
Jesuit tricks (III)

Moff Felix Ferrus of the Morshdain Sector sat in his office, meticulously examining the inventory of captured assets from Grand Admiral Thrawn's recent raid on rebel bases in the Dufilvian Sector. The list was extensive: small and heavy weapons, thermal detonators, grenade launchers, munitions, provisions, light vehicles like swoops and airspeeders, grav-bikes, and an overwhelming supply of medical supplies. Computer equipment and droids were also among the spoils.


However, much of what had been seized seemed less than useful—assorted debris, light armor from fallen enemies, and other odds and ends. The stormtroopers appeared to have taken everything they could lay their hands on, even stripping the corpses of the enemy. The thoroughness was unsettling, almost as if scavengers had ransacked the dead. War trophies were one thing, but armor looted from corpses?


After a moment's thought, Ferrus moved the "dead property" items to the "to be sold" column. The black market would undoubtedly have buyers for such oddities. Clone armor from the Grand Army of the Republic era was still in high demand, especially when it had seen battle. Modern stormtrooper plastoid armor would find a buyer, too—these "treasures" had value.


A soft beep interrupted his musings, signaling someone at the door. The stormtrooper stationed by the panel silently unlocked it and then announced the visitor.


"Chief Engineer Nick Reyes reporting, sir."


"Let him in," Ferrus responded, setting aside the documents. They could wait; the conversation with Reyes was more pressing. Moreover, Grand Admiral Thrawn was expected at any moment. His assistant had arranged an audience to discuss Tangren's security, and Ferrus suspected that Thrawn was already aware of Reyes's presence before he himself was.


"Come in," Ferrus said, waving Reyes inside. The two had known each other long before Felix was appointed Moff of the sector, allowing for a more informal rapport when in private. "Care for some caf?"


"Something stronger might be better," Reyes grumbled as he settled into the offered chair. His face, marked with a scarlet eyepiece from his cybernetic eye, had a serious, almost haughty expression as he gazed at the Moff. Felix spread his arms with a smile. "Don't tell me you're out again."

** Chief Engineer Nick Reyes, Type II Orbital Repair Yard **

"The Grand Admiral is due in fifteen minutes," Felix reminded him. "I'd rather he not find out I have Alderaanian liquor stashed away."


"Decided to hear the frigate modernization report yourself?" Reyes asked, raising an eyebrow. The armor plate above his real, right eye shifted questioningly, and the metal fingers of his prosthetic right hand clicked together with a harsh grinding sound.


"Do you think the Moff and the Supreme Commander of the Empire have nothing better to discuss than your durasteel rivets?" Felix smirked.


"Right, of course," Reyes scoffed. "You warriors—all about the fighting. Never mind that we've got nothing to repair your 'ingenious strategic victories' with. The warehouses are running dry, and equipment and resources are nearly gone. But you just want more guns, more torpedo tubes!"


"Careful not to say that in front of Thrawn," Ferrus warned, scowling. "They say he made an ISB colonel do push-ups right on the bridge for saying something unflattering in front of the crew."


"At least there's some justice," Nick quipped, flexing his prosthetic fingers. "I may have graduated from the Academy before you, but I haven't lost my edge."


"I believe it," Ferrus grinned. "Now, what do you have for me?"


"A detailed report on the Star Destroyer repairs," Nick handed over his datapad. "If we focus solely on them, we can get them operational much faster. Then we can move on to the frigates, corvettes, and smaller vessels."


"Hmm," Felix scanned the report. "I see you've also worked on the escorts?"


"I used the design schematics from Kuat Shipyards as a basis," Reyes explained. "Nothing too complicated, but it will take time and resources."


"We're short on both," the Moff mused. "But at least we've got something to work with. Let's hope the Grand Admiral is satisfied, especially given the tight timeframe you've had."


They discussed the details for several minutes, focusing on key points, until the door panel slid open again.


The first to enter was a stocky gray creature, one of the Grand Admiral's bodyguards. Like a silent shadow, it took up a position in the office, indifferent to the opinions of those present.


