
Another Discovery (1)

When Alex witnessed the death of one of his colleagues, it wasn't fear that froze him nor was it guilt at failing to save him but the feeling of helplessness that overwhelmed him.

As a hunter in training to be the best version of himself, he had seen blood and gore several times over and while they were computer-generated, to him, it was all real.

But when the entity killed that student, it wasn't a student he saw, but his own helplessness at failing to stop the entity.

What if it had been one of his friends, his family? Would he have failed the way he just did? The thought made him shudder in cold dread.

And in that moment, everything turned silent as if nothing existed within his senses. Everything felt small and meaningless as he reconsidered why he was doing what he was doing.

Was he going to fall here or was he going to rise above the ashes and come out on top? He didn't know the answer and he didn't wish to leave it to luck either.

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