
Chapter 18

Fiona's pov

Sebastian entered the ward, his face all gloomy till he saw me. I need to talk to him now, and for some reason I was beginning to feel better.

"Hey, Seb" he turned to me and his face curled up into a little smile.

"Hey…..how are you doing?" He asked, sitting next to me.

"I'm fine…..Seb we need to talk" I spoke out, he sighed and looked out the window not ready for the topic.

"Fiona, I don't really care who the father is!" He said in a low voice.

"It's Ryan!"

"What!" I heard Sebastian and someone else yell together. I looked up at the direction of the other voice to see Ryan standing there.

"What are you doing here?" Sebastian was on his feet ready to attack him.

"This is my Pack, mind the way you speak to me" Ryan glared at him.

"This is a private ward...which you are not allowed into" Sebastian countered.

"Not when Fiona is carrying my child" Ryan smirked as Sebastian clenched his fist.

The back and forth gave me a mild headache, my vision blurred for a second and l let out a powerful growl which surprised all of us.

"Fiona….." Sebastian looked at me with curious eyes, "Are you okay?"

I opened my eyes as I rubbed my head to relieve the pain I felt and they both gasped in surprise. I turned to look at both of them, their faces drained of color.

"What….? Why are you both staring at me like that?"

"Fiona…..your…..eyes" Sebastian stammered, walking closer to me.

"What's wrong with my eyes?" I started to get scared.

"They are white!" Ryan dropped the bombshell.

"What!" I stood up quickly from the bed and rushed to the mirror placed on the wall. My eyes were pure white, no pupils, all white as snow.

I could still see but it was white and I was freaking out about it .

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" I screamed so loud that Leo and Stella rushed into the ward ready to attack an intruder.

"Your highness is everything fine?" Leo asked, as my breath tightened by the minute.

"I'm fine, please go." I ordered them, they bowed down and walked out. "Alpha Ryan, you too!"

"But!" He tried to challenge

"I will talk to you later, now is not the perfect time." It was silent for a while, then I heard footsteps and the ward hospital door shutting. I was backing the door, hiding the embarrassment of my eyes.

"Seb?" I called in a low voice.

"Yes…." He walked slowly to me, I could feel his presence behind me. His hands found my waist, as he drew me back. My back hit his firm chest and he brought down his head to my neck, he hugged me tightly.

"Do you think I'm a freak?" I asked him, afraid of his answer.

"No….. I also have a secret to share." He said but you have to face me for you to see it.

"What is that?"

"On the count of three you would turn towards me, okay?" He said


"One…..two...three." I turned to him slowly, not knowing what I was going to see. Our eyes met and my mouth dropped down in shock.

"Your eyes," I exclaimed. His eyes were dark as night. It was like a demon had possessed him.

"They are like mine but….."

"Dark...I know that" He closed his eyes and in the next few seconds his eyes were back to normal.

Still in surprise, "how did you do that?"

"It's simple. You have to concentrate and take charge. Close your eyes and take control...it's your body so you can command it" Sebastian walked me through the process and a few minutes of concentration and fighting an unknown presence in my mind, I finally gained control and my eyes returned to normal.

We walked back to the bed in the ward and he sat me down.

"What was that?" I asked him.

"Seems like you've unlocked your wolf" Sebastian gave me a toothy smile.


"Ya…..When mine came to me, I was just a child. I was playiny with my friends and all of a sudden my eyes were black as coal. My friends all ran away screaming, calling me a demon. I did not understand why but I ran so quickly to my parents for comfort. I have never seen my mom so shocked, my dad wouldn't let me come into the house since I was possessed. After pleading for a while I was locked in the basement"

I looked at him with sad eyes, knowing it hurt him to tell me about it.

"I don't know what it meant Fiona but I can tell you for sure, it is not a bad thing. Your wolf is starting to manifest and we should celebrate." He tried to shut down the former conversation.

"Ya I know, but what happened when you were kept in the basement"

He stood up from the bed, "lay down…" he commanded.

I laid down on the bed and he began to take off my bandage slowly. He ripped off the last layer and my wounds were almost healed. Our eyes stared at each other for a while.

He did not look surprised and he expected it but I was shocked.

I had a wolf

I had a wolf

These four words echoed loudly in my head. I couldn't believe it, even when it is happening to me and I'm experiencing it. I pinched myself to make sure I was not dreaming.

It wasn't a dream, my wolf was manifesting. My eyes filled up with tears and it dropped down slowly. I was so happy, the suffering and humiliation I had endured because of not having a wolf would stop.

The title of a useless omega would be wiped clean and I had a new slate. Sebastian looked at me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so happy for you, my love" he whispered into my ears as tears flowed down my cheeks.

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