
Greenrock Castle's Siege [4]

Their questions were answered when Alec emerged from the fog clad from head to toe in pure steel. 

His steps were light despite his massive size. With a tower shield in one hand and a spear in the other, he looked like the true definition of an unbeatable knight. 


About a hundred Syrian archers nocked their bows and drew them. 


Swoosh! Swoosh! 

The arrows bounced off Alec's. They could only watch him approach the portcullis. Alec squatted, dropped his weapons, and wrapped his fingers, covered by his gauntlet, around the steel bars.

The bars were thick enough to make him put in effort, but he wasn't planning to break it. Grunting deeply, he began to lift the heavy portcullis.

Some archers couldn't believe their eyes, while some began to shoot rapidly, but their arrows bounced off with a spark.

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