Grand Admiral Thrawn followed. Clad in his pristine white uniform, boots polished to a mirror sheen, the blue-skinned humanoid exuded calm confidence. After greeting the room, he took a seat, declining Felix's offer to sit at the head of the table.


"This is your office, Moff Ferrus," Thrawn said calmly. "Let's not waste time. We have little of it."


"Nick Reyes," Ferrus introduced his friend. "Chief Engineer of the Orbital Shipyard."


"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Reyes," Thrawn replied just as simply. Reyes was taken aback by the casual tone. It was unusual to hear such an informal exchange between naval and "technical personnel"—shipyard workers were typically treated with disdain by the starship crews of the Imperial Navy. But there was no arrogance or sense of superiority here.


Apparently, the rumors about Thrawn being "not your typical Imperial" were true. Though Felix had assumed this referred mainly to the Grand Admiral's appearance and non-human origin. In the Empire, non-humans were more than disliked—they were despised. Those who didn't share this prejudice often found their careers stalled in some "honorary" high-ranking post in the Empire's outskirts, like the Morshdain sector.


"Likewise, sir," Reyes responded, still a bit surprised.


"I wanted to ask about the progress on my starships' repairs," Thrawn inquired. "I've been informed that they will be ready to return to active duty within one to four weeks. That's too long."


"I understand, sir," Reyes admitted. "However, our primary constraint is the availability of parts and supplies in the Tangren warehouses, along with shipments from Bilbringi."


"A convoy of five Star Galleons, escorted by three Tartan-class patrol cruisers, left for Bilbringi yesterday," Ferrus added. "We expect their return in about two weeks with a full stock of spare parts for all the ships."


"And in that case, we'll need another week, two at most, to have all the ships you brought to Tangren fully repaired and upgraded," Reyes concluded.


"So, you currently have enough equipment and parts in stock for the Star Destroyers?" Thrawn asked.


"Yes, sir," Ferrus confirmed.


"As per warship repair protocols, we conduct simultaneous repairs on all ships that need it," Reyes explained, aware that naval officers often lacked "technical literacy." "That's why the spare parts are distributed among all the ships."


"Unfortunately, we cannot afford to delay repairs," Thrawn stated. "Focus on the Star Destroyers first."


"Understood, sir," Reyes immediately pulled out a datapad from his pocket. He began typing out a message but paused, looking up at the Supreme Commander. "Sir, may I go ahead and update the previous orders? Otherwise, by the end of this conversation, my team will have to retrieve some of the spare parts from the escort frigates."


"Permission granted, Chief Engineer," Thrawn replied, his attention already shifting away from Reyes, who was engrossed in his work. "Moff Ferrus, while we have a moment, I'd like to discuss the starships you can use to defend Tangren and the entire sector."


Felix almost choked in surprise. Was it that simple? Would he really be granted starships? At least a couple of Star Destroyers?


"I'm relocating my fleet base to Tangren," Thrawn announced, catching him off guard. "Soon, all the ships under my command will be stationed here. You'll have at your disposal a Mark I-class strike frigate, a Carrack-class light cruiser, two Strike-class medium cruisers, and one Immobilizer 418-class interdictor cruiser," Thrawn continued. "And the Star Destroyers?" Felix asked hopefully. "One Tartan-class patrol cruiser for each of the sector's systems is at your disposal for patrols. Escort frigates of the Nebulon-B type are also yours to protect our convoys. You'll also have command over most of my Star Galleons. If necessary, I'll requisition ships from you for specific missions."


"Understood, sir," the Moff replied slowly. "So, you're taking the Crusader from me?"


Even one "Victory I" would be enough to properly defend the system. And this fleet that Thrawn offered… well, it was better than nothing.


"I've already taken it," Thrawn replied evenly. "But don't worry. An orbital defense station of the Golan II type will soon be delivered to Tangren's orbit."


