
Combat Classes, and Horny Milf?

Everything was much better after I learned their language — at least a good portion of it. I was not fluent, but I could understand everything they wanted to say, and that was more than enough for me.

On the following day after Luna talked to me about that, she and her father, Steward, left the village. They rode a carriage, and according to what she said to me, they would be visiting a nearby city to trade.

I talked to them before they left, rather; I talked to Luna.

"Could you maybe get a map from me? Like one with the surrounding villages, cities, and everything?" I asked.

She nodded. "I'll try my best to get one, but it's not that easy."

That was more than I could ask for. Luna had been truly helpful to me, and I appreciated that. I waved to her as she left the village, looking at me and her mother through the carriage's window.

"It's just the two of us now, right?" her mother said, smiling at me.

"Yes, I think it is."

She went back inside after saying that, leaving me standing in front of the house. I had some duties to go to.

It was not as bad as it was before. The things I did before learning their language consisted of chopping wood and watering plants, but now that I could talk to them, well, I could learn other useful stuff!

One thing I started learning was combat. The main weapons they used on that planet were swords, spears, bows, etc. I was used to having a way better technology, but if I wanted to survive, then I needed to learn how to use the things available for me.

Also, fighting against the village warriors, even if it was just a sparing match, granted me EXP, which was awesome!

"Because your ankle is not fully healed, we will start with the bow classes," Tara said., "this won't require too much of your movement."

Tara was the one woman who first found me when I arrived at the village. She had tied me up using a rope, and now we were trying to bond.

She handed me a wooden bow and a few arrows. "Do you see those logs standing there? That's our target for today's class."

I looked at the logs she was referring to and said, "These look a lot like the ones I had been cutting recently."

Tara laughed, "Yes, that's because they are."

"So does it mean I spent hours cutting logs, feeling the harsh sun on my skin, just so that we can use it to shoot arrows?"

"That's basically it. Now, pay attention to my movements."

Tara then explained to me how to shoot an arrow. The art required a lot of technique. The aim, the right force to pull the string, the legs positioning, etc. The breathing was also one of the most important aspects of it.

Honestly, I thought it would be a simple task for me, and that I would hit the logs first try, but that was not how it happened. I struggled a lot to hit the logs, and only after trying for more than one hour did I hit the first log.

The feeling I had about myself was terrible. But Tara was actually praising me, which was surprising.

"This bow is difficult to pull. It requires decent strength, so it's way harder to use it. The fact you hit an arrow after just one hour means you are quite capable. Don't feel bad about yourself," Tara said.

She had noticed how down I looked after missing so many arrows. I didn't know if she was just trying to cheer me up, or if that was what she really thought. Either way, it made me feel better about myself.

"Thanks, I think."

We kept practicing for a few more hours, and then I returned home to rest. The chief's house was much quieter than normal, as the only person inside was Mary, the chief's wife.

Mary prepared dinner for us. It was ready the moment I returned. It smelled great! Potatoes and meat, a simple yet delicious dinner.

We were sitting at the dining table. She looked at me and said, "How was training today?"

Almost everyone in the village knew I was training with Tara, so it was not surprising that Mary knew too. In fact, she had been the one who used her influence to arrange me the training.

"Good," I said. "She said I have talent, at least for using a bow."

Mary had wide-open eyes. "Really? For Tara to compliment you, then you must really have the talent. If you are good enough with the bow, then you can join our village hunting group. I think it might be good for you."

The hunting group! That was indeed something I wanted. It would allow me to hone my skills while exploring the nearby area and bonding with fellow warriors, so it was great!

"That would be wonderful, but I have a lot to learn," I said.

Mary smiled. "I think you are doing great. You can start going with the hunting group after your ankle is fully healed. For now, just focus on learning how to use the bow."

I didn't know for sure why she was helping me, but I needed it, so all I could do was thank her.

"Thank you for everything you did. Not just you, but your family, too."

"It was nothing, my dear. You lost your memory, and being alone in the forest is dangerous. We help each other here," she said.

The 'you lost your memory' thing was the story I was telling everyone after I learned their language. The fact I didn't know a single thing about the planet made it way more believable.

Anyway, we ate dinner together, chatting about random stuff, mostly linked to the village and its future. I learned that the village had been suffering from beast attacks, and that everyone was grateful the attacks had ceased, at least for the moment.

"I'll go take a bath. Excuse me, Mary," I said.

I didn't have the chance to bathe after coming from the bow training. I went straight for dinner, as hunger was taking over me, and Mary had prepared everything, so I wanted to eat it warm.

The bathroom had a tub. I heated the water using an old stove, which only required a few woods and something to light it up. Then, after the water was at the right temperature, I poured it inside the tub.

It was a relaxing bath, and while I was inside, rubbing my body, cleaning it up the best way I could, I noticed something. Mary was looking at me through a crack in the door!

Why was she looking at me while I showered?

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