
Who Is His Favorite?

"Mama! Let's try to call me mama!" Daren said to his son as he tried to teach the baby to call him.

He wanted Seth's first word to be calling mama and it would make him feel so happy to hear how his baby could call him.

As long as he is not back at work yet, Daren wants to spend a lot of time with Seth and Victor because he is sure that once he gets back to work, he will be busy with his usual shooting schedule.

Therefore, he wanted to teach Seth a lot of things so that when he left his son, he knew that Seth could call out to him.

"Come on Seth! Call mama, ma-ma... It's not hard to do, you can do it!" he exclaimed.

Seth, however, looked confused and laughed every time he mentioned it. He still needed time to learn and follow what his mother was saying at the moment.

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