
The Library

The first time any players publicly discussed the male devils of the infernal kingdom's it became clear very quickly that something was off, on first glance it looked like some female haven since men were almost never seen and the women held all of the positions of authority.

Looking back on the events of the game it was almost sad to remember how many members of the third wave feminist movement were rushing to what they called a "women's utopia."

They were like locusts descending upon the kingdom until they learned what happened to them when they expressed their opinions there.

- Excerpt from "A History of BLO" by The Silent Watcher.

When Ezekiel saw the well dresses young man he picked up on a few details thanks to his experience with Lucretia.

The man had golden bands decorating his horns while his eyes were surrounded by dark lines, he realized that it was makeup but it was makeup he'd expect at a weird fashion show.


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