
The Second Dance II

(Third Person)

Moondancer spiraled, avoiding Sheepstealer diving for her as Baela held on. As she composed herself and circled around, Baela noticed Meleys in the distance, approaching. 

"Grandmother!" She said with surprise, "Wait....Jace!" 

Sunfyre swooped down for Moondancer, almost hitting her with a claw swipe but the dragon was able to avoid him. Aegon looked at Baela who was holding on, a slight smirk on his face as he saw Sheepstealer lunge at her cousin's dragon. 

Moondancer spiraled and avoided Sheepstealer, firing off a stream of flames that hit the brown dragon hard, stumbling it. 

"Shit!" Ulf exclaimed, "At this rate, I'm going to be burnt. Wait....is that that big oaf, Hugh???" 

He was looking down at Greyfiend, the wild dragon that landed in front of where Vermax had crashed. 

Down with them, Jace unstrapped himself as his entire head spun, disoriented due to the crash. 

"V-Vermax..." He dismounted his dragon who was whimpering in pain, his wings broken completely as blood poured out of his mouth, "No...." 

Jace crouched down, patting his dragon's head, rubbing his hand against his scales, trying to calm him down. 

Greyfiend let out a vicious roar as Hugh dismounted it, his hammer in hand. 

Jace blinked, completely confused as he wobbled while composing himself, "W-Who are you?" 

He placed his hand on his sword, drawing it as he immediately felt the hostility coming from the towering bastard. 

"You...." Hugh said with rage in his eye

"Step back." Jace warned as he pointed his sword at him, "I warn you." 

Hugh lunged at Jace, swinging his hammer at him. The Prince blocked the blow but the impact was too powerful for him as his sword flew out of his hand which immediately broke. 

"A-Agghh!!!" He shouted in pain as he collapsed to his knees, "Fuck!" 

Hugh stood before Jace, a vicious rage in his eyes. Above them, Moondancer was being attacked by Sunfyre and Sheepstealer, fighting back as Meleys's roar was heard much closer. 

Jace panted as he looked up at him, "What do you want?" He asked as blood poured from his broken nose, "Who are you? You ride a dragon...." 

"Your Mother did this." Hugh said as he panted out of pure rage, "She killed my wife. Her and that husband of hers...Had my wife stabbed mercilessly!" 

Jace frowned, "S-She would never do something like that." He said, "Neither would Aerion, he wouldn't kill in cold blood. Unless it's a battle, yea sure, that's a different story....but....I have no idea what happened to your Wife, I'm sorry to hear that. But you must reconsider what you're about to do. It's...You're sealing your fate.....If you do this....you're a dead man." 

Jace knew what was about to come but the Prince did not feel an ounce of fear. The only thing he felt was regret. Regret of not enjoying his time with his family more than he'd love to admit. He knew what was coming, which is why he tried to prevent it, trying to dissuade this stranger who came out of nowhere. 

Hugh clutched the handle of his hammer, "I don't give a shit...." He said as he panted, his eyes filled with an indescribable rage, "My wife...my world.....everything was taken from me! It was your Mother and her husband that caused all of this!!" 

Jace looked down as he clutched his hand, "I don't know of what you speak of." He said softly, "But mark my words, stranger, You will die. And it won't be a dragon that takes you.....that burns you....it will be Aerion's steel." 

Jace closed his eyes and the images of his family flashed in his mind, the face of his Mother smiling at him was most prominent. A single tear ran down his cheek, one of regret. 

Hugh swung his hammer at Jace's head, the cold steel colliding with the warm flesh and with a sickening thud, blood and skull fragments flew outwards. The Prince's lifeless body collapsed to the ground as Vermax watched, his eyes filled with what looked like a dragon's tears forming. 

The Ill-Tempered forced himself up, his wings completely broken, and let out a pained shriek as his mouth glowed faintly. 

Hugh panted heavily, his eyes looking at the gruesome sight of Jace's bashed in head, "I....." He said as he blinked, suddenly stepping back, "W-What...?" 