"Sir?" Felix blinked in confusion. "As far as I know, the Imperial Ruling Council isn't keen on relocating those stations from the defense of Bilbringi or any other systems…"


"This station was captured by us in the Crondre system," Thrawn explained calmly. "It's been retrofitted with a hyperdrive, navigation computer, and propulsion engines from an enemy ship. According to the station crew, it should arrive in a few weeks."


Reyes, catching the intriguing detail, looked at Thrawn with renewed interest.


"Sir, may I clarify?" Reyes asked. "Did you equip an orbital defense station with a hyperdrive?"


"Yes," Thrawn confirmed. "Given the station's battle damage, it will likely lose some spare parts during the jump."


The Moff and the chief engineer exchanged glances, both incredulous. An orbital station traveling through hyperspace? Was that even possible? Kuat Shipyards had spent billions trying to perfect the hyperdrive technology for their orbital repair stations, and yet here, someone had simply attached an engine from some random ship?


"Sir, if you don't mind, my team and I would like to inspect the station after it... arrives," Reyes said, his voice strained. It seemed as though his left eye, the one with the cybernetic prosthesis, was beginning to twitch.


"I don't mind," Thrawn replied smoothly. "In fact, I insist. You'll need to study the makeshift modifications we've implemented and then repair the station to ensure it can continue to traverse hyperspace."


"I'll do my best, sir," the engineer responded, his tone uncertain. Thrawn was essentially offering him the opportunity to uncover secrets that Kuat Shipyards had spent centuries perfecting. It was as if he was being handed a challenge that could rival even the most guarded mysteries of the galaxy.


Felix couldn't help but think that Thrawn's earlier orders—creating a privateering force, establishing a prize court, and selling captured goods on the black market—were nothing compared to what might come next.


"As for you, Mr. Reyes," Thrawn continued, "a group of medium-sized freighters is currently undergoing repairs at the Bilbringi shipyards. They will be arriving here with working prototypes of cloaking devices." Reyes blinked in disbelief, and the Moff shared his concern. Cloaking devices were rare and highly classified technology, far more complex than something one could acquire in a back alley. "The convoy returning from Bilbringi will also bring a team of technicians familiar with this technology, as well as the necessary equipment, spare parts, and resources essential for the next phase of my plan. Captain Pellaeon, the commander of my flagship, will provide you with basic technical diagrams and operational descriptions of the cloaking devices."


Now, even Reyes' other eye was twitching.


What else could Thrawn possibly have up his sleeve? A couple of brand new Super Star Destroyers? The Death Star? The elusive "Katana Fleet"? "Sa Nalaor"? An army of clones? A lost fleet of Star Destroyers? Could it be the resurrection of the Emperor himself?


"I understand, sir," Reyes replied, trying to regain his composure. "So, I assume the asteroids your ships unloaded near my shipyards are part of this plan as well?"


"Indeed," Thrawn confirmed. "Once the necessary supply of hybridium arrives from Garos IV, you are to begin installing cloaking systems on the asteroids."


"On all of them?" Reyes asked, startled.


"Yes," Thrawn said simply.


"But, sir, there are one hundred and thirty-seven of them! And each one is the size of a fighter!" Reyes exclaimed.


"Not all of them are that large," Thrawn pointed out. "Many are smaller, about the size of a speeder. But that's irrelevant at this point."


"Grand Admiral, sir," Felix interjected cautiously, "if I understand the costs of such a project correctly, it could require upwards of one and a half to two hundred million credits!"


"That's correct, Moff Ferrus," Thrawn replied calmly. "Financing is my concern. Your task is simply to execute your orders."


"With all due respect, sir," Reyes said, shaking his head, "I have just over four thousand engineers and technicians under my command. We can't possibly repair ships and construct camouflage fields on asteroids simultaneously."


"I will provide additional personnel," Thrawn assured him, showing the first hint of something resembling emotion. "Furthermore, several freighters will also need to be equipped with cloaking fields—specifically their cargo holds—along with three medium cruisers of the Strike-class, a Golan II defense platform, and an orbital repair shipyard. I'll send you further instructions as needed."


"Sir," Felix began hesitantly, "the Imperial Ruling Council will have my head for this..."


"They don't need to know, Moff Ferrus," Thrawn remarked coolly. "In fact, it would be best if they didn't. I will speak with them soon and secure the necessary funding for our fleet's operations."


"With all due respect, sir," the Moff grimaced, "you might not fully understand these bureaucrats. I've been requesting a planetary ion cannon for over a year, and all I've received are excuses..."


"That's because you're not a Grand Admiral," Thrawn noted calmly. When Felix opened his mouth to respond, Thrawn added, "And unfortunately, Moff, I can't provide you with a planetary ion cannon either—I need it for... other purposes." Felix couldn't help but notice how carefully Thrawn avoided explaining why he couldn't share the captured V-150 "Planetary Defender" ion cannon. Well, so be it.


"In due time, my ships will deliver mining equipment, metals, and volatile rhydonium fuel to the shipyard," Thrawn continued, locking eyes with the chief engineer. "The refined ore will be crucial for timely ship repairs, Mr. Reyes."


"And what about the mining equipment?" Felix thought wearily. "Are we expected to start digging for resources as well?" It seemed he had overestimated Thrawn's intentions. The Grand Admiral appeared to be trying to create a self-sustaining fleet base within a single sector... not that the Moff was entirely against the idea, but it would require billions! Starting from scratch was no small feat...


"With all due respect, sir, rhydonium is a highly unstable fuel source," Reyes pointed out. "We would need to extensively modify our engines to operate safely on it."


"I'm well aware of rhydonium's properties," Thrawn replied. "No engine modifications will be necessary. You only need to ensure that the plasma drills—what you refer to as 'diggers'—can run on this fuel. A single, perhaps two, bursts to reach the target quickly."


Felix was beginning to lose track of the conversation. Rhydonium, "diggers"... Was Thrawn planning to replace starfighters with plasma kamikaze drills?


"Grand Admiral," Felix ventured, "Prince Admiral Delac Crennel has agreed to supply us with fighters, interceptors, and bombers to replace our losses. But..." The Moff hesitated. "The price..."


"Of course, the Ciutric Hegemony seeks to profit from its allies," Thrawn remarked with a rare grin. "And what is Prince Admiral's asking price for these ships?"


"Seventy thousand credits per TIE fighter, ninety thousand for a TIE interceptor, and one hundred and ten thousand for a TIE bomber," Felix said quietly, aware that delivering bad news could easily lead to a superior's ire.


"Those prices are indeed steep," Thrawn mused, stroking his chin. "Certainly higher than during the height of the Empire."


"Most of the factories producing TIE-series fighters have been either destroyed or captured by the enemy," Reyes explained. "Considering the specialized production lines and the vast array of resources required—from dual ion engines to transparisteel for cockpits—a modest price increase is somewhat justified."


"But not when we are the only ones actively fighting our common enemy," Thrawn countered. "While our so-called allies sit behind my forces, it is more than insulting."


"I understand, Grand Admiral," Reyes said, spreading his hands in resignation. "But unfortunately, there's little we can do about the situation. The Ciutric Hegemony is the only remaining Imperial state, aside from the Pentastar Alignment, capable of completing the full production cycle for TIE fighters—both space and ground-based. Even within Imperial Space, manufacturing capacity is limited, and production is slow. As far as I know, only Ord Trasi and Bilbringi are still producing all three types of TIEs we need, but at a snail's pace."


"This needs to change," Thrawn said, his gaze piercing through Reyes. "We cannot afford to spend exorbitant sums on ships that could be lost in battle. Your shipyard is capable of constructing starships. Is it really that difficult to set up a production line for fighters, bombers, and interceptors?"


"Without understanding the full technological process, it's nearly impossible," Reyes replied. "We could attempt reverse engineering to fill in the gaps, but..."


"You need time and money?" Thrawn interjected.


"And a few surplus samples of fighters, interceptors, and bombers," Reyes nodded. "I'm confident in my team's abilities, but it's important to note that we specialize in assembling ships from prefabricated modules provided by manufacturers. We can repair, upgrade, and maintain them, but creating a production line from scratch is a colossal undertaking. It could take months, if not longer, to study the process thoroughly... And even then, I can't guarantee success."


"Moff Ferrus," Thrawn turned his attention to the governor of the Morshdain sector, "what is the current strength of the air wing based at Tangren under Ubiqtorate command?"


"Fourteen squadrons, sir," Felix responded without hesitation. "Now down to two."


"And we've also sustained losses across all types of small craft on our Star Destroyers," Thrawn continued. "Additionally, some of our captured starships should be able to carry an air wing—such as the escort frigates or Corellian corvettes and gunships. It will require significant resources to replenish our starfighter losses."


"Then we have a problem," Reyes said gravely. "Either we reverse engineer and establish our own makeshift production facilities, or we continue purchasing units to assemble on-site."


"Why not," Thrawn mused, "consider a third option?"


But the Grand Admiral offered no further explanation.


"Mr. Reyes," Thrawn said, turning back to the chief engineer. "Although the deadline hasn't passed yet, how is the work progressing on the captured escort frigates?"


"Actually," Reyes replied, taking a data pad from the Moff and handing it to Thrawn, "considering our current material and repair capabilities, I recommend using the modernization options that Sienar Shipyards developed for the Nebulon frigates a year before the Battle of Endor."


Thrawn studied the images in the files with keen interest.

** Imperial Mk-I version of the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate **

"In the first option, by reducing the hangar space, cutting down the number of transport shuttles to just two, and minimizing the air wing to a single squadron, the weaponry of the escort frigate can be doubled," the chief engineer explained. "Effectively, it transforms into a light cruiser. The entire hull is reinforced with additional armor, increasing its durability in direct combat. Despite some changes to the internal layout and a reduction in cargo capacity, the speed remains consistent. This variant is designated as the Mk-I."


"So, it essentially becomes an artillery-focused vessel with minimal fighter support?" the Grand Admiral inquired.


"The manufacturer intended these starships to operate within a fleet formation," the Moff added. "Thus, the lack of a significant air wing is compensated by enhanced weaponry and the support from the fighter wings of other ships in the formation. And, I almost forgot—there's an optional feature to install up to four proton torpedo or concussion missile launchers in the forward section. Although each launcher only holds three rounds, this could serve as a very unpleasant surprise for the enemy."


"Now, let's hear about the Mk-II variant," the Grand Admiral requested.

** Imperial Mk-II Version of the EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate **

"This concept is quite the opposite," Nick noted. "The armament remains the same—twelve turbolasers, twelve laser cannons, and tractor beams. However, by repurposing the cargo bay, adding external mounts, and limiting the hangar to just the air wing and a pair of cargo shuttles, this ship can be outfitted with additional armor and accommodate not twenty-four, but forty-eight fighters or interceptors! Three squadrons are housed in the main hangar, four additional fighters are stowed in the forward cargo bay, and another eight are mounted on external racks between the stern and bow sections. The speed and maneuverability of the ship are maintained as well. However, unlike its predecessor, the Mk-II cannot transport passengers or troops—it's purely an escort vessel, and engaging in boarding actions would be highly risky."


"So, it's either a makeshift cruiser or a makeshift aircraft carrier," Thrawn concluded.


"Regrettably, that's the case, sir," the chief engineer admitted. "This is precisely why the ship wasn't widely favored in the battle fleet—even assigning it to escort duties in its original configuration was... unsettling. But the rebels have managed to convert them into something akin to battleships, effectively countering our starships."


"Understood," Thrawn acknowledged. "We have two escort frigates. Modify one to the Mk-I and the other to the Mk-II configuration; we'll test them in battle. There's no reason to settle on just one variant. These ships need to protect convoys and high-value targets, but we lack the fighters to focus solely on the second modification. The first variant is more suited for direct combat or raiding. However, we also have a sufficient number of battleships. What's the cost of these upgrades?"


"Considering that we have a stockpile of armor and weapons—though we can manufacture the former ourselves, we'll need to either purchase or wait for the latter..." the chief engineer began to calculate in his mind.


