
Are You Cheating On Me?

Daren got up from his seat and approached Victor who was standing not far from him. Just as Aiden had said, the man smelled the pheromones of the other Omega clinging to his clothes.

"While you were waiting here, Victor was busy with another Omega. Really annoying isn't it?" said Aiden as if trying to provoke the two of them.

"Is it true? You were just with another Omega, that's why it took so long to get back," Daren asked, interrogating his alpha.

Victor couldn't deny it, because it was the truth. But he recounted what had happened a few minutes ago when he met the Omega.

"It was an accident, we bumped into each other and he hurt his ankle. That's why I took him to the infirmary," he explained to put Daren at ease.

"Then why is his scent on your shirt? Did you hug before you parted or did you do something?" asked Aiden who again wanted to make Daren think badly of Victor.

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