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over +70 chapters in advance

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James was a simple man, once a farmer who had fallen on hard times and resorted to theft to get by. He wasn't particularly clever or skilled, yet he found acceptance within the "J" gang.

They had claimed a bounty on a girl named Scarlett, located near the newly fortified and well-defended town of Goodsprings. James feared for his life, but felt powerless to change his course. However, he was certain of one thing: after this job, he would return home, and abandon his criminal life, which had only brought him trouble, and he saw no future in it.


The sound of one of the low-yield fragmentation mines they placed detonating reverberated across the desert. James looked over at his comrades, alert and watching the minefield—the very one they had laid out when boredom overtook them as they awaited their quarry.

"Looks like we snagged something, and we didn't even need bait! Hahaha!"

Jimmy, one of his mates, chuckled, rising slowly and discarding the playing cards on the ground.

"Let's go have a look. I call dibs on any loot."

With a shrug, James complied. It wasn't their first catch, though they had lost some of their numbers to automated defenses up north.

Approaching the minefield, they spotted an overweight man in a vault suit, knocked out, alongside a ghoul and their target, Scarlett. They paused, eager not to squander this opportunity to capture her.

Their leader, John, smiled at them, ready to issue commands.

"Alright, since I came up with the idea of setting the minefield, I got the first dibs. But how about we play Caravan to decide who gets what afterward?"

They all nodded slowly, not daring to argue, aware that their leader would deny them any loot if they did. As they moved closer, gunfire erupted, and Jacob from their group charged ahead, weapon drawn, only to be taken down by the ghoul. With his death, the gang's emotions flipped firing to kill and they all stopped caring about the bounty anymore.


After some time all of them were shocked to witness Rebecca walking forward gunning their gang with her light machine gun. The red flashing light projectiles pierced their armor like butter. None of them was even able to comprehend what was happening as their bodies were torn apart.

Hearing the click of her gun being empty he and some took their chance to take down the chibi with the light machine gun.


The next moment James's life flashed before his eyes as his head popped falling lifeless to the ground.

"Come on, pussies! Stop hiding, or you'll miss all the excitement!"

Rebecca yelled wildly, dashing towards the concealed raiders and leaping onto their shelter. She shoots them down, causing them to burst into a shower of gore, and she ends up running out of ammo as she tries to kill the others.

The click of her empty gun appeared to embolden the survivors. However, as soon as they emerged from cover, they were repelled back dead by the impact of the .50 BMG rounds.

"Ha! That was preem, Big Guy! Did you see that? Those gonks actually believed they stood a chance!"

Swiftly, Rebecca stowed her light machine gun in her Pip-boy and drew her twin IWI TAVOR X95 FDE rifles. She licked her lips opening fire at the ones left standing.


She soon ran out of ammunition, but instead of changing the magazines, Rebecca stored both her rifles away and took out Guts and a custom automatic shotgun that she had constructed. The loli laughed as she opened fire, wiping out the stragglers.



As Rebecca keeps firing, Twig grabs a grenade and stands up, raising his arms.

"Okay, STOP SHOOTING! Stop shooting. Hey, heeyyy... Rebecca, I think they're all dead. I just wanna talk! You can know how to do that, right?

"Shut up! I don't wanna hear from you, CHUBS!"

Rebecca grins slyly as she double-taps the raiders, then triple-taps, and continues shooting them like a madwoman, until her bloodlust is quenched she turns to Twig.

"Huhhh... I really needed to scratch that itch. You know what I'm talking about choomba."


Twig awkwardly agreed fearing for his life.

"Well, I'll be damned. That midget killed them all. The covering fire must have come from Six."

Ben exclaimed.

"Wait, did you say Six?"

 Hearing Ben mention Six's name she began to straighten her clothing and clean her hair in wait for Six's arrival.

-A few minutes back-


The explosion of the mine caught Rebecca and Six's attention, prompting a quick game of rock-paper-scissors between them.

"Damn it..."

"Preem, it's Rebecca's time to shine!"

The former leaped for joy, celebrating her win, while the latter readied his Barrett M82 50 BMG, setting up to provide cover. As Rebecca advanced, gleefully firing her light machine gun, Six pinpointed the gang members' positions.

When her targets took cover from her barrage, the chibi sprang onto the boulders they hid behind, resuming her assault. Her ammunition soon depleted, and the gang members sighed in relief at the sound of her empty clicks. Just as they seized the chance to strike at his petite partner, Six's gaze rapidly shifted, surveying all through his scope, and he fired, neutralizing each threat.

Even with the silencer the sound of the gun firing had enough force to kick up dust and other lighter items nearby. He grunts lightly from the kick alone, but doesn't close his eyes as he watches the bullet shoot through the air directly at his target's skull.

Unfortunately, some noticed the shot, be it the sound of the head exploding or the gore that occurred. Brain matter splattered everywhere as everyone nearby panicked, but not every shot was a headshot, as most he hit had their body mangled beyond repair. Even if the 50 BMG round didn't hit any vital organs the caliber shockwave caused internal trauma and other injuries, instantly killing them.

Professionals, petty criminals, terrified thugs—none were spared once they aimed at his woman. Six couldn't articulate it, but he was utterly enchanted by Rebecca's charm. His affection for the spirited gremlin surpassed even his familial bonds, compelling him to protect her at all costs.

After neutralizing all potential threats in the vicinity, he grew weary of watching Rebecca eliminate any remaining stragglers with precision. Approaching the trio they had previously rescued, he notices Scar appears more composed than just moments ago. However, before he can address her, his petite girlfriend abruptly tackles him.


Rebecca erupts into a fit of laughter, resembling an overly thrilled puppy.

"Rebecca, focus! You nearly got yourself killed several times."

He reprimands her, accustomed to her impulsive nature, eliciting a sulk from her.

"What's that 'spose to mean?"

"You're aware of what I'm referring to, Rebecca."

"And you three, refrain from scavenging their belongings until the area is secure."

Six commands, asserting his authority.

"Look, man, just so you know, you're neither our leader nor a member of our group. So your words mean nothing to me."

Ben retorts as he strides over to the bodies to scavenge. Advancing carelessly, he accidentally triggers a fragmentation mine and freezes.

"Oh, Fuck..."

The mine explodes, sending Ben flying backward.


Ben groans, rueing his impetuous actions.

"As I was trying to explain, we must first ensure the area is free of mines."

Six then turns to the trio.

"You're fortunate those were mole bombs, designed from ceramic with a low-yield explosive, intended to incapacitate rather than kill."

Without further delay, he draws a 9mm pistol and begins to disarm the mines with targeted shots.

Bang!... Boom!

Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom... 

After a minute and a second magazine, he cleared the area.

"Uhm, couldn't you have done that before I got blown up?"

Ben remarks not liking the fact that he stepped on a mine.

"Well, you're the one who didn't listen and literally went stepping into the mine. And with that I declare to be the leader"

Six remarks, making Ben and the rest go silent, not knowing how to argue with him.


They all Rummage through the bags of the gang members Rebecca previously killed. Scarlett and Ben throw the bags away not finding anything of value except their weapons and ammo.

Rebecca sniffs at him, hopping onto one of the gang members' corpses.

"Hey, so you know Big Guy, I had that handled!"

And so the five continue to trek through the Wasteland.

"Any good?"

Ben asked Twig as he dumped the bag he took.

"No. Nothing at all."

Ben picks up Twig's bag and rummages through it

"Y'know, I find it hard to believe that anyone this could far out not have anything on them. That's just rude."

Level: 4









LUCK: 10





GUNS: 90










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