Vermax let out a pained roar and was suddenly hit by a massive stream of flames that hit him in the head, forcing him on the ground. Greyfiend rapidly crawled toward Vermax as it unleashed flames onto the young dragon's head. And as it stopped, it immediately lunged its maw at his neck, crushing it with ease as the Ill-Tempered went limp. 

Hugh watched this with shock, taken aback of what had just transpired, "I..." He said as his hear beat rapidly, "This...." 

Greyfiend let out a loud roar as up in the skies, Moondancer returned the roar. 

Baela looked down to see Jace's body lying on the ground, Vermax's corpse near him, "N-NO!!" She cried with tears in her eyes, "JACE!!" 

Aegon looked down with a cold look on his eyes, "Huh. He's dead." He said as Sunfyre circled around Moondancer, "One down, one to go." 

Suddenly, a flash of red blurred past the golden dragon as a Meleys's roar was heard. Aegon saw that the Red Queen quickly made her way to Sheepstealer, who was on Moondancer's rear. 

Rhaenys noticed the sight below and closed her eyes in mourning, "No..." She whispered as she clenched on her handles, "Jaecaerys...." 

She then opened her eyes, "Angos, Meleys!!" 

Meleys let out a roar as she flew right at Sheepstealer, opening her maw and biting right at the wild dragon's rear. 

"Shit!" Ulf cried out as Sheepstealer shrieked in pain

Meleys was larger than Sheepstealer and because of this, she was able to swipe her claw once and rip apart the side of the brown dragon's chest, sending it spiraling down as it shrieked even more. While it fell to the ground, Meleys let out a roar. 

"Baela!" Rhaenys shouted, "Retreat! I'll hold them off!" 

"But Jace!" Baela cried with red eyes

"Go, child!" Rhaenys commanded, "Now!!" 

Baela wiped her tears and nodded, Moondancer flapping her wings as her wounds bled, "Fine..." 

Sheepstealer composed itself and opened its wings, gliding right above the ground as it roared loudly with anger. 

"Fucking hells!" Ulf said, "I got myself in some shit, huh?"

Sunfyre attacked Meleys from above, firing flames right at the Red Queen. The red dragon spun around to take the hit without causing harm on her rider as she returned fire, a massive column of flames firing right at the golden dragon. 

During this exchange, there was nothing but smoke and flames as the two dragon circled around each other. Moondancer was flying away, gaining distance by the second as Baela looked behind her, seeing the dragons dancing in the sky. 

"Aegon, what in the seven hells are you doing?!" Rhaenys shouted, "You dare attack your own kin?!" 

"You speak highly as if it weren't your queen and that fucker that murdered my children!" Aegon shouted, "I act in vengeance. I want the heads of anyone that is dear to Rhaenyra!!" 

"Your heart is distorted by blind rage!" Rhaenys said, "You are but a misguided child!" 

"Silence, you fucking whore!!" Aegon said, "Today is the day you die!!" 

"You stand no chance against me." Rhaenys said, "And even if you survive, Aerion's vengeance will be far greater than whatever yours is." 

"We shall see!" Aegon said with a smirk

Suddenly, Meleys was struck by Greyfiend from below, its teeth sinking into her chest as she let out a shriek of pain. 

"What?!" Rhaenys exclaimed as Meleys spun free of the sudden attack, blood flying everywhere

As Meleys composed herself, she let out a vicious roar, firing off flames at Greyfiend which was mounted by Hugh. The wild dragon avoided the flames and returned fire. The Red Queen, however, flew above them to avoid any damage. 

Rhaenys then looked as Sheepstealer approached from below and she spotted Sunfyre circling around for a flank. It was a three on one and one of them was as large as Meleys. While sending Baela away may have been a mistake in the eyes of others, she did what she thought was right. 

Prince Jaecaerys Velaryon was dead. Aerion's stepson. And if Aerion lost his sister today, who knows how he would've taken it. 

Rhaenys looked at Greyfiend, the grey dragon that let out a roar, and sighed, "Father...." She said softly as she fastened her straps tightly, "Are you watching?" 

"Today is the day we're reunited..." 



Lunacia_Yujincreators' thoughts
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