
Ch 19: Don't cry over your choice

Lisa's mother was not patient. The older woman repeatedly demonstrated why she could not be trusted. 

So, this sudden display of patience made Lisa's head hurt. It was a cruel promise of a false sense of security, a mirage that Lisa knew she could not grasp. 

"Hurry up, my dear daughter! If you don't choose soon, I will choose the outcome for you."

Her mother shook the bottle before Lisa's face, finally, when Lisa could act up.

"I'll sacrifice my left hand and arm."

Lisa's left arm was her most disposable part. She would rather not lose mobility in her limb for the next few days, but it was the best sacrifice she could make.

Her mother's unhappy expression made Lisa shiver, and she fought her instincts not to pull her hand back from her mother's grip.

"You always make such dull decisions. But I'll keep my words to you. Even if you are a traitor, you are my daughter I love with all my heart."

Empty words!

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