torn and tattered clothes lying in alleyways sleeping. And worse in Yuri's opinion was that there were children who appeared to be starving and no one seemed to be caring for them.

While Yuri was focused on her surroundings she didn't notice that Hephaestus who was in front of her stopped nearly causing her to collide with her. Now stopped she noticed they were in front of a rather large house for the area. Noticing her confusion Tsubaki told her "This is the Soma famillia".

After hearing this Yuri was now one hundred percent certain of what was happening. Now armed with this knowledge she hardened herself for what was to come.

As the group approached the gate a member of the Soma famillia noticed them and ran inside. No doubt he went to alert the god of the famillia that there were guests. Seeing this it didn't take long until they were led inside.

The group was led to a door at the back of the house and asked to wait for a moment. After being asked to wait their guide stepped inside and closed the door. After what seemed to be only half a minute the door opened again this time they were invited into the room.

As Yuri stepped into the room an overpowering smell of alcohol filled her nose. Causing her to reach up and cover her face. This action got a laugh from a man who sat behind a desk that was covered in half-empty bottles. Hearing the laugh Yuri noticed Hephaestus clench her hand into a fist for a split second before she forced it back into a relaxed position.

After they all entered the room the man who guided them made a swift exit closing the door behind him. Silence filled the room for what seemed forever. It was only broken when the man behind the desk spoke "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit Hephaestus"

Releasing a sigh Hephaestus sat down across from the man. After thinking about her words she stated firmly " I am here to ask that you realise one of your children from your famillia. It has come to my attention that some members of your famillia have been abusing and stealing from this child for quite some time. And if you care about your famillia even in the slightest you should realize that this makes this a horrible environment for her continued growth".

"Ah I see I would hate to be seen as uncaring but what if I refuse to release her from my famillia"?

Taking another deep breath seemingly to calm herself Hephaestus responded with a fire in her eye "Then this matter would then be settled with a war game".

Hearing this the man who sat behind his desk who just moments ago seemed so confident went pale. " that will not be necessary I will release her all I require in exchange is for one of your children to test my new wine".

Hearing this Hephaestus was about to just declare a war game and be done with this farce but before she spoke Yuri jumped in " I'll do it."

No don't Yuri it's a highly addictive substance. Cliff stop hanging around we have to save my OC

MAG666creators' thoughts
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