
Weapons Hall

                   Chapter 27

The next and last class of the day was Weapons mastery. And Jake couldn't help but feel excited the more he approached the building that's going to serve as the weapons class. He was currently walking alongside Jack and Sophia. They were all quite because they didn't have much in common and they never talked to each other.

Meanwhile Jake was so bored out of his mind walking with the other two. He usually walked with Peter and Vynn and normally they were both talkatives so walking these two, felt different. After 20 minutes of walking, they finally got to the building that was the weapons building.

The weapons hall was detached from the main school building and off to the side in its own separate building. It was a single large-room building that had a Japanese palace style feeling to it. To enter the building, students needed to scan their watch into the scanner placed on the side of the door and then the two large doors will slide open. This is to ensure that students really chose the weapons hall and not just to come watch and then switch class later on.

Although the outside of the building gave off an eastern feeling, the inside was completely different. It was a large room with vast, opulent space. Where the ceiling was about twenty metres high. The room had no decorations apart from the mountains and mountains of different types of swords lined up on the walls in front of the class. And in front of the room, was a round raised platform.

In front of the room, was a man who had brown flowing hair and was in a sitting position with his legs crossed and his eyes closed. The man was wearing black leather armour and had a very long blade by his side. But the hilt of the blade was jagged and rough and the back of the blade the same. It looked like it had been forged from an animal that wasn't on this planet.

The man remained silent with his eyes closed and Jake could only assume that the man was the teacher. Jake kept on looking at the man intently, searching his memory bank of where he had seen the man earlier because the man's face looked very familiar but he couldn't remember where he had seen him. After trying so hard, Jake gave up searching his memory bank.

And then slowly, the room was becoming filled with students. Jake, Sophia and Jack were almost close to the front of the room. After the room filled up and no more students were coming in, the man stood up therefore stopping any form of chattering from the students. The room was filled up with at least fourty students.

"ATTENTION!" The teacher shouted. "My name is Von, and I will be your teacher for this class every weekdays." Von said.

The students were all quiet listening to what the teacher was saying.

"If you are here, it means that you want to learn the art of swordsmanship in order to defeat your foe, our foe. The werewolves. So I will implore you all to pay rapt attention in this class." Von said.

"So first of, before we start, I need all of you to go there and pick the type of sword you will use from now on and try to get the feel and weight of the weapon because your weapon will be your life line on the battlefield."

Immediately Von finished talking, the students all rushed towards the weapons lined on the wall to pick their own type of sword. Jake just kept looking at all the blades and didn't know which one to pick. That's when he decided to use one of his skills to make his decision easier.

    <Inspect skill>

Jake kept using the inspect skill on all the weapons and it was bringing out some information about them.

<A rapier blade, made from a basic tier beast. Not suitable for host.>

"Huh?! This skill worked better than I imagined. This is good, it also tells me if it is suitable or compatible with me. Now my decision has become easier." Jake thought excitedly quicky moving onto the next weapon.

    <Broadsword: made from a basic tier beasts; not suitable for host.>

Jake kept looking at all the swords not seeing one that was suitable for him. But he noticed one thing in common that the swords all have and that was that the weapons were all made from a basic tier beasts; the lowest tier of all beasts.

After a few minutes of intense searching and using of his Inspect skill rapidly, he finally found the sword that was compatible and suitable to him.

<Katana blade: made from a basic tier beasts; sword is suitable for host.>

"Huh!?! That is quite a surprise." Jake said. "I can't believe the skill finally found a suitable weapon. I was beginning to feel like I won't be able to find any suitable sword today.

The blade was 60-73cm long. It had a curved, single-edged and slender blade with a black hilt and also a type of scaly pattern on it. It looked perfect for Jake.

Immediately Jake said that, he heard a ding in his head. Pulling up the system, he was surprised for what he could see.

<Congratulations! Inspect Skill has reached Lv2.>

"Woah! I never expected for the skill to level up like that." Jake thought while grinning. "I think the repeated use of the skill, is what made it level up. Anyway that's good. Now let's see what this new skill can do."

<Inspect skill can now bring up more information about humans, beasts and objects. The things.>

"Well that is quite good. Anyway let's see what this weapon can do."

When all the students were done picking their weapons, they all stood in front of Von waiting for him to give further instructions.

"So from now on, you will all be using your chosen weapons to train and spar with each other. Since I'm a master swordsman. Well not to brag, I will be training you all. No matter the type of sword you chose, I can still teach you." Von said.

Meanwhile Jake was now standing beside Jack and Sophia and they also were with their swords. Sophia was holding a Scimitar; a type of sword that was 60 cm In length with a curved, single-edged and tapered with an ornate hilt. While Jack was holding a Tachi; a sword that was 70cm in length with a longer, curved and single-edged worn with the blade facing down.

The weapon looked good on them, after admiring each other weapons, they turned to face Von in order to listen to what he was saying.

"Mind you, you are not to keep the weapon. It is the weapons hall's property except when given permission to keep can you keep your sword. You can only keep a sword that was crafted by the beast crystals you hunted." Von said. "Now without further ado, let's start training. Shall we."

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