
First Mission (1) : Reaching The Ministry.

Waking up early the next morning, Loki watched the squid in the great lake for a while before heading back into the castle and joining Hermione and Daphne in Professor McGonagall's office.

"Are the three of you ready for your first mission?" McGonagall asked with a slight smile while Hermione looked nervous and was clipping her nails.

Daphne stepped up and answered on behalf of everyone since Professor McGonagall had already told them that she would be their group leader, given she was of the highest sequence in the group.

"Yes, Professor McGonagall. Where in Hogsmeade should our group go to meet our handlers?"

"Walk to the edge of the village, near the shrieking shack and you shall find your seniors waiting for you.", McGonagall said with a proud smile like she was looking at her grandchildren taking their first steps into the world.

"Your code word will be 'sludge truffles'. Though I don't think you should need it."

"Thank you, Professor."

"I wish you the best of luck. I hope you are able to take care of yourself and not fall behind Miss Granger."

"Hm~m. I promise to give it my all professor." Hermione said with a slight fist pump as she followed Daphne and Loki who were already leaving the office.

Walking to the castle gates that lead to Hogsmeade, Loki calmly showed Finch the group's permission letters for going to Hogsmeade after which they smoothly slipped into the group of students that was already leaving.

"Who'd have thought that the Hogsmeade visits were just a disguise to allow Beyonder students to work with the Ministry and gain some experience.", Loki commented casually.

Hermione nodded while Daphne gave no response, the rest of their journey was mostly silent with Loki giving Hermione a small pep talk to calm her nerves.

"Come one Mione. Don't be nervous. What's the worst that could happen? It's not like we're going to face a devil right out the box, are we?"

"Jeezz!!! Don't jinx it Loki!"

After reaching Hogsmeade, Daphne took charge of the group and began to lead them away from the remaining students who were all visiting Madam Puddifoot's Tea shop as couples or to Zonko's and Honey Duke's to buy some pranks or sweets.

They arrived at the Shrieking shack but found no one there.

"Did they already leave?" Hermione asked confusedly but Loki and Daphne who'd instantly activated their spirit vision could easily spot the group of people hiding behind an invisibility cloak.

"We can see you.", Daphne stated calmly causing Hermione to get a little confused. But when a head suddenly popped up floating in mid-air she was startled before she realised, "Ah. Invisibility cloaks?"

"Yes, these are invisibility cloaks. At least two of your teammates predicted such situation." The student who was a floating head spoke softly while stuffing away the cloak into his pocket.

The boy was handsome and wore a face that every girl would dream of yet Daphne shook off his charm as if swatting away a bug as she spoke, "Are you going to take us to the Ministry of Magic?"

Two more students came out from under their cloaks with their uniforms representing they were all from Hufflepuff.

"Good job. For rookies, you're pretty decent. And yes, we will be taking you to the ministry today. By the way, my name's Cedric, Cedric Diggory. I'm of the Reader pathway."

"And I'm Zacharias Smith, of the Hunter pathway."

"And I'm Diego Caplan, of the Arbiter pathway."

The boys introduced themselves, reaching out to shake the hands of the three young students in front of them.

Daphne, Loki and Hermione also introduced themselves before Cedric pulled out a worn-out leather boot from his extension pouch.

"Get ready, we'll be using a portkey to get into the Ministry. Let's go into the Shrieking Shack so that no one notices us."

The trio followed their seniors and before long everyone noticed the portkey that Cedric had placed on the floor vibrate.

"Come on, put your fingers on it." Cedric said and placed one of his fingers onto the portkey after leaving it to hover in the air with a simple wand flick, allowing everyone else to gather around it in a circle and place their fingers on it too.

The portkey's vibrations increased creating a slight pulling feeling in their guts before a sudden whoop burst into everyone's ears as they were all pulled by their navel and tossed around before arriving in a dark room.

'Huh…strange…' Loki thought as he noticed a strange pull he felt while being teleported by the portkey.

Everyone was able to balance themselves and managed to stay upright with little difficulty except Hermione who Loki held by her waist to avoid face-planting into the black marble floor.

Once everyone was stable on their feet, Cedric began speaking once again while leading the group to their destination.

"Have your papers and wands ready, the Ministry checks them before allowing you inside."

And as Cedric said, outside their room was a thin man who with a boring look on his face took everyone's wands and passed them through a machine that beeped at odd intervals and returned them back without saying anything.

After wand checking was a man who looked at the papers everyone had, given by their respective teachers at Hogwarts and nodded after comparing their faces with the pictures on their passes.

"You're good to go." The man said before releasing Loki.

"Do you know which case we'll be working on today Mr. Diggory?" Daphne asked out of curiosity.

"Well generally we aren't informed about it before we join the team, but you're in luck today because the word is the Unspeakables have come across a new bizarre case."

"A bizarre case?" Daphne repeated in silence as they all continued to walk deeper into the Ministry.

Loki smiled softly at the word bizarre but thought nothing much of it.

Knock Knock

"Come in." A voice from behind the door Cedric just knocked said.

Cedric pushed open the door and walked into the room casually before he greeted the person waiting for them.

"Guys, this is Ethan Drake, our handler and the person who will take us to our cases." Cedric introduced the scary-looking man who was blind in one eye while missing one leg, an arm, and parts of his torso like it had been ripped out of him.

'How is he even alive?' Loki wondered.

"Mr. Ethan this is the new team that will join us from today. They've all been verified and were taught by Professor McGonagall."

The seemingly unfazed face of the man changed when he heard who'd endorsed the kids but he said nothing else, instead he stood up from his comfortable seat that squeaked under his weight with the help of a silver-gold walking cane and spoke.

"Let us leave, I don't want to be late. Remember, do exactly as I say. If you have an idea run them by me first. And no matter what you do, do not try contacting any spirits with the help of rituals unless you are explicitly ordered to do so."

Seeing everyone nod the man nodded himself and moved to stand amidst the group of students.

"Hold onto me, we're about to go to the location of the case. Try not to puke too much."

'Huh? Wha-'


With a pop, everyone in the room vanished just as they touched the man, nothing giving them time to think or digest what he'd just said.


A/N : An extra chapter again!!!! We've got another one for tomorrow and then this week will have had seven extra chapters lol. b(TuT).

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