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"HAPPY NEW YEARS GIFT" 10 Advance Chapters


As the familiar sound of the quest completion notification chimed in Six's mind, he allowed himself a small grin.


[Quest Complete: Booted]

[Objective: Successfully Free enslaved survivors from Nipton]

[Reward: Rare Silver-Tier Item Ballistic weave]

Ballistic weave:

Ballistic polymer weave is an advanced protection technology used by the Defense Intelligence Agency, for personal protection. The weave is lightweight, offers good protection, and can be applied to normal clothing without altering their appearance. Supplies of this tough artificial fabric were stored in concealed DIA caches, along with other technologies, allowing agents to apply the weave in the field - and post-War factions to claim the technology as their own

Reading through the description of the Ballistic Weave, Six's grin widened. The technology was a game-changer. Lightweight, protective, and able to be applied to regular clothing—it was perfect for his growing empire's security forces, especially for those who didn't want to be weighed down by bulky armor. It would give them enhanced protection while maintaining mobility, an edge in any future conflict.

Rebecca, peeking over at Six as they traveled back in the Battle Bus, noticed the change in his expression.

"What did you get this time?"

She asked, already guessing it was something useful.

"Ballistic Weave."

Six responded, showing her the notification.

"We can add it to our clothes, our forces, and maybe even boost some of our allies with it. It's lightweight, so it won't slow anyone down."

Rebecca's eyes widened as she realized the significance of the reward.

"Damn, that's going to make a difference, especially when we're in a firefight."

Cassidy, overhearing the conversation, chuckled.

"Sounds like it's gonna make those Legion bastards even easier to deal with."

Six nodded, his mind already working through the logistics. He'd send the technology back to Viktor, where it could be reverse-engineered and mass-produced in the Vault's production facilities.

In no time, his crew, his security forces, and the people of Goodsprings would be outfitted with it. They'd be more prepared than ever for whatever challenges the Mojave would throw their way.

But first, they still had to decide their next move. With the survivors from Nipton rescued, they had options. Cottonwood Cove was a tempting target, a chance to deal a serious blow to Caesar's Legion. But there were also other threats looming on the horizon, and Six would need to choose carefully.

As the Battle Bus roared back toward civilization, Six leaned back, feeling the weight of his ever-expanding plans. He was building something bigger than anyone in the Mojave had ever seen. And with each new victory, with each rare reward like the Ballistic Weave, his vision for a new order in the wasteland was becoming a reality. 

While they were making their way by the canyon road between Wolfhorn Ranch and Nipton, Raul stopped the Battle Bus not far from the road being blocked by wrecked cars. 

"Boss, there may be an ambush up ahead, since those cars were at the side of the road and weren't blocking the way."

Said Raul as he inspected the area.

Six leaned forward, narrowing his eyes at the wrecked cars littering the canyon road ahead. The desolate stretch between Wolfhorn Ranch and Nipton was notorious for ambushes, and Raul's instincts were rarely wrong.

"Good call, Raul."

Six said, scanning the scene through the reinforced windshield of the Battle Bus. The wrecks looked like they'd been deliberately arranged—not a full roadblock, but enough to funnel traffic into a choke point. Classic raider tactic.

"Bet the place is booby-trapped."

Rebecca added from her position, already gripping her rifle and scanning for threats. She glanced at Boone, who was quietly focused, his sharp eyes trained on the canyon cliffs.

"And the canyon provides a great vantage point for snipers."

Boone noted, voice low and calm. He was already sighting down the scope of his rifle, tracking any movement on the high ground.

"Well, shit."

Cassidy muttered, tapping her fingers on the dash.

"We just got through two fights with the Legion, and now some dumb assholes are about to poke a hornet's nest and piss us off."

As they edged the Battle Bus closer, Boone's eyes caught the telltale glint of metal in the dirt.


He said simply.

"They're scattered along the road."


Rebecca huffed.

"They're really setting up for a party."

Boone didn't wait for an order—he took aim and started setting off the mines with precision shots, each explosion sending plumes of dust and debris into the air.

It wasn't long before the Vipers—a gang of raiders obsessed with snake iconography—made their move. They emerged from the canyon cliffs, weapons drawn, firing down on the Battle Bus from above.

"They're amateurs."

Six said, almost disappointed.

"But let's make sure they learn their lesson."

Raul swung the turret around, unleashing a hail of gunfire toward the raiders while Rebecca activated the Battle Bus's heavy defenses, the missile turrets and artillery cannons mounted on top spitting out rounds at the exposed Vipers. Boone methodically picked off the snipers, dropping them one by one as they tried to find cover.

