
Killing the Forth Level Tower Gatekeeper

The third core had formed, and Klaus poured in more Star Qi, making sure the true form of the skill started to take shape. The Ice Pillar enlarged and grew several meters taller. 

But that wasn't the only change. The rate at which the arrows were firing tripled and the damage output has also been enhanced.

But Klaus wasn't finished. Not even in the slightest. With his star qi surging stronger than ever, Klaus no longer needed to hold back.

Even he did not know how much stronger he had become, so he wanted to test it out.


Another 300-meter-tall Ice Pillar rose a few meters away from the first one. 

But it didn't stop there; another one rose, and then another, until there were seven solid Ice Pillars standing tall, shooting thousands of arrows at the lightning monsters and knights per second.

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