
joining the guild and the search for a familia

After arriving in the city yuri bid farewell to Sara her little sisters and the adventurers who guarded them on their journey. After their goodbyes she headed off towards the tower. In which held the dungeon various shops and other places. But more importantly was the pantheon that acted as the guilds main branch located just outside the tower.

After about thirty five to forty minutes yuri finally arrived at the doors to the guild main office. Excited to begin a new adventure yuri rushed to enter into the building. In her excitement she failed to notice someone was exiting as she tried for the door. In the next few seconds Yuri felt a stinging feeling in her wrist and a pain from landing on her butt as she found herself sitting on the ground.

In front of yuri the person she had bumped into extended a hand in order to help the young girl off the ground. Looking up yuri just entered into a mild panic in her own mind. In front of her was in yuri's mind was one of the most beautiful women she has ever seen. She stood around a foot taller than yuri with strong looking arms and hands a slightly rugged looking face with hair so red it almost appeared to be ablaze. Without making the connection to who was in front of her she was snapped out of her internal conflict when the woman ( I'm sure most of you already know who it is ) asked if yuri was alright and moved her hand closer.

Since yuri.exe was still in the process of rebooting she ended up mixing her words she intended to say with her the thoughts. When she reached out for her hand instead of telling her I'm fine she insisted voiced your gorgeous. Freezing her hand outstretched almost in the beauty's in front of hers grasp they both froze minds going blank as they both tried to process what was just said. When yuri realized what she just said she jumped to her feet and speaking quickly tried to apologize oh my god I am so sorry I meant to say I'm okay. But I ended up saying what was going through my head instead I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable or offend you. Noticing that the girl in front of her was stating only the truth didn't make this encounter any easier but forcing herself forward she told the girl everything was alright. Giving her a smile she once again extended her hand and this time she introduced herself as Hephaestus.( so I'm sure most were aware but who all got it right) Finally connecting the dots and thanks to the introduction she realized she was talking to the Hephaestus one of her top five favorite danmachi characters.

Getting excited her mouth once again started speaking before she could process the words. Oh I can't believe Hephaestus is actually standing in front of me. You are so much prettier in person. Can I shake your hand? Even though she didn't notice she had already taken her hand between both of her own. Just as she was starting to feel a little overwhelmed the young girl said something else that made her mind shatter and need a second to reboot. When she out of nowhere asked if she could hug her. Unbeknownst to the two they had started to draw a crowd due to the slightly loud and energetic girl. But when yuri asked if she could hug Hephaestus she caused everyone around them to go quiet. Her mind finally caught up to what she was saying and embarrassed she ended up turning red in embarrassment let go and faster than anyone could process disappeared around a corner.

Seeing the girl run away brought Hephaestus back to reality. With a slight blush that was almost unnoticeable she looked at the people around her and stated don't you all have something better to do and walked away. Yuri on the other hand was sitting in a alley about a block from the guild. Arms wrapped around her knees head down internally admonishing herself for acting like a over zealous fan in front of her favorite celebrity. After about a hour she stood up and in a slightly depressed mood headed back towards the guild. Upon arrival she luckily didn't encounter anyone who had seen her earlier actions. She proceeded to a counter labeled for new adventurers and information. As she approached the girl behind the counter noticed her. With a professional smile she introduced herself as Rose Fannet a employee of the Orario branch of the guild and asked what business yuri had. Yuri's mood had gotten slightly better at this time so she was able to tell Rose that she wanted to register at the guild and needed to get a identification card. After this process was completed and Rose handed over her new identification card she asked if there was anything else she could help her with today?

Hearing the question yuri realized she needed to find a famillia to join so she asked if there was any recruiting. Hearing this Rose pulled a book from below the desk opened it and started looking through pages. After a few minutes she turned her gaze back to yuri and told her. There are currently five famillia looking for members but as she is new two of them would most likely turn her away. Those being the Fraya famillia and Loki famillia. Due to them both having strict level standards of requiring them to at least be level two or have rare or powerful abilities. The others were the other famillia looking are the Soma, Hephaestus, and Ishtar famillia. Knowing from reading the manga in her previous life she shut down any thoughts of the Soma and Ishtar famillia due to the darkness surrounding Ishtar and blatant corruption of the Soma. So reluctantly after her initial meeting she asked to set up a meeting with the patron of the Hephaestus famillia. After getting confirmation that a meeting could be set for the following afternoon Yuri then asked if there was a place nearby that she could stay. Rose proceeded to tell yuri about inns nearby but was interrupted when with a blush caused by embarrassment told her she had no money.

Stopping for a second Rose asked yuri to wait a second and disappeared into the back of the guild a few minutes went by when she returned with a smile. Rose then proceeded to let yuri know that while not a normal occurrence her higher up has given her permission to let yuri stay one night in one of the empty rooms in the guild dorms. The downside is she would have to wait until Rose's shift ends in three hours before she could take her. Hearing this yuri thanked her and asked if there was a place out of the way she could sit while waiting. After having a bench towards the front of the guild pointed out to her she went and sat down to wait. Shortly after sitting down and before she even noticed yuri fell asleep wit her head against the wall.

don’t diss me just because I love the look of Hephaestus if I got transmigrated I would try to win Hephaestus’s favor or die in the process no but really I love her cold yet caring personality and to me she is easily in the top four or five best danmachi characters

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