
Faulty Divination.

"How did you guys happen to come up by the way?" Laura asked since their sudden appearance although thankful had puzzled her a little bit.

"It was this brat again." Ethan said, "He asked, what was her name? Hermione?" Loki nodded, "Yes, that girl to divine if you'd be alright in the fight one-on-one and once the result was negative he rushed upstairs with his team leader to help you out. Leaving Hermione to tell me and Dominic about it."

"Why didn't you divine about it yourself? You're a Mystery Pryer right, Sequence 8 too?" Laura said since she'd noticed the pendulum wrapped on his left hand.

"I didn't want to waste my spirituality in case we had to fight.", Loki said, making up an excuse even though it didn't make much sense.

But everyone just nodded their heads and moved on.

Mr. Prick was pronounced dead after they checked on him since he'd died during the fight between Laura and the demonic creature. In contrast, the souls of the villagers captured by the demon moved back to their bodies when it died.

No one had an answer as to why they had returned, but they chalked it up to their timely interruption interfering with the ritual that the Demon of Wishes was performing.

Especially when they saw what had happened to the people who had returned.

Most of those people were no longer alive.

Three had to be knocked out almost immediately because they couldn't stop shivering with fear while rambling nonsense, as if they'd seen and heard something beyond what they ever should have, while another one had to be immediately knocked out because he kept trying to kill everyone around him.

One thing common about all of them was their hollow eyes. They looked lost, separated and in pain all at once.

But no one could figure out why that was the case. So the people were taken away by Dominic for the Unspeakables to study later for more clues and if possible fix their mental state.

Hence the mission ended with a fatality of one.

The dog was purified by Laura who said she'd like to take it with her since it saved her life while Loki and all the other Hogwarts students went back to Hogsmeade so that they could return to the castle.

"I've heard what happened in your mission Miss Granger. Do you regret your choice now?" Professor McGonagall asked Hermione who was sitting on a chair opposite to her while Loki and Daphne flanked her.

"Although it was quite scary, no professor, I don't regret my choice. I hope to become someone as powerful as Miss Laura in the future and hope to help people like her!" Hermione said with full confidence.

McGonagall just shook her head and dismissed the trio.

"Do you think we should catalogue our missions? Write down a book about them and publish them at the end of the year like Lockhart did with his books?" Loki asked the two girls since if they wanted to they could write, illustrate and print the book all by themselves.

Hermione fumbled with her topaz pendulum chain while Daphne appeared to think for a moment before they nodded, "I think that'd be fine by me since I'd be able to earn money to learn more about rituals and charms. Loki told me the materials cost quite a bit."

And Daphne said, "It'd be good publicity for the Greengrass family, I have no objections."

"Good then. I'll run by a copy with the two of you as soon as I have it ready at the end of the year." Loki said as they split up from each other to go to their dorms while Loki went to the Black Lake since he felt like he needed a break after the hectic day he'd just been through.

Having an impromptu picnic on the banks of the black lake with food from the kitchens along with Bowtruckles, a Dragon, a Niffler and an owl, Loki relaxed until he was ready to go check on the real reason he'd revealed the ability of the ring of harvest.

Back in his room, Loki sealed it with a wall of spirituality to avoid being disturbed by anyone from outside as he performed the Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth ritual to enter the Sefirah Castle.

Once inside, Loki sat on his chair and pulled out the topaz pendulum as he let it hang freely over a statement he'd written on goat skin.

"What did Mr. Prick really wish for from the demon?"

Loki repeated the statement seven times as he slipped into sleep using cogitation.

In front of him appeared a fragmented scene with an old man Loki recognised as Mr. Prick holding a letter with instructions on it.


'Pour your spirituality into the paper you got along with this and keep it away safely.'

'Set up an altar as follows…'

'Say the following sentences.'


'I in my name, summon the demon of wishes.'

'I pray for you oh demon to fulfil my wish to make me the vessel of power.'

'I pray for you oh demon to fulfil my wish by the wish of my masters.'

'I pray for you oh demon to fulfil my wish no matter what.'


The scene broke away and Loki snapped out of his dream state with a thoughtful look.

'That ritual was headless and dangerous to perform.'

'Although it is directed at a singular entity, the demon of wishes, it does not specify how Mr. Prick should become stronger.'

'He just asked to become the vessel of power.'

'Which could mean anything from becoming more powerful by gaining more spirituality to use in magic to becoming the vessel for a deity's descent.'

'On top of that when he says he wants to 'fulfil my wish by the wish of my masters', he does not specify who that is or how they wish for him to grow.'

'Was this intentional?'

'If it was, then the person behind this had a specific wish themselves…perhaps it was related to the state that the souls of the people that returned were trapped in?'

'Was it just a sort of payment from the demon of wishes to gain power?'

'No…if that were the case, it wouldn't have marked the Aurors with its abilities too.'

'Its aim was spreading its mark as much as possible, and capture those souls too?'

Loki thought about it a little, and after some hesitation, decided to perform a new divination for himself.

"What happened to the souls that the demon of wishes had captured because of Mr. Prick's wishes."

Loki repeated the statement seven times before using cogitation to fall into a state of half-sleep while using the soul of the Mystery Pryer in the Ring of Harvest.

Loki's vision which had remained a bright noise of colours suddenly shifted at great speed before it landed in darkness.

The area was pitch black.

Nothing could be seen in the area, yet Loki's skin crawled as soon as he landed there.


Torturous screams were commonplace in the Abyss that Loki had found himself in.

Everything about the place even without any light gave Loki the impression of fear and disgust.

The sounds and screams of the people trapped in the abyss made Loki feel nauseous. He couldn't handle or stomach the apparent pain and suffering that everyone around him was going through.

Just as he felt like he was about to hurl the contents of his stomach out, Loki snapped the connection off.



"The divination failed?"

Loki asked himself confused but then noticed himself shivering a little.

"....? Am I growing tired because I've done too much today?"

Loki frowned and was about to dismiss the divination by marking it as a failure before he continued on with his other problems.

"That strange feeling I kept having while I was on the mission…"

"The need to be a part of it…"

"That compulsion…"

"It wasn't normal…"


A/N : You guys are already almost at a hundred and fifty powerstones....(TuT) wish me luck!!

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