
54 - Lack of focus is a Trap

Luke appeared out of nowhere, like a speeding shadow, blocking Tsukada's spin with an outstretched leg. 

Tsukada stumbled, lost his balance, and before he could process what had happened, he fell to the ground. The ball, which should have been in his grasp, was deflected by Luke's pressure and bounced a few meters in front of him as the referee blew his whistle, signaling a fair but hard-fought contest.

The impact with the ground was more than physical. Tsukada felt an invisible weight descend on his shoulders as he remained slumped for a few seconds, the euphoric shouts of the crowd sounding like a distant hum. He heard Kenji shouting his name, perhaps asking him to get up quickly, but everything seemed distant, as if time had slowed down around him.


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