
136 - Masters of Movement

Despite the blow of Brighton's second goal, Brentfort was still resilient, calm and organized. The game had two halves, so there was no reason to despair.

The coach, a gray-haired man with a calm countenance, was signaling explicit instructions. Brentford was not a team that crumbled easily and, contrary to what much might think, their strategy was not based solely on fouls or rough play. They were masters of movement, something that quickly became apparent.

Lucas observed the opposition formation, trying to understand how they would react. Brentford's players began exchanging quick passes, but with impressive precision and speed.

The ball passed from the central defender to the left-back, then to the midfielder, who quickly returned it to midfield. Two touches, three at most.

Denis, who had dropped back to help with the marking, sensed this change.

"Close in, Felix!" he shouted, as the nearest opponent moved out of reach.


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