"What am I doing in this building?" Argus thought to himself.
A tall building in the middle of new york that has a large letter "H" embedded on top of it. At first glance it looks like a normal building with many people working, but once you're deep inside every little things changes.
Lots of scientist are experimenting with advanced technologies and groundbreaking research. But more importantly, there's a monstrous humanoid creature resting inside a tank.
Suddenly, a voice crackles behind him. "Welcome, Mr. Argus." He turns around and a man in white suit is standing with his hand behind his back. "I've heard about your famous escaped."
Argus looks at him with a confused expression, "Who are you?"
"Oh, right. The name's Ethan Hall. Head of the Halls Industries." He extends a hand towards Argus. "I've been wanting to meet you, since the day you've become famous in H.U.M.A.N.S."
Argus looks at Ethan's hand but didn't shake it, "Why'd you invite me here?"
"I invited you here, Mr. Argus, because I believe I can help you," Ethan replies with a charming smile. "You see, I have a proposition for you that I think you'll find quite interesting."
Argus eyes Ethan warily, his mind still reeling from the strange surroundings. "What kind of proposition?" He asks cautiously.
Ethan chuckles softly. "Let's just say that, I know your goal. I've been following your work closely, your knack for getting into places that others can't. I believe I know much about you."
"Enlighten me." Argus respond in a serious tone.
"Hmm... How about the suit? Is that enough?" Ethan asked with a smirk.
Argus narrows his eyes, studying Ethan intently. The mention of the suit catches him off guard, as no people knew about it.
Before he can respond, Ethan strides past him. "Let me show you around. Starting with this humanoid creature."
Argus follows Ethan as they walk towards the tank where the monstrous humanoid creature is kept. The creature inside is unlike anything Argus has ever seen before, its blue skin glistens under the artificial lights.
"What is this thing?" Argus asks, his curiosity piqued.
Ethan glances at him with a knowing smile. "This, Mr. Argus, is the culmination of years of research and experimentation. We call it Subject Morak."
The monstrous creature twitch slightly, "Alright, let's continue." Ethan gesture for Argus to follow him. "You know, two of my subjects escaped last night. Subject 00-X and 01-X."
Ethan leads Argus to a high-tech laboratory where various monitors and equipment hum with activity. "These subjects are not your average escapees, Mr. Argus. They possess unique abilities and traits that make them... special."
Argus furrows his brow, trying to make sense of everything. "Special how?"
Ethan turns to face him, his expression grave. "Subject 00-X has the power to clone himself and I believe I injected him with a fluid that enables him to adapt to any situations. Subject 01-X, on the other hand, has a telekinetic abilities which allows her to manipulate basically anything."
As Ethan reveals this information, Argus's eyes widen in disbelief. "You can't possibly control them with such abilities. They're dangerous,"
Ethan nods solemnly. "Yes, they are indeed powerful. That's why I need your help, Mr. Argus. With your suit and power, I believe you can take them both down."
Argus paces back and forth, contemplating Ethan's proposition. "What's in it for me?" He finally asks, his tone neutral.
Ethan smiles knowingly. "For starters, I can provide you with resources beyond your wildest dreams. Access to cutting-edge technology, research facilities, and a team of brilliant minds at your disposal. And of course, a substantial sum of money to sweeten the deal."
Argus considers the offer, weighing the risks and benefits. "I'll accept. But on one condition," He says, fixing Ethan with a steely gaze. "We do this my way."
Ethan raises an eyebrow, intrigued. "Your way? And what way would that be, Mr. Argus?"
A determined glint enters Argus's eyes. "The humane way. We'll bring them back, not as subjects, but as individuals. I won't be a part of any more experiments or manipulation."
Ethan steady his looks at Argus, "That... I can't do. Those two are my precious subjects."
"Then you can forget all of this." Argus says, as he turns his back, ready to leave.
"That... I can't do too." Ethan points his finger at the closed door. "If I can't have you with nice words, then I'll use force."
The ground starts to shake, Argus quickly steps into a defensive stance as he sense someone charging from behind the door. A cascade of white fabric starts to emerge from behind his back wrapping itself around Argus.
"So that's the suit." Ethan smile. "Goodluck fighting Morak."
The door burst open to reveal the monstrous creature standing, Argus scatter across the room by the force of the monster.
