
38 - Tahara High School

Tahara High School's performance was a surprise to everyone. They had expected to win their first game, as they always do very well in the National Championships, but they had recently lost their coaching staff to a J-League club, so there was a shadow of uncertainty over them and no one knew exactly who the coach was.

They just didn't imagine that the team's new coach would be a 17-year-old girl in her third year of high school. Many were disbelieving, and some spectators on the internet even said they would bet on the team losing, but there wasn't a second after the whistle blew that Tahara High didn't prove to be on a higher level than their opponents, both technically and tactically.

After the game was over, the spectators in the stands were convinced that they weren't going to see another team of such a high standard on this day, even though it was the first official day of the championship.


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