
A Night With Elaine

Ethan eyed the girl up close. The tapering ears were characteristic of elves. They twitched occasionally, reacting to sounds, which was quite adorable.

Elaine was gorgeous, with a slender face and radiant youth dancing in her periwinkle-blue eyes. The boy assumed elves were good-looking by default. He made a mental note to study a variety of elves to understand the beauty standards within their race.

Velma had told him that elves were a proud people with a superiority complex. Captain Joan did put on an authoritative and dismissive airs, even though her words were submissive.

Ethan felt no such vibes from Elaine, perhaps because she was still young and innocent. Ageing and socialization made people more aware of their social, racial, and economic identities.

"You are pretty," the boy told her suddenly.

Elaine blushed immediately and averted his gaze. "I am barely considered average in our battalion. But I am delighted that you find me adequate, Young Count."

Ethan nodded and looked around awkwardly, unsure what to do next. The young elf observed his confusion and stepped closer.

"You may do as you wish with me," she said softly. "I will not stop your advances."

Ethan gulped nervously and observed Elaine's lovely face. Where should he start his advances from? The boy was not shy, coming from Earth. However, he was too excited to think the situation through.

A beautiful elf female had surrendered her body to him in a fantasy world! That too with a license to do anything to her!

"May I touch your ears?" Ethan asked.

Elaine nodded. The boy extended his hand and felt her right ear. It was soft like velvet and lukewarm. However, the edges were sharp. The ear fluttered in his grip like a bird's wing.

Elaine giggled, and the boy let her go in surprise. "What happened? Did I hurt you?"

The elf lowered her ears. "I'm sorry, Young Count. My ears are still sensitive as I recently came of age. It will take a few years for them to become tough like other warriors."

The boy nodded and tried to recall Joan's ears. They indeed looked sturdy and perhaps not as soft as Elaine's.

"I think this is the best thing I have ever touched," Ethan said, touching her ears again.

The young elf's face brightened. "Really? I hope the Young Count will also be satisfied with the rest of me."

Ethan gulped anxiously. There was no way he was going to make the first move.

The boy feared making a mistake and offending the elf. Another part of him still thought he was dreaming, and making a sexual advance would shatter the dream. It would bring him back to the miserable Earth life.

Elaine noticed his reluctance and pressed her hands on his arms, making him sit on the wooden bed.

"There's nothing to be shy about, Young Count. You can take your time. You can look at me long enough, touch me anywhere, or say anything to me. Of course, Captain Joan did say we had less than a couple hours left."

"Where exactly were you hurt by the wild boar?" the boy asked timidly.

"You may look for yourself."

Elaine fumbled with her gown, loosening the knots on her back. She dropped the sleeve of one shoulder and then the other. With a rustle and a flutter, she slid out of her clothes completely.

Ethan's eyes widened as the gown fell to the floor. The lantern's light hit the elf's radiant skin, making the experience surreal.

Elaine's body had looked slender in the gown. But now he could see that the clothing hid her athletic musculature. She was a warrior elf, after all.

The boy gulped and lowered his eyes down to her breasts. They were perky as expected, about two handfuls in size. They sat on her chest like juicy, sliced apples. Her nipples were small but prickly. He wondered if the elf was aroused already.

Ethan moved his eyes down to her midsection and almost gasped. A slanting bloody cut ran down her perfectly flat abdomen. It had not healed properly yet. He could see the flesh inside!

"The wound is deep," the boy said, wincing. "Does it hurt a lot?"

"An elf's life is difficult," is all Elaine said. "Pain is considered good." She overlooked the wound's agony. Instead, she blushed and averted her gaze because she was completely in the nude.

Ethan lowered his eyes further and saw an adorable golden bush where her slender waist ended, and her groin began. Her clit was hidden from sight by the hair. The elf's thighs and calves were perfectly toned, as if sculpted by artisans.

"Have you ever been with a man before?" Ethan asked softly.

Elaine shook her head. "This is my first time as well."

"Is nudity something that easily comes to an elf?" He was curious since she was not reluctant to drop her gown.

Elaine pressed her shoulders together as if she were chilly, which made her modest breasts inflate like dough on a hot pan. "No, Young Count. But you are our lord and master. There is no reason to fear or refuse you."

Ethan gulped nervously as he realized he was getting aroused. "Come closer."

Elaine did as she was told until they were only three feet apart. The fragrance of lavender hit the boy's nostrils. Did elves smell good naturally? He wanted to rub his nose against Elaine's skin to find out. But wouldn't that be too desperate?

Her breasts were within comfortable reach. Ethan mustered courage and extended his hands. He paused half-way.

"May I touch them?"

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