

"So, what are we gonna do on tomorrow?

"Huh? What's tomorrow?"

"Duh, Valentine's Day?"

"Oh, shit… my girlfriend's gonna kill me."

As they entered the cafeteria, decorations of pink and red welcomed the students.

"Hey, Channie! We can go to that convention. I bet there's a lot of freebies!"

"Oh, I can't, Hana. I think there's a fan meet with Stray Kids that day…"

"How about we go around the park, Yeji-sunbae?"

"Nah…too crowded… You know how I hate people, Taeju…"

"Seriously, I just want someone to give me chocolates, augh…"

The conversations went on nonstop. All the students were huddled at the cafeteria, planning on what to do tomorrow. Wooyoung could hear all of their conversations, stabbing him for how many times.

"Oppa, where do we go?"

"Well… I reserved a room…"


Wooyoung look up and he was right.


The man who was supposed to pass by, looked at him, yet rolled his eyes. He kept on the conversation with the girl beside him, raising his voice so that Wooyoung could hear. It was expected, as they were sunbae and hoobae, and they will cross paths more than once. However, Yeonjun was a bit petty and kept on saying things for his ex-lover to hear.

He prepared a room… Wooyoung thought. That was our plan months ago…


Wooyoung grabbed him by the shoulder, but the latter pushed him. He lost his balance and the students were beginning to whisper.

"What do you want, freak?"


"You already made a commotion weeks ago. Remember this?"

Yeonjun showed his almost bruised black eye to him, "My face hasn't healed properly yet because of that punch!"

"I just…wanted to talk to you privately…"

The girl just looked disgusted. She embraced Yeonjun, and the man was surprised.

"After what you did to my jagiya? Do you think I will permit him to be alone with you?"

Jagiya… Wooyoung held on, trying not to cry.

"No, I just… I just wanted to ask about the money he asked-"

"Oi," Yeonjun lowered his voice. It quivered a bit, as he was startled, "Isn't it obvious? I used that money for V-Day with her. I did tell you that I'm gonna pay it, right?"

He then approached Wooyoung and whispered in his ear.

"Oi, asshole. Make a drama out of it right now, and I will make you miserable. You do know that I want a real hole than the one on your back."

Yeonjun then backed away, but smiled, "Don't worry, I'm gonna pay for it. It slipped my mind."

He then wrapped his arm over the girl's shoulder, "Thank you, Wooyoung. Don't worry, I will pay it back! Come on, jagiya, do you want some takoyaki?"

Wooyoung froze. That money was supposed for the two of them on Valentine's Day. He didn't agree on Yeonjun borrowing it, but he insisted to book a room for the two of them. It was supposed to be Yeonjun and him.

The crazy part of it was that Yeonjun's promise was still clear on his head.

"I will pay it by giving you what you want on that day, Wooyoung. No rubber, 'cause you're mine and I'm yours…"

If it weren't for Yeonjun, Wooyoung would still carry on going to school. Yet, another problem rose.

Choi San…

It's been three days, and it was all over his face. Wooyoung would chance upon him at the hallways, but San, as soon as he sees him, avoided him at all cost. Wooyoung tried to do have unnecessary conversations with his other professors, just to idle outside the faculty room, so he could get a glimpse of him. For three days, he tried to talk to him, but he was definitely avoiding him.

It was Thursday.

"Good, he won't avoid me," Wooyoung settled down on his seat. He looked around and some of the students were still whispering on what went down on the cafeteria earlier.

Wooyoung just ignored them all. He knew there was gonna be a talk about it, but he didn't really mind. He had a much more important thing to do.

"Good afternoon, class."

"Good afternoon, Professor Choi!"

"Ah, Nina-shii, please take care of this and distribute it to your classmates."

Wooyoung was surprised and disappointed.

He is avoiding me…and it's my fault.



Around last Saturday evening, Wooyoung was still trying to call San's number, but it was blocked.

"Dammit…" He threw his phone on the bed and slapped his face. He reread the note that San left.

Jung Wooyoung…

I don't know how to begin this, but I'll just keep this short and simple.

I love you.

I had fallen for you ever since that day with the hibiscus flowers that you so admire. If this gives you the creeps then I would gladly surrender and just admit defeat. Even so, I just want you to understand that this situation that we have is forbidden. You are my student. It's normal to have feelings, be infatuated, and the like.

Yet when I saw you crying, when I saw how down you were, how it seemed that you are holding on for your dear life when that man broke your heart, I could not help but feel vengeful for your sake. I just want you to understand that I really love you, and I developed feelings that I could not have before. When I was in California, all I could think of is to go home and be with you sooner.

When you asked if you could accompany me to see my sister at the hospital, I was so relieved as I needed someone like you to be there for me. She was in a serious critical condition and she could have died.

Yet, this is true and honest, my heart broke more than I could ever imagined when you left me there. No matter how many times I called or text, you didn't respond. You didn't even left me on read. My heart broke once more when you arrived tonight. I saw how in pain you were. The alcohol must be doing the talking but you started comparing me with that man, Yeonjun. You called me a pervert, a stalker, and a user.

That is how I realized that, even if you do like me, even a hint of it, I can never replace that man, as your drunk state showed how big of a comparison we have. With that, I understand.

It's because of this that I admit defeat and I have to let you go. I love you so much, that I think it's better for you that I keep my distance and know my place.

Starting today, I will remind myself that you are just a student, nothing more, nothing less.

Thank you for the company that you shared with me.


"I'm fucked…"



The cool wind shivered on his back, as he made his way to the orchard and the gazebo. Wooyoung always found refuge on this place, and it seems that it was the only place he could go to arrange his thoughts.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and a Friday, he thought, man… I hope no one finds this place…

In his disappointment, someone had found the place. Wooyoung cursed silently as he approached the gazebo to take a look on who was sitting.

It was a man.

Yet, Wooyoung knows all too well whose backside it was.

San stood as he heard the leaves rustling. He looked and there was Wooyoung.

"Oh, I didn't know it was already 6. I'm gonna get going."

"I read your letter," Wooyoung said, rummaging his bag, "I read it, San."

San smiled weakly and let a very long breath exhale.

"The hibiscus over here is red," San showed it to Wooyoung, "It's beautiful. I hope I could just get this and replant it at home."

"San… I mean, Professor Choi… I want to talk to you."

"We are talking already," San said, still smiling weakly with tears on his eyes.

"No," Wooyoung slowly walked towards him, "I mean… Like talk about… it…"

"Mr. Jung," San inhaled and began sobbing, "I'm sorry if I assumed anything. I should have been more careful and more cautious with you. I should not have let this go on."

"Professor Choi…"

"You know," San then walked towards him, "I tried… I tried my hardest to suppress whatever this is, and fuck, I did. I really did. But whenever…shit… whenever I'm with you, at the restaurant, at the café, most especially here, with you, I… I just can't help but fall in love with you."

Wooyoung didn't say a word, but looked at the man who was at least inches from him. He looked at his eyes, which were sad, confused, but determined. He looked at his body, strongly built, but deep inside was soft-hearted. His voice was echoing still on his ears, overthrowing Yeonjun's sarcastic remarks earlier.

"Do you love me like the way I do, Jung Wooyoung?"

The younger man stood, and cleared his throat. He pursed his lips, and bowed his head.

"I see," San sighed and nodded, "I'm gonna go…"

When San was at the entrance, he was shocked by how Wooyoung grabbed him. On the other hand, his heart was pounding on his chest, asking to come out.

For that kiss Wooyoung gave him left him breathless and timeless, as if nothing was concerning his head.

Just Jung Wooyoung and his lips on his.

Next chapter