
Chapter 9: Decision

(Lucas POV)

I was lying under the tree on the old building site looking at the sky. I do not intend to go back to class as Shitori made an excuse for me. I intend to use this opportunity to relax and enjoy the tranquility. This feeling of peace and without human struggles and ambitions, I realized some things. I remembered a book I read in this world called "The Bible". I understand now, why Adam and Eve where abandoned, why humans became sinners, why this world have borders, and why humans are ambitious.

It is not because Adam and Eve disobeyed God that they were abandoned, it is not because humans committed the 7 deadly sins, it is not because of racial disputes, and it is not because of greed and power.

It is because of "KNOWLEDGE", the Origin of why all of humans become what it is today. The knowledge to know Good and Evil. The knowledge of power and authority, the knowledge that grows day by day learning the truth around us. 'Ahh, its really what they say. Knowledge is power.'

There will be no "True Peace" even if there is the so called "One Man Rule" in this world. There will always be crimes, struggles for power, and disputes. The only thing that truly will make this world to have "True Peace" is for every humans to become Adam and Eve before they acquired the Fruit of knowledge. It is "IGNORANCE" that will make this world a true Era of Peace. With Ignorance, there will be no good or evil. With Ignorance, there will be no crimes, no disputes, no borders, and no ambitions. 'Ignorance is really Blissful.' I thought.

As I was having my nonsense conclusions, I heard footsteps approaching me. I saw Koneko walking towards me with an expressionless face. I stood up and look at her in surprise. "Koneko, why are you here? you did not go to class?" I asked her.

She just walk towards me until she is less than 1 meter from me. "I am sorry." she said. And before I was confuse, she threw a punch on my handsome face at a lightning speed. I was startled and my senses kicked in. I used my palm to block her punch but the thing is, I feel like I was hit by a fist size metal ball. I realize the power of the punch so retreated back to minimize the impact. I feel my hands are numb right now. If I were hit by that punch, I would have pass out. I looked at her and she seems surprise that I blocked her. She made a stance and ready to attack again.

"Wait, I think I did not see your panties or have any indecent things I did on you?" I remembered the guy that was knocked out by her and made a conclusion. I saw her eyebrows twitched and she suddenly dashed into me with stronger momentum. 'Fu*k, Koneko why are you so ruthless' I was crying inside but I need to concentrate right know. She made a flurry of punches and kicks and I barely dodged. its not an option to block cause it feels like I was hit by something hard.

As the fight goes on, she looks at me with a surprise expression again. She made a punch that I can't even see with my naked eyes and I just randomly put my arms on my face to block it because It seems she is aiming at my handsome face all the time. The punch really landed on my arms and I felt like I was hit by a truck. I flew and rolled to the ground. My handsome face would be disfigured if I was hit by that punch. I tried to get up but my arms really hurt right now and I just kneeled with one knee. My mind is also exhausted because I need to maximize my senses to barely dodge her attacks.

"Koneko, what is the mea--" as I was going to question her. "~Ara Ara Koneko~. you are really kind to Agawa kun and hold yourself back." I heard someone spoke behind me without noticing her. Before she finish her words and have time to react, I felt that the back of my neck was hit. I felt dizzy and try not to get unconscious.

"~Ara~, you are really strong for a normal human. fufufu." I heard her speak again and I was hit again at the back of my neck. this time I really got unconscious.

Akeno: "He is really something." Akeno said while looking at my unconscious self. She picked me up in a princess carry. "Let's go Koneko. Buchou is waiting for us." She said. Koneko just nodded and followed behind her.


(Rias POV)

I was watching the fight through the window and I was surprise that Agawa can defend Koneko's attacks. Even though Koneko did not use half of her strength, her attacks are not a normal human can take. And Agawa also knows how to fight, his talent is really surprising me more and more. The fight was over with Akeno's intervention. I retreated back from the window and sat on the chair waiting for Akeno and Koneko.

After a minute passed, the door opened. I nodded and said: "Put him down on the sofa." Akeno complied and put Agawa in the sofa. We made sure to put a spell on him so he will not wake up. "Okay, Akeno, Koneko help me watch the surrounding as I need to concentrate" I asked and the two nodded and took their positions.