As the dust settles, Argus slowly gets back on his feet, his suit is now fully morphed to his body. Morak the monstrous creature looms over him, ready to strike. Argus takes a deep breath, focusing his mind on the power that lies within his suit.
With a swift movement, Argus dashes forward using his scaled wings. Morak growls and starts to charges towards him, as the two charges towards each other, Ethan disappear from the room.
As the two close in, Morak quickly overpowered him but Morak didn't stop his charges. With Argus hanging in front of him, he continuously rush forward destroying the wall of the building, causing them to fall.
Their fall cause shockwaves through the area, drawing attention from those nearby. Morak emerges from the smoke and starts to wreaks havoc to nearby structures, the civilians starts to panic and runs from every direction.
Argus shakes the rubbles off from him and stands up. He quickly dashes towards Morak with his fist ready, he punch the creature from its side causing it to scatter half across the street.
The impact sends Morak flying and crashing into a nearby building, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Argus lands gracefully on the ground, his suit glowing with power as he surveys the chaos around him.
Morak roars in fury as it picks itself up from the rubble, its eyes locked onto Argus with a furious intensity.
"Oh, we're just getting started." Argus says with a smirk. Curved daggers emerge from both sides of his wrist as he charge towards Morak one more time.
Morak swings his massive arms with brute force, Argus ducks underneath him and slash his legs using the curved daggers. Morak roars in pain as he falls on his knee, he desperately swing his arms again hoping to hit Argus. But Argus dodges and slash his arms causing to roar in pain again.
"That hurts, big guy?" Argus mocks. The creature roars in fury as he tries to stands up, but Argus throws three white balls around him. Lightning chains emerged from the white balls, restraining Morak.
"You need to chill, you're not the one I'm here for." Argus says, he looks at the sky and saw a helicopter flying and Ethan is standing inside.
The helicopter hovers above the chaotic scene as Ethan looks down at Argus with a smirk on his face. "As much as I enjoy seeing you fight the monster. I need to leave now, so goodluck finding me, Valor Knight."
Argus watches the helicopter fly away and Ethan disappearing in the distance, leaving him standing amidst the chaos he had just subdued.
"Alright, what am I gonna do to you now?" He turns to look where Morak is, but the lightning chains are not restraining Morak anymore. Only an unconscious human being with no clothes on is.
Argus approaches the unconscious human cautiously, noticing intricate tattoos covering his body. "Well, I never thought I'd see something like this."
Argus is outside of an school, no suits on but he puts on a shades in case someone recognize him and the unconscious man inside his car who's supposedly Morak.
He leans on the hood of his car as he watches kids walk past him. He spot the person he's looking for, walking out of the school gates. An average woman with a long orange hair that is tightened up in a messy bun.
"Lisa." Argus quips with a smirk.
"Argus." Lisa respond nonchalantly, her expression unreadable.
"Long time no see," Argus says casually.
"I was hoping it would be longer," Lisa retorts.
"You always know how to make me feel welcome," Argus chuckles.
"You always know how to make a mess," Lisa shoots back, her eyes scanning the car and the unconscious man inside.
"I can explain," Argus starts, but Lisa raises a hand.
"I don't want to know," She says, her tone resigned. "Just take that mess somewhere else before anyone sees."
"Come on, listen to me." Argus begs with a smirk.
"I'm not listening to an escaped convict." Lisa turns around, not bothering to listen.
Argus walks in front of her, stopping her. "Look, I'm sorry... About everything." He says, his expression is serious. "I'm a changed man now. I'm not the old arrogant guy anymore."
Lisa stops in her tracks, her eyes fixated on Argus. She studies his face, searching for any hint of deception or sincerity. After a moment of silence, she sighs and replies, "I've heard that one before, Argus. Actions speak louder than words."
Argus nods understandingly, knowing he has a lot to prove after his past actions. "I get it, Lisa. But please, at least hear me out. I need your help with this one."
Lisa arches an eyebrow, curious despite herself. "What kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into this time?"
Argus glances back at the car and the unconscious man inside. "I found him like this, he wasn't always like that. I need to figure out what happened to him, and I think you can help."
Lisa eyes the man in the car, her expression softening slightly. "Fine, bring him inside. We'll figure out what's going on."