
Mourning II

(Aerion's POV)

"The princess will see you." a handmaiden said as she opened the door

As I walked in, I heard the crying of a baby, resounding in my ears. 

I then saw Rhaenyra sitting on one of her couches, holding a baby as she smiled at it. 

I stood there as the handmaiden walked up to her, "Princess, The Lord Aerion." She said

Rhaenyra looked up, "Aerion." She said with a surprised face

"Princess." I bowed slightly, "Your Father told me I wanted to see the babe. Considering it was a command to come here, I couldn't just refuse." 

Rhaenyra looked at her maid, "Here, Elinda." She said as she stood up, "Take him." 

Elinda reached for the baby and held him as he cooed. Rhaenyra then stood up and walked over to me, with a grief-stricken face. 

"Princess...." I said, "You have my condolences.....Ser Laenor...he was like an older brother to me." 

She nodded and embraced me as she sniffed, "Oh Aerion." She said, "I heard of what happened to Ser Gerold and Lady Ariana...." 

I was a bit surprised, not knowing what to do. I felt her warm embrace as she had her arms wrapped around my chest. I stood tall over the Princess, towering over her even. I was one of the tallest knights in the keep, even at my young age. One would say that I was nearly the same size as Maegor Targaryen. 

The point is....right now, the Princess Rhaenyra, Heir to The Throne, seemed so much smaller than life than everyone lets on. 

"Y-Yes..." I managed, "I...we still mourn them." 

She pulled away as she had tears in her eyes, "Yes, of course. As I do with my late husband." She said, "Thank you....for delivering justice." 

"It's the least I could do for him." I said softly

She then stepped back and wiped some tears away, "Uhm, would you like to meet Joffrey?" She said before looking at Elinda, "Elinda, show him the prince." 

Elinda, her maid, walked up to me as she held the baby, "Of course, Princess." She said with a smile and offered him to me

"I...." I said as I looked at Rhaenyra, "Y-You....want me to hold him?" 

She nodded with a smile, "Yes, of course, he won't break." she said

I then gently took the babe in my arms as the maid chuckled slightly. I saw the child, his eyes wide open as he looked up at me. 

I frowned, "Quite the curious eyes he has...." He said, "Joffrey, was it?" 

"Joffrey Velaryon, son of Laenor...." Rhaenyra said, "I....Laenor wanted to honor his old friend, whom he fought alongside with in the Stepstones years ago. It was the least I could do." 

I nodded as I held the baby, "I see." I said, "I did wonder where I heard that name before.....he died in an accident when I was a child right? That other Joffrey."

I looked at Joffrey, a spitting image of his older brothers. 

She cleared her throat, "Yes." She said softly

I then handed the child back to Elinda who took him gently, "He will make a fine knight." I said with a smile, "Laenor would be proud." 

As I said that, the door opened and I heard the loud voices of Jace and Luke as they called for their mother. 

"Mother!" I turned to see the small Lucerys run up to us, "I heard Aerion was here! I saw Vermithor at the Dragonpit! He was asleep!" 

Behind Lucerys, Jacearys walked as Ser Harwin followed. The City Watch Commander had a look of surprise as he saw me. 

"Luke, Jace." Rhaenyra said, "Aerion has come to see your brother." 

Their eyes lit up, "Aerion!" They said as they ran to me

Luke jumped up to me and I caught him in my arms, "Whoa there, buddy!" I said with a chuckle, "Take it easy!" 

"Aerion, how long are you staying here?" Jace asked me

I lowered Luke down as I shrugged, "After the King tells me what he summoned me for." I said, "Maybe a few days, maybe less, considering how he is in dragging my visits out." 

I patted both their heads as I chuckled. 

"Princess." I heard Harwin clear his throat, "I took it upon myself to escort the lads back." 

"Thank you Ser Harwin." Rhaenyra said

I looked at Harwin, who was giving me a stare, "Ser Harwin." I said

"Lord Aerion." He nodded, "I didn't expect you to be here." 

"Funny." I said, "I would say the same to you." 

Rhaenyra cleared her throat, "Ser Harwin....well, considering his Father's position, he's been a long-time friend of ours, has he not boys?" She said

"Yea." Luke said, "He's nice to us." 

"I bet he is." I said as I looked at Rhaenyra, "I'll leave you guys to it, then, Princess. It was good seeing you. I'll stay a while." 

I then patted the boys' heads again as I walked past them, giving Ser Harwin a nod before walking out the door. 


"Are not going to eat, Lord Aerion?" Queen Alicent said as I sat there in the table looking at my food

I shook my head, "Not that hungry, Your Grace." I said

"Is that so? I've had the cooks make this especially for you." I heard her say

"I apologize." I said as I picked up the fork, "I'll try to, then." 

"Come now, My Queen." I heard Uncle say, "The boy is in mourning. If he does not desire to eat, it is his choice. Although, a knight of his caliber needs the nourishment."

I looked up to see Alicent's eyes piercing me. Ever since I could remember, it has always been the same with her, always gazing upon me. Maybe it wasn't me that she looked at, but my Father. I've been told that the Hightowers were never on good terms with Daemon Targaryen and Ser Laenor said that Father called Otto Hightower a cunt and his daughter a boring bitch; before she became Queen.

"Do eat, Lord Aerion." She said as she drank from her cup, "Despite your thoughts on me, I do care about you, Nephew." 

I nodded, "I know, Your Grace." I said as I began to cut into the steak, "Apologies if I offended you." 

"Not at all, my dear." She continued, "Have you met with Aemond and Helaena? I am aware of your dislike of Aegon and I don't blame you, he can be quite clingy when it comes to you." 

"I have not." I said, "I heard they were in the Dragonpit so I decided to let them be. Vermithor could've made them nervous if he woke. As for the Princess, well, I do not wish to disturb her." 

"Ah yes, my Grandsire's Dragon." Viserys said, "He, like his current rider, do not feel easy in King's Landing and they'd rather sleep through their visit, eh?" 

I nodded as I took a bite of the meat, "Indeed." 

He chuckled, "Always so forward, Aerion." He said

"I must say, I am always baffled at the man that I see you've become." Queen Alicent said, "I vividly remember you as a child, holding onto your Mother's hand, gods bless her soul. Now, I see one of the great warriors of the Realm and you're still so young." 

"Your words flatter me, Your Grace." I said as I looked at her, "I am still green, I have much to improve." 

"Green, he says!" Uncle laughed, "Oh man, what humility he has. If you're so green, how come none of my Kingsguard dare challenge you to a duel? Why do the Seven Kingdoms speak of you as if you're greater than life?" 

"They exaggerate, Your Grace." I said as I drank wine from the cup, "I'm still young." 

"Hm." Alicent smiled, "Well, your skill is well-noted." 

"With respect, My King, My Queen." I said as I set my cup down, "I was told that there was some news that was to be relayed to me at this table?" 

Alicent cleared her throat, "Yes, well, we're trying to ease into the subject." She said, "It is with great regret we so suddenly bring this news to you, after all, you've just lost your betrothal and uncle, Ser Gerold. But with the interest of the realm at hand, we have to-" 

"By Royal Decree." Viserys said, "You are to wed my daughter." 

"The Princess Rhaenyra." 

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