
Hoodie Guy Saved Me

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what happens when Samantha who was finally moving on from the past but that past decides to meet and ruin her future? Is the Hoodie Guy apart of it all or is he also just a victim like Samantha?

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Chapter 1Chapter ONE

"Saaaam". mum shouts my name from downstairs.

I jumped out from the bed immediately almost having a heart attack.

My eyes went wide In realization. Oh my goodness today is Monday. I whispered under my breath..

" Sam get down here". mum called again😩.

"Am coming mum".i rushed downstairs but something was odd,why are the lights off?..I questioned my self underneath my breath.

"Mum,where are you?. I can't see a thing."

"Mum please don't start with your jokes on Monday morning,I need to get to school in an hour or tw".....before I could complete my sentence the lights went on when something immediately caught my attention.

Everywhere was decorated..what in the word is going on...I continued looking around until my eyes landed on something.

"Happy birthday Sweetie"🎉...

"OMG,OMG...it's today"...it's February 14, i mean,..i totally forgot .

I couldn't help the tears, surprised that even in-between busy schedules my parents never missed my birthday,they were all I had and all I needed to be happy.

"Thanks mum,Thank Dad".i smiled as they took me into their warm embrace.

"Come on...hurry up and prepare let's have breakfast,you can open all the presents when you're back from school"..Dad said as he gently pat my head.


I took my bath,looked through my wardrobe and picked out a blue denim trouser,white t-shirt and white sneakers. I packed my hair in a messy bun,took my bag pack and had breakfast with my parents.

"Bye mum,bye dad".they each gave me a peck before I turned to leave.

"Try to make friends in school okay?"....mum shouts a bit .

"Yes, mum, I'll try"...😣I get nervous and panic for the smallest things and none of them knows about it .

** Hoodie Guy**

Finally,am in front of 'Holland High' where the richest kids attend.

"gosh, I wonder what first day In school will be like'.*sighs*

Walking through the hall and the crowd of students.i tried my best to not look up as the shy girl that I am.

After meeting the principal I got my timetable and headed for my first class.

The students here are very wonderful it's my first day here and their already looking down on me and gossiping among themselves,almost Immediately I remember that I didn't take my jean jacket my shirt was a bit transparent even tho I had a singlet on....

before I knew what was going on,my legs were taking me to an unknown direction...I was running.

*why am I freaking out again*

I jus hope this road leads to my first class.

I kept running untill I bumped into something or someone and all my books spread across the floor.

*Sam,calm down,pick up your books,say sorry then leave okay?,let's not cause trouble today*😤.I said in my thoughts

With shaky hands I packed my books and kept whispering.."Sorry,am so sorry,I didn't mean to". My body begins to tremble again.

"Am really sorry,i shouldn't..I was not looking,am so sor".....

"Shh...it's okay". The stranger whispered back, sending chills down my spine as he helped me pack up my books.

Something dared me to look up as I slowly raise my face...*ugh*😳.

My body froze when our eyes met as he handed me my books.I looked down shyly my cheeks heating up as I felt his crystal blue eyes piercing my skin. Those eyes were so charming,I thought I'd only see them in movies.....I couldn't see his face tho cause he was putting on a nose mask and a black hoodie.

"He must be the 'Hoodie Guy'. I blurted out.

"You should watch where you're going next time"...his calm voice brought me out of me thoughts.

"Ye...e..yes s..sure,I mean a..am s..sorry". I stammered like an idiot,then ran to my class since I had sighted it near by.

The day quickly went by like every other day.

**ELVIS Mansion**


"Mum?,Dad?"....no one's home "that's interesting". I flee to my room and pounced on my Queen sized bed. I almost went crazy in school today,I mean his eyes are so cute,his voice so soft and calm...and he's the first guy I talked to on my first day in school.

*I didn't know my heart could beat so fast again ,not after what that narcissist did to me.* I smiled a little again at nothing in particular until I slept off.

***3 hours later**

"Sam,Sam,hey wake up"

"ugh?" I blinked my eyes a few times..."what?"

"Come on downstairs,let's have dinner together"..mum smiled gently dragging me downstairs.

"What did you cook?"

"Your favourite"Dad interrupted as he sat on his spot.

"Hm!😌..I can smell it already...am so hungry. Hey Dad".

"Sweetheart...hope school wasn't stressful?"

"at all". I replied already sitted as mum served fried spaghetti and fried chicken...

"How was school today?". mum spoke up.

"oh...it was fine"..I replied as my cheek started to heat up again I couldn't hide it since I was light skinned.

"my baby is blushing...tell me sweetie I've not seen you like this in a long time"

"Mum you won't believe it". I blurted out, explaining how I bumped into this hoodie Guy while Dad just shook his head as he chuckled.

"aww...my baby!"..mum pouted like a child....make friends with him ,you don't know he might come in handy some day ..you might need him".

"Mum come on...🙄...I have you and Dad ,why would I need him?....not like he's my boyfriend or something"...I pouted whole saying the last words under my breath.

"Who knows,he might just be my son in-law some day"

"Mum??😳..what are you saying,I don't even know him."

"Just saying".. She shrugged smiling sweetly at me.

"Stop teasing mum".

"Alright,alright,I'll stop...she raised her hands in surrender as we all laughed.

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sky_maiden · Teen
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