
Daddy Ash

Ash DuPaul was a tall, skeletal man with dark hair and a goatee. He settled into a booth for eight with two men and four women. Ash was a boy, girl, boy, girl kind of host, with the girls on either side of him hanging all over him.

"Something is going down, but I don't think it's drugs," Jake said.

We were at a tall four-top a few feet away from Ash. Alec was away. He'd gone to the bar to fetch drinks.

"What do you mean?"

"Cash is changing hands but not product."

"So, what? Loan sharking?"

"Or gambling."

"How do we find out?"

"I'm not sure. Watch? We could wait until he leaves and sic Sampson on him."

The girls at the booth scooted out. Two went off with the guys at the table toward the dance floor. The other two headed toward the restrooms.

"Wait here and keep Alec off my tail for a minute."

"Sure. What are you doing?"

"I'm going to talk to Mr. DuPaul."

"Tee, no. It's not safe."

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