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The rest of the week quickly went by, and it was now time for the one-week-long break before the first-years' competition. The students were all preparing to return home. Some already lived on Mars while others had to make a trip back to Earth.

Julia had to remain on Mars as the planet was where her home was. She was saddened about the separation but did not make it obvious to Alex and Ross.

She went with them to the interplanetary teleportation hub where she bid farewell to Alex and Ross, making them promise to keep in touch every day.


 Alex was met at the teleportation by his family. His father, mother and older sister. But his younger brother was missing. When he asked about him, he was told he was in school.

"Colour me impressed, brother. You look so different, not to mention the air around you. I bet the girls are all over you." Olivia teased as they made their way to the station.

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