
105 Determined to Win

Unlike other sports, football, with its numerous on-field positions, makes drafting strategies more complex. In short, there are two types of strategies.

First, choose what you urgently need.

Perhaps the most outstanding player in the draft is a quarterback, but the team holding the draft pick already has a trustworthy cornerstone quarterback. So, even if the rookie is exceptional, they won't choose a quarterback.

Matching your needs and selecting the best player available for your required positions, or filling in the gaps in your lineup, is the best policy.

What is poison to one, may be honey to another.

Drafting should not be about following trends, picking whoever is the hot topic, but should be about managing your situation. The players with high discussion heat may not necessarily be the best choice for the team. Those top-popular and outstanding players could turn out to be either honey or poison, so teams must stay calm.

Second, choose the best player available.

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