"Let's consider the option of purchasing the necessary equipment and armaments," Thrawn suggested.


"In that case, the conversion cost is half a million credits per ship," Reyes estimated. "That's just for materials. You understand—workers are paid a salary, so labor costs are a separate budget item."


"Very well, the funds will be allocated," the Grand Admiral confirmed. "If necessary, you may dismantle the captured rebel strike frigate for spare parts to save costs, but on the condition that it retains its ability to move and jump into hyperspace."


Looking at the Moff, to whom this ship had already been promised, the Grand Admiral added:


"If this occurs, I will assign another Strike-class medium cruiser to your command."


"Thank you, sir," Ferrus replied, visibly relieved.


"Mr. Reyes," the Grand Admiral addressed the chief engineer again. "I would like you to consider modifications to the hangar design of our Star Destroyers—or perhaps even to the starships themselves."


"What needs to be done?" Nick asked, intrigued.


"Given the inadequate protection of our ships against enemy starfighters, I ask you to consider three concepts. The first is to install additional mounts in the hangar to transport a vessel comparable in size to a Corellian DP20 gunship or a CR90 corvette during flight."


Noticing Thrawn pause for emphasis, the chief engineer responded:


"Sir, Imperial I-class Star Destroyers have mediocre but sufficient laser cannon coverage. However, the Imperial II-class relies heavily on its air wing... Hmm... Considering the hangar size and the dimensions of the ships you've proposed... Sir, a few standard docking clamps for external attachment should suffice to accommodate any of these vessels."


"The second option is to expand the hangar by incorporating additional internal space to accommodate more squadrons," Thrawn proposed.


Nick took a moment to consider this.


After a few seconds of thought, he said:


"Sir, I'm not prepared to give a definitive answer right now—we need to assess the technical design of the entire ship before making any significant decisions."


"The third option," Thrawn continued, "is to increase the number of laser defense systems or to install them, particularly on the Imperial II-class. I'd also like to see the option of reinstating three built-in medium turbolasers in an elevated configuration, as found on the Imperial I-class. It's inefficient to divert heavy artillery to deal with medium ships like frigates or corvettes."


"This would also allow us to visually disguise an Imperial II-class as an Imperial I-class," the chief engineer noted, narrowing his only real eye. "Given the difference in the number of heavy turbolasers between these ships... Yes, this could indeed deliver a fatal surprise to any enemy capital ship."


"And finally," Thrawn said, signaling the end of the discussion, "evaluate the possibility of installing power generators and deflector shield projectors beneath the armor, as the rebels did on their MC30 frigates."


"Sir," the chief engineer winced as though in pain, but he did his best to remain composed. "The MC30s are rare, and the rebels have already decommissioned most of them. Their power generators wouldn't be able to support our shields."


"But they can help the shields regenerate even under enemy fire," the Grand Admiral countered. "Trust me, chief engineer—we've engaged those ships in battle. Despite their flaws, if they had thicker armor and more guns, many of our starships wouldn't have made it back to base."


A tense silence followed.


"Yes, sir," Reyes responded, his tone now formal. "My team and I will do everything possible to enhance our ships."


"That settles it," Thrawn said in the same calm tone. "You have a lot of work ahead of you. Focus on the tasks at hand. I won't keep you any longer. Rukh!"


The gray-skinned bodyguard, whose presence had long been forgotten, swiftly crossed the room to the door, positioning himself next to the Grand Admiral.


Once the door closed behind them, the Moff and the chief engineer, who had stood at attention as expected during the departure of the Empire's thirteenth Grand Admiral, finally allowed themselves to relax.


"You know," Nick Reyes said thoughtfully, glancing at the Moff, "I have a feeling that soon we'll look back on the days when the Ubiqtorate ran things on Tangren with a sense of nostalgia..."


"I have no doubt," Felix agreed with a grin. Unable to resist, the Moff quipped:


"Ubiqtorate, come back—we miss you!"

Next chapter