Upon the gloomy sea, the flag of the Black Whale Group fluttered incessantly in the storm atop the mermaid ship.
Knee-high waterproof boots slowly tread across the blood-stained floor.
The flesh mage brushed back his thoroughly wet hair, carefully walked past over a dozen sturdy women, and finally approached a massive red sofa.
In front of the red sofa sat a tall, fiery woman with scant clothing and curly red hair, teasing those around her like a noble queen.
The flesh mage began:
"Big mama, I'm back."
Carol casually puffed on her pipe, seemingly barely noticing the little flesh mage before her.
The flesh mage hastily added:
"Big mama, the Flower Witch refused to join us, Blood Blade Pirate Group..."
Whoo! Carol exhaled a thick cloud of smoke,
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: