
It's Okay

[Parking Lot] 

"Boss, the driver will be here any minute with the car." The assistant repeated for the fifth time in the last twenty minutes. 

"Yeah okay," the man answered vaguely, his eyes glued on his phone. 

His boss' cool and nonchalant behavior about having to wait outside in the heat for the other car to arrive as the one they came in unexpectedly broke down, made him feel very nervous. 

'Maybe this is how the calm before the storm felt like,' he thought. 

"Martin, come sit with me." He patted the empty spot on the raised slab where he was sitting. 

"Me?" Martin gulped in nervously as he pointed towards himself. 

The man nodded. "Yeah, you are standing for a long time. You must be tired." 

"No boss, I am okay." He politely turned him down, feeling very skeptical about it. 

This was his first day at work as Damien Anderson's assistant. He had been trained for months before he took over the role of Vincent Gerov as the assistant. 

During the training period, he had been told many things about Damien Anderson, from his likes to dislikes to how arrogant and strict he was. 

Damien Anderson was supposed to be someone with a cold personality and a very hot temper. But after being with him for almost five hours now, Martin could confirm that nothing of that was true. 

In fact, Damien seemed as cool as ice and friendly to some extent.

"Come on, why do you have to think so much to sit?" Damien summoned him to take a seat again. 

Not wanting to turn down the boss for the second time, Martin sat down right next to him. 

When he kept checking the watch every now and then, Damien patted his back. "You need to relax. The car will come soon, don't worry about it." 

"I am sorry boss, I didn't know that the car would break down like this." 

"You don't have to say sorry, no one knew this would happen." He then continued scrolling his Instagram for you page. "Look at this—" He chuckled as he replayed the funny reel for Martin. 

When Martin giggled, he remarked, "So you do know how to smile and laugh." 

Before he could say something, Damien added, "We are going to be working together for a long time I suppose. So it will be good for both of us if we get comfortable with each other." 

"I understand you must have heard things about me but trust me, I am nothing like others say," he added. "I am a very cool and handsome person. Not to forget that I am also very smart and rich." 

Damien winked at him as he continued to scroll through his instagram as he patiently waited for the car to arrive. 

Martin on the other hand was trying to process through everything that had just happened. His new boss was cool, polite, understanding and may be a little bit narcissistic, completely different from how he had anticipated him to be. 

Was it some kind of a test to check how professional he was? 

"Martin, what do you think?" Damien inquired. "Will they give us the deal?" 

"The deal is pretty good boss," Martin remarked, "And if they are smart enough, they will not turn us down." 

"I know right?" Damien scoffed. "I gave them a deal of a lifetime. It would be dumb move if they turned it down." 

Martin nodded in agreement but he was also curious as to why Damien had offered the Beckers a deal which would bring the company almost nothing. But he also didn't dare to question his boss' decision. 

"You must be wondering why I went out of my way to make the offer, right?" When Martin did not say anything, he added, "In business, it's not always about profits. Sometimes you have to go out of your way and do things to satisfy yourself." 

He leaned towards him and said in a relatively lower voice. "It's okay to not be professional sometimes and make rash decisions." 


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