
Negotiating Happiness

"What about kids?" Alec asked.

"Definitely not twelve."

"What if we started with one? If we don't break it in a year or two, maybe we try for another one."

"What if I'm a sucky mom?"

"What if I'm a terrific dad?"

"I could do the cooking while you do the nurturing."

"Deal." Alec held out a hand, and I shook it.

I can't believe I just agreed to have Alec's baby.

"But no pressure, okay? When it's time, it will happen or not. No in-vitro. No procreation on a schedule or guilt trips if it doesn't happen. If we can't enjoy the process, then it's not worth it, you know?"

"They did that to you?"

I nodded. "Every month."

"Never with us. We set the rules together, and when the rules don't work for either of us, we revise them together."

I could do this with Alec. I could start all over, marry a good man, and live a normal life that meets both of our needs.

"One bank account or two?" I asked.

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