
Chapter 107: Night of the Long Knives (Nacht der langen Messer)(10/?)

Two days later, the fruits of Morrigan's plan began to show their effects. The new ideological movement in Berlen, the Fairy-Human movement, was gaining popularity.

Morrigan had declared that the people of these lands had a holy bloodline descended from fairies while speaking. This quickly became popular, especially with Jülgen's clever tactics.

Supporters started to form among the people. Though still a minority, it was expected that the foundation would be established within two months. Morrigan had spent almost 500 million gold on various schools.

These schools were religious, with lessons focused on history, Genesis, and the God of Creation. In addition, the racial divisions among people seemed to be decreasing.

People began to slowly refer to themselves as Aryans, a name created by Seth. Though things were going well so far, racism was beginning to rise.

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