
meeting Mia

An: a little announcement, if you decide to take time out of your day to criticize someone's work, while offering nothing else, you will be blocked.

Im so over the negativity on this website. If you don't like the fic I have an incredible secret to share, don't read it.

I mean really. taking time out of your day to say half the shit you said over a screen to someone's face would get your teeth knocked out. Unfortunately I can't do that over WebNovel. So I will block you. And then you won't have an option to read or not read my fic.

Think before you speak or Type.

Enjoy the chapter



Alice and I got along quite well. Not a surprising development as in the series she was shown as hands down the nicest cullen aside from esme.

We talked about everything under the sun. The title 'pixie' definitely fit her to the Letter. I even forgot about all the heartbeats and unwashed teenage asses around me.

"So stiles," Alice began, "what do you do?"

At my confused face she clarifies her statement, "for fun. What do you do for fun?"

Fun? A strange word. One I haven't had since I arrived in this world. Aside from being a vampire. That was fun. But it's not like I could tell her that.

Quickly I go through the memories of this body and find he enjoyed playing instruments and even dabbled in singing. I chose to go with that.

"I'm actually quite the piano player." I said keeping the singing away incase the pixie comes up with crazy ideas.

"Oh that's wonderful, my sister can play the violin really well. Do you have the music class?"

I honestly didn't remember. Pulling out the schedule I was given 30ish minutes ago, I read the names of the courses I would take my junior year.






American history


I smile seeing the music class and turn my attention back to the pixie I'm sure already read my schedule when I pulled it out.

"Yes. It's my last class of the day."

The smile she gave me could've stopped wars, "oh perfect! My sister is in that period as well."

I nod along and ask not remembering Rosalie being into music, "and what is your sisters name?"

Her smile turned to a smirk before she said the name that would stick with me all day, "Mia."


Every other class was boring. Super boring. So boring I faded out through it all, only for my watch to inform me when we had 5 minutes left for me to finish the work.

Many people tried to talk to me, mostly girls. But truthfully? I feel weird being hit on by 15-17 year old girls. I was 21 before I died in my last life, and I'm not keen on having the inter-reality FBI on my doorstep, upgraded original or not.

Making my way into PE I see Emmett cullen sitting on the bleachers.

I decide to stay away from the big guy.

While I don't dislike him Per se, I'm a quiet being by nature, and from what I know of him he's not at all like that.

I won't begrudge him for being himself, but I'll also keep my distance. While he would be cool to be around, the last thing I need is more whispers about me than I've already garnered thus far.

The bell rings and the coach informs us all well be playing basketball and volleyball. I groan, while I was decent at basketball in my last life, I wasn't anything special. Stopped playing after 9th grade so I could drink and smoke weed without fear of a drug test.

I follow all the other teenage boys into the stinkiest room I've ever brought my nostrils into, a highschool boys locker room.

Deciding I don't want to show off, I make my way to a corner behind the lockers to keep myself hidden.

Only for that plan to go to shit the moment my shirt was removed.

"Damn man, how the hell did you get so cut up? I'm Emmett by the way," A voice I recognized called to me. Emmett.

I turn around to see his own bodybuilder figure as he slips on the school gym shorts and goes to grab his white t shirt.

I raise an eyebrow at him before speaking, "you're one to talk. Look at you. You could drop out right now and go compete in the strongmen competition. And my name is stiles nice to meet you."

That was both a truth and a slight dig at his vampiric nature. One he didn't seem to notice as he smiled and clapped my back in a way I assume would be harmful to a human. I however, didn't even move.

That caught his attention. He was looking at me differently as I decided to not let anyone else see me, slipping my shirt on.

I give him a wave and a confident smirk, "see you out there big guy."



As I watch stiles O'Brien leave, my face becomes serious.

I'd honestly made a mistake in slapping him on the back so hard. But what shocked me was his non reaction to it.

Hell, the kid didn't even budge aside from the initial shock on the shoulder.

I quickly pull out my phone and text my family, 'we need to talk'

Making my way out into the gym I see people lined up ready to shoot for team captains. I'm not worried. I'll be a captain.

I see stiles get the ball, and from 3 feet behind the 3 point line he hit nothing but net.

Being the first one to do so he calmly walked to the sidelines, awaiting his fellow captain.


The captains ended up being stiles and I. In truth i was just ready to see him play. No regular human could take a slap from me and be unaffected.

The only question now is, what is he....



Wow, being a vampire really does make things easy.

I pretty much dominated the game. Now we were tied 19-19. We needed one bucket to win.

I see the guy on the right wing lose the ball, and wouldn't you know it rolled toward the corner where I sat.

Making a quick shot fake had the teen guarding me in the air, to which i smoothly went baseline with my right hand. Preparing to use this new vampire strength to do something I've never done.

As I get a step outside the block and prepare to go up I see Emmett come across the lane to save the game. 'To late,' I think to him as my movement never stopped, jumping off both feet in my best MJ impersonation.

The sound of the rim being pulled along with the ball that smacked the floor hard had everyone looking towards our end of the court.

Hanging with one hand is me. And on the ground on his butt is Emmett.

Then the silence is broken by my teammates rushing up to hug me, cheering for not only our win but my incredible play.

I see out of the corner of my eyes the coach looking at me like a hawk looks at a mouse. Too bad for him though, I don't have any desire to play sports.

A curious glance at Emmett and I see how shocked he is. Getting out of the group of riled up teens, I offer him a hand up.

"Man you helped me get even higher. I doubt I would've been able to punch it home without you my human ladder." I make a joke causing Emmett to leave his mind and chuckle before congratulating me as well.


As I walk into the cafeteria, my vampire rages at me to be let out. With all students eating one lunch, it's overwhelming how many heart beats I hear.

Instead of going to Bella's table, I make my way to the corner. I can't even open my eyes as they're blood red at the moment.

When all sound stops, I breathe a sigh of relief. Though I can still hear their heartbeats, the other sounds being void help me focus on my own dead heart. thump, thump, thump.

My face had just become normal again, my eyes returning to a human color. I breathe out feeling the veins leave. I actually got it under contol. That all changes when I hear the door open and that smell from earlier washes into the room like a beautiful poison gas.

My eyes heat up again. But this time it doesn't seem content on going back in the box. This is dangerous. Not only for me but for everyone here.

As slowly and calmly as I can, I push myself up from the table and make my way outside to smoke. (AN: I don't want to hear anything about this. Yes he smokes. Yes he drinks. It's life. He's also an immortal being, so 21+ laws don't apply imo)

I pull the Marlboro red out of the pack and begin to try to focus on only the in and out draw of the cigarette.

Eventually after 5 cigs I get it under control, only for the bell to ring.


American history was so easy it was laughable. As I make my way to the last class of the day I give myself a pat on the back, for I controlled my monster and didn't turn to blood to reel it back in. Granted I used a cigarette, but that's neither here nor there.

I walk into the auditorium which is much nicer than I expected from a school like FHS.

That's when the cinnamon smell hits me like a blow to the face. The teacher speaks to me. "Hello, you must be mr. O'Brien. Please take a seat an observe today. By the end of the week I expect a 30 second musical piece. Whether that be singing or playing matters not to me."

I nod along with my eyes closed not really caring about what she's saying. For I know now what smell I'm smelling is.

I peek my head around, careful to avoid showing my eyes off as I sit down and see the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, Mia Cullen.


AN: that's what I got so far. Will do a Mia pov next chapter. As well as the talk between the cullens on the new boy at school.

Hope you enjoyed. Probably the last chapter tonight. See you all later

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