
Chapter 108 The Invader

Alex’s P.O.V

I went back to the packhouse late next morning. I knew I was going to get in trouble as soon as I stepped into the dining area to sneak something to eat back to my room but came face to face with Freya instead.

Luna in training and a powerful witch in her own right, Cameron’s mate raised her eyebrows at me as soon as she saw me sneak in.

“Judging from the stench of alcohol on your clothes, I’d say you’re sneaking back in after some wild late night endeavors.” She shook her head in disappointment. “Sit down, Alex. I’ll get you something to eat.”

Sighing, I took a seat at the little dining table especially for the higher rank members, the table that we had been using since we were kids.

Hardly ten minutes later, Freya laid out an entire feast in front of me that included almost all of my favorite breakfast items and a large cup of piping hot coffee. My eyes narrowed at her absolutely angelic expression. “You’re babying me.”

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