Despite their numbers, the Vipers were no match for Six's crew. The raiders fell quickly, the sounds of gunfire and dying screams echoing through the canyon. As the dust settled, Six spotted a few of the raiders still breathing, crawling through the dirt in a desperate attempt to escape.

"Looks like we've got a few survivors."

Six said, nodding toward the wounded Vipers.

Rebecca hopped down from the Battle Bus with a smirk.

"Time for a little chat."

With Boone providing cover, they interrogated the remaining raiders. After some "persuasion," the Vipers gave up the location of their camp, a hideout not far from their current position.

"Good enough."

Six said after the interrogation, leaving the raiders to their fate in Rebecca's care.

"Raul, keep an eye on the freed slaves. We'll finish what we started."

Six, Rebecca, Boone and ED-E moved toward the Viper camp, ready to wipe out the rest of the gang. The freed slaves huddled inside the Battle Bus, Raul standing watch with a weary but determined look.

"Be careful, Boss."

Raul called after them.

"Don't let these snake-worshippers get too close."

Six gave him a nod before leading his team into the canyon, determined to end the threat and bring another stretch of the Mojave under his control.

As Six, Rebecca, and Boone advanced toward the Viper encampment, the air grew heavy with anticipation. The initial skirmish had been amateurish at best—desperate, ill-equipped raiders, barely a threat to seasoned warriors like them.

But the sight of freed slaves and the lingering stench of the Legion reminded Six that the Mojave was full of broken people just waiting to lash out. That's where he came in, reshaping the Wasteland in his image, one fight at a time.

Boone, ever the sniper, scanned the horizon through his scope, ensuring no more threats lay hidden.

"Looks quiet now."

He muttered, but his eyes flickered with the instinct of a soldier who knew the calm was always short-lived in the Wasteland.

Rebecca, by his side, loaded her rifle, the metal clicking with deadly precision.

"Let's just hope this camp isn't as disappointing as that ambush. We need more than scrap raiders to stay sharp."

Six nodded in agreement, leading them forward. They trekked through the rocky terrain, their footsteps muffled by the canyon dust. Eventually, they spotted the Viper camp—a ragtag collection of tents and rusted-out vehicles arranged haphazardly around a central bonfire. A few raiders, armed but clearly unprepared for what was coming, stood on guard.

Six turned to his companions, formulating the plan.

"Boone, find a perch and cover us. Take out anyone who tries to run or use the high ground."

Boone gave a curt nod and began scaling the cliffs, quickly disappearing into the jagged rocks. Six then addressed Rebecca, his tone softer, though no less focused.

"You and I are going in. I'll draw their fire, and you pick them off."

"You just want to show off."

Rebecca smirked, but her eyes gleamed with excitement.

With Boone in position, Six signaled the attack. He opened up with his Desert Eagles, shooting his way through the nearest raider's cover and sending him sprawling. The camp erupted in chaos. Rebecca fired in quick succession, every shot deliberate, every Viper dropping with a clean, surgical hit.

Boone's sniper rounds cracked through the air, the distant thuds of bodies hitting the ground punctuating the barrage. Raiders scrambled, but they were no match for the precision and overwhelming firepower of Six and his crew. Within minutes, the camp was cleared, and silence fell once again over the canyon.

As Six moved through the camp, he inspected the Vipers' meager supplies. Mostly junk—old-world weapons and snake iconography. But then he found it: a locked crate buried under a pile of scavenged goods. With a flick of his wrist, he opened it to reveal a pristine set of armor.

More importantly, the armor had been reinforced with something that caught his eye—Chinese stealth armor. A rare modification, capable of turning the user nearly impossible to detect with its invisibility field. 

"Looks like we've hit the jackpot."

Six muttered, lifting the armor out and inspecting its craftsmanship.

Rebecca walked up beside him, still riding the high of battle.

"Chinese stealth armor, huh? Not bad. Looks like those idiots were sitting on something they didn't even know was valuable."

Six chuckled.

"Typical. They wouldn't have known what to do with it even if they tried."

The camp, now stripped of anything useful, stood as another mark in Six's growing conquest of the Mojave. With the Vipers exterminated, the slaves freed, and a rare prize secured, Six's vision for a more secure, more orderly wasteland inched closer to reality.

Boone climbed down from his sniper post, glancing over at the remnants of the camp.

"Guess that wasn't much of a challenge."

He said, wiping the dust off his rifle.

"Doesn't have to be."

Six replied.

"As long as we keep getting stronger, nothing will stand in our way."

With the Chinese stealth armor stashed away, they returned to the Battle Bus, where Raul waited with the freed slaves. Another victory, another step toward building the future Six envisioned for the Mojave—one fortified with power, strategy, and the sheer will to conquer.

Level: 16









LUCK: 10





GUNS: 100










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