
Chapter 14: Ninja Level Up

For an Uchiha to not use their eyes? That's like playing a racing game without having a girl in the passenger seat—it lacks soul!

Perhaps these past two years of living as a rogue ninja had greatly enriched his combat experience, and his chakra reserves had also increased significantly.

But for an Uchiha, using the eyes is the main thing!

Just look at Obito Uchiha, who went from being a "dead last" to awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan after witnessing Rin's death. He suddenly became the mastermind behind the scenes in the world of "Naruto"!

So, out of the three options, choosing to evolve the Sharingan was the priority!

As Uchiha Akira chose the evolution of the Sharingan, he felt a surge of warmth filling his eyes.

At the same time, his entire perception of the world changed.

With his focused gaze, he could even see a fly's wings flapping clearly!

If the single tomoe Sharingan was like watching a video in low quality, then the double tomoe Sharingan was like watching it in ten times slow motion!

No matter how fast something was, he could see it clearly.

This was the power of the double tomoe Sharingan.

In this state, he could even perfectly copy his opponent's body movements!

In simple terms, he could replicate others' taijutsu techniques!

Moreover, as the Sharingan evolved to the double tomoe state, Uchiha Akira felt a significant increase in his mental strength as well!

What is the source of chakra?

It's a combination of physical energy from the body's cells and spiritual energy!

Since his spiritual energy had increased, naturally, Uchiha Akira's chakra also surged!

"Indeed, choosing to evolve the Sharingan was the right decision!" Feeling the changes in himself, Uchiha Akira silently praised his choice.

The first time his Sharingan awakened, he had gained chakra out of nowhere. Now that it had evolved, his chakra had also significantly increased!

It seems that ten continuous simulations really do work wonders!

It's only the seventh simulation, and his Sharingan has already evolved!

Previously, Shisui-sensei said to rest for a week before taking on another mission?

I wonder what kind of mission we'll be doing next?

But before Uchiha Akira could finish reveling in the excitement of his newly evolved double tomoe Sharingan, another line of text suddenly appeared before him!

[Congratulations, your overall strength has increased to Chūnin level. The cost of the Life Simulator has increased to 10,000 ryō!]

Uchiha Akira didn't know whether to feel happy or disappointed with this notification!

After so many simulations, his chakra had increased so much, and now with his Sharingan evolving to the double tomoe state, he had finally reached the threshold of Chūnin level—this was something to be happy about!

But then, the cost of the Life Simulator had increased again?

10,000 ryō per simulation?

The price had increased tenfold again!

"Damn this Life Simulator! I'm technically just at the Genin level, so how can you judge my strength as Chūnin?"

"If my level was based on the official Konoha ninja rankings, it would be great. I could stay as a Genin for life—wouldn't that be sweet?"

"If I could simulate every day, in just a few years, after simulating a thousand or even several thousand times, it would be like training for thousands or even tens of thousands of years. I'd be able to dominate the ninja world, punch Madara Uchiha, and kick Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, right?"

"That would definitely suit the characteristics of Konoha ninjas, right? Only Jonin use kitchen utensils in battles, while Genin fights are what really cause destruction!"

"Too bad I can't exploit this loophole!"


Reading the text before him, Uchiha Akira silently grumbled to himself. The tenfold price increase of the Life Simulator was just too frustrating!

After a good bit of lamenting, Uchiha Akira got up, washed up, and headed to the dining room for breakfast.

This morning, his grandfather had woken up fairly early as well and was sitting across from him.

"By the way, you've been resting at home for a while now. Has Shisui not given you a new mission?" his grandfather asked casually.

"After the killing a few days ago, Shisui-sensei told me to rest at home for a week. I should have a new mission tomorrow," Uchiha Akira replied.

"Mm, you need to learn well from Shisui. Though he's young, he's considered the strongest in our Uchiha clan!"

Worried that Uchiha Akira might become arrogant due to his reputation as a genius, his grandfather reminded him earnestly.

"Yes, I understand. Besides, I've been growing well too; I think I've touched the threshold of Chūnin level!" Uchiha Akira said modestly.

"Chūnin? That's the level where you can become a squad leader. You're still underestimating what it means to be a Chūnin..."

He had only just graduated, and now he was claiming to have reached the Chūnin level? His grandfather shook his head in disbelief.

But before he could finish speaking, his words caught in his throat!

Because Uchiha Akira had revealed his double tomoe Sharingan.

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