Among the pirates, whether it was the calm and cruel doctor or the utterly disrespectful marauder, all knelt or stood with eyes filled with reverence, slowly lifting their gazes to look up at the Pirate King above their heads.
Little Raven also struggled to lift her head.
In her blurry vision, Little Raven could vaguely make out the entirety of the base.
Above her was a colossal throne, and below the throne stretched a long staircase.
On the staircase stood three infamous great pirates.
However, the first thing that caught her eye was... the Blood Hunter.
Why is the Blood Hunter next to me...
Little Raven's heartbeat quickened.
Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!
At such close range, Little Raven could finally see the Blood Hunter in full detail.
The Blood Hunter's skin was covered with sharp blade marks, as if it had been scraped by countless threads.
On his Hunter's Clothes stained dark red with coagulated blood, vague numbers were visible.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: