
Monster Attack

Since that day, Fenris has been following me around.

For some reason it seemed like I started to be talked about by the girls, well maybe they were talking about Fenris anyway, but I didn't really care about it.

Fenris made some progress on magic control, but I can see he is not so talented in magic atom control, for example, to make a Wall spell, he needs about 6-7 seconds of spell casting and magic atom arrangement to make a simple transparent shield.

If the incident like the blue ball of light were to happen again, it would take me less than 2 seconds of casting time to arrange the magic atoms into an invisible wall as tall as my own body.

But perhaps if Fenris continues to practice his magic, there will definitely be great progress someday, after all, effort never betrays results, doesn't it?

So I just have to teach Fenris to focus on his own skills and what type of magic he needs.

That way, he won't need to learn other magic and just focus on the magic that suits him.

"Arche, how did you make the mirror like yesterday?"

"Oh that's right, it's light magic, you just have to control the refraction of light and adjust it to the arrangement of the magic atoms that you have recited, an example is this..."

I recited the mirror magic that I made into the roof the other day and showed it to Fenris, but this time I showed its form and didn't make it transparent.

"Woah, that's amazing Arche! I'll try to imitate it."

We are currently on our lunch break in the garden where I usually spend my break time quietly, every day Fenris always follows me here to learn magic, because in class we can't learn magic.

But over time the girls began to gather around this park too, maybe they wanted to be close to Fenris, but it's a shame that Fenris came to this park to learn magic with me, haha!

Every now and then sis El comes here to join in and teach Fenris a bit about magic.

Whenever she came, her three fellow friends would come too, it was like a personal bodyguard.

"Ah, it's time for the second lesson, Arche go back to your class," said El as she looked at the screen in the school garden.

It's been 2 hours already, I didn't realize it at all.

"You guys, get along well," she continued.

"Alright sis, just leave Arche to me! hehe," Fenris replied.

Without you telling me to, I can take care of myself!

Then we walked back to our respective classes.

And at that moment, I found something strange, I don't know what it is but I can feel it, as if something is bringing ruin around here, but why here? Isn't this an elementary school? Or is it just my premonition? No no! It's not a premonition, it's really real and that something really exists.

But what? I can only feel a vague fear from nowhere.

"A-arche... did you feel it?" whispered Fenris fearfully, but he acted as if he was fine.

I saw that Fenris was already standing scared next to me, even though he was just relaxing.

Do all the students in this school feel it too? This fear of terror that came from nowhere, but the further I moved away from the park, the chill on the back of my neck disappeared.

Did it come from the school garden where I used to eat lunch? Seriously! I guess I should check it out and see what's going on there.

Our school garden looks like a typical garden, there are some garden benches, a flower garden and the garden is surrounded by a 4-meter high iron fence to prevent students from running away or skipping school.

And behind that fence, the border between the Kingdom of Aurelius and the Republic of Cestisia.

This school was deliberately built right on the border between countries, so that students from remote areas of the city could also attend school here, or rather this was indeed a remote school in the corner of the most extreme city of the Kingdom of Aurelius, namely Lilac City or commonly called the Border City.

Even though it is located on the border, the appearance of this city is not so bad, because visitors from the neighboring country, the Republic of Cestisia, always pass through this city every time they want to enter the territory of the Kingdom of Aurelius.

Not so many Royal Guard were assigned to this remote city, therefore, only the city police were in charge of maintaining order in the city.

Or in other words, if there was a certain threat that appeared here, there would be no help that would come quickly.

And my conclusion was, if my hunch was correct about a threat being behind the fence of this school garden, then coming and approaching it was a very stupid idea.

But, that's if I'm talking about my own safety, if we're talking about the safety of the public, then it's not such a stupid idea.

At the very least, I'll just check it out and after confirming something that gave me goosebumps from earlier, I'll report it to the teacher!

I slowly returned to the garden and walked towards the 4-meter iron fence.

"Oi Arche! Don't go there!"

"Calm down Fen, I'll be right back."

I continued to walk slowly towards the fence, taking very careful steps so as not to make the slightest noise.

When I got there and peeked through the gap in the fence, I saw something. No, it was a human!

Why was there someone behind this fence? Was it a thief? Or a kidnapper? If so, it could be serious! I'm worried about the girls of this school!

"H-help me!" the person said softly.

What? He's not a kidnapper? If I look around again he's also wearing this school uniform, and his body is small too, I'll try to approach him.

"Wind Blast!"

I cast wind magic to push my body upwards to increase the height of the jump, and sure enough, I instantly jumped to a height of 5 meters and went straight through the iron fence, after which I tried again to cast the same magic for landing.

"Oi you, are you alright ther-"

"You... ENIGMA!"

Suddenly I was surprised by this person, he was the antisocial Enigma! Why is this arrogant kid here? What is he doing?

"Y-you're Archemidas if I'm not mistaken? Help me Archemidas," he replied.

I saw that his face was already red and it looked like he was going to cry, even though he was not friendly to others, but he was still my classmate, I kind of felt sorry for this kid.

"What happened, Enigma?"

"A-a-there's a m-monster over there...," he said while pointing towards the forest on the border of the Republic of Cestisia.

"Water Blade!"

I cast an attack spell to wound the thing hiding behind the bushes with a sharp, high-speed water magic.

But there was no response!

This made me even more tense, why wasn't there any sound or movement from behind the bush.

1 minute... 2 minutes... no response or sound, is it safe now?

I continued to walk slowly towards the school fence once again, but this time I carefully watched the back while carrying Enigma towards the fence and I told Enigma to immediately climb over the fence, then...


"A-arche, behind you!"


Suddenly I faced backwards and how surprised I was to see the creature that had been hiding behind the bushes.

It's flying...

No, more like it's levitating!

I know this creature very well.

Its horrible form is black like a human-like stone but has a head like a bird without feathers, and wings like a bat, its eyes are bright red and very terrifying.

In the past before going to war, my commander had warned me about this creature, he was very cunning and could levitate and his speed was also extraordinary.

It's a demon from the war 2000 years ago and one of the subordinates of the Demon King who was fighting humans at the time.

I still remember this damn demon and its fellows finishing off the soldiers who were fighting alongside me at the time, I remember it so well.

The moments when my friend was eaten by them, and the moments when they shot out with incredible speed while casually chopping up the bodies of the other soldiers.

Although its rank was low and its endurance was weak, it was one of the fastest and most agile demons that could even fly...

The demon was slowly coming towards us, I couldn't do anything about it.

My body is weak, my mind is blank, I can only remember past moments, I don't want to die now, I don't want to be killed by this bastard demon.

"Water Blade!"

Someone cast a water spell, but the movement of the water was slower than my magic, and the casting was also long, he was Fenris.

Why is he even here? Didn't I just tell him to go to class first? Or didn't I?

"Arche! Recite the barrier spell now, I'll distract its attention!"

Suddenly I snapped out of my daze and started to return to reality, but next to me Enigma was already sitting limply with his empty eyes glued to the demon.

What the hell!





I cast the transparent barrier wall spell on all four sides of my body, right, left, front, and top.

Next to me were Enigma and Fenris who were trying to lift him up onto the railing.


Suddenly the demon attacked my magic, even though it was elementary school magic, but I had practiced it thousands of times, don't underestimate my magic, demon!


It continued to attack the transparent wall that I had erected in front of me relentlessly with its hands.

"Fe-fenris... hurry up!"

"Hold on, I'm lifting it Arche!"

I blocked the demon's attack and Fenris lifted Enigma's body over the fence to the school grounds, after which he would report this to the teacher immediately, so during that time I had to restrain the demon.


I couldn't take it anymore, my hands were already sore and my head was starting to get dizzy, this demon just kept blindly attacking in all directions like a stupid creature.


Suddenly my vision turned red, and started to blur as well.

It seemed like blood was coming out of my eyes and nose, maybe blood was coming out of my ears too.

I couldn't hear anything, but it seemed like Fenris and Enigma managed to jump into the school grounds.

I won't let these bastard demons mess up any further.

Despite the blood coming out of my mouth, nose, eyes and ears, I can still see the direction and I can still walk although not so quick, I'll take this demon away first towards the forest.


The demon kicked me and I was slammed towards the forest, not what I planned but at least it will follow me into this forest and away from the school fence, after all Enigma and Fenris are no longer there.

"I... won't... let... GUAAAHH!"

It looks like I've been kicked again, my chest hurts, my eyes hurt, my nose hurts. Am I going to die?

Am I going to be eaten by this bastard demon that I hate the most?

My eyes can still see the demon flying closer even though everything looks red, but I can still see it, it's slowly floating towards me silently through the bushes that are already splattered with my blood.

But behind it, I caught a glimpse of a female silhouette running towards the demon and shouting something.


The voice I wanted to hear so badly, the voice that had taught me magic and the voice that had scolded me when I did wrong and then corrected my every mistake.

Usually her voice seemed flat and very quiet because the person always looked sleepy and lazy, but now it felt different, very different...

Like anger and hatred...

She no longer put on her sleepy, flat face, but she put on a face that I haven't seen even once in my life.

She's the most genius person I know, the one and only person I respect and respect the most in this world. It was my sister Ellora Evernoir who was in a rage!

Indeed, a very reliable older sister.

"What did you do to my little brother..."

Her flat words as if she was looking at a piece of trash, and her eyes that stared coldly and angrily at the demon, made me believe she could definitely eliminate it.

"Sis... El...."

Then there was a sound like something melting in the demon's chest, his chest had been hollowed out instantly by my sister's laser magic, but it still didn't bring it down, El and I already knew that, the proof was that it was still floating casually even though its chest had been hollowed out.

But somehow, I felt very calm, I knew everything would be fine if it was El, I knew she could do it, she surely can.

I believe in you sis El, you are the only person I can rely on the most.


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