As the preparations are ready, I reached out my hand to Agawa's chest. I concentrated my energy to pry on Agawa kun's body, It is more a detailed investigation than what I did in the convenience store. But to to my surprise, I can't seem to penetrate the blockage. I tried to put in more energy but still cant get through it. "I need to know" I felt frustration in my heart and I maximize my energy to remove the blockage. There is still no reaction and I am starting to have doubts. But before I could retreat, I saw something that terrified me. It is a huge golden eye slowly opening, it stared at me with its lizard like pupil. "Grooowl" I just heard him growled at me and my consciousness was erased from existence.

Somewhere in the "Dimensional Gap", an ancient being was disturbed from his sleep. He opened his eyes and looked at a certain direction. "Growl" "Hmph, Little Devil" he uttered and close his eyes again.

(ORC Building)

I opened my eyes and felt a backlash. "Argghhh" my head felt a sharp pain. Akeno and Koneko were startled and rushed to me with worried expressions.

Koneko: "Buchou!!"

Akeno: "Rias Sama!! Are you alright!? What happened!?" She questioned me with worried eyes while helping me stand up. Koneko also tried to help me on the other side.

I was in a state of pain and can't answer them. I endured it for a moment before looking at Akeno with fear and excitement in my eyes.

Akeno: "Buchou, your nose is bleeding!!." Akeno saw the blood and she panicked.

I wiped the blood on my nose and compose myself. "Akeno, Koneko. Change of plans. We are going to recruit Agawa." I said it with excitement. The eyes of Koneko seems to brighten when she heard this. Akeno was also surprised and just smiled.

"Akeno, help me go to the Student Council office. Koneko you stay here and wait for Agawa to wake up and explain things to him. Invite him tomorrow lunch in here." I said. Koneko nodded in response.

Akeno: "Should we erase his memories of this incident?" Akeno asked.

Rias: "No need, he will be one of us anyway and it is better for him to have a head start on knowing it." I answered with some thought. 

I recovered myself first before I and Akeno headed to the Student Council office.


(Sona's POV)

I was sitting on my chair frowning because of something. Momo was blocked by Akeno for monitoring Agawa awhile ago and I don't know what Rias was doing. "knock knock". I was distracted by the knock and saw Rias and Akeno came in. I raised my eyebrows and looked at Rias. She seems a little pale.

Sona: "What happened to you?" I asked.

Rias: "It's nothing. I just have some accidents.." she answered and proceeded: "I came here because I already decided on the person to recruit." She paused a little. "I will go for Agawa." 

I was surprised with her decision. I frowned while looking at her. "Did you find something? I heard that you block my servant in monitoring Agawa Kun" I asked her with questioning gaze.

Rias: "Well I found something. He may also have the potential on par with any Sacred Gear user." Rias nodded and told half truth. 'The pressure I felt at that time is definitely more terrifying than my brother'. Rias thought.

I was surprise by what Rias told me. She mentioned "may have potential" but I know her. She always choose the more certain one. So I guess that she is sure that Agawa has the potential to be on par with a Sacred Gear User. "It seems this is an unexpected turn of event". I actually don't have a problem inviting Hyoudou to be part of my peerage. I and my peerage will only feel uncomfortable with his perverted nature but that is it. I just have more preference to people who have brains so I choose Agawa rather than Hyoudou. But it is still not a loss as I can feel a strong energy on Hyoudou. It may be a Longinus. I don't know if Rias also felt it. Hyoudou has a strong potential even though he is average. With proper guidance and training, he can use his sacred gear to its maximum potential. The problem now is how I will invite him. He is not like Agawa who is an Orphan and lacks money, no family and also I can see that he is ambitious. On the other hand, Hyoudou has a family, has a stable life and lacks ambition.

Rias: "Sona?" Rias interrupted my thoughts and came to my senses.

Sona: "Well this is unexpected, is it really that you found something or you are in love with him?" I smiled and want to tease her a little bit.

Rias: "N-no way, I-I really found something on him." She was flustered and stuttered in answering. I can see her blush a little. Akeno on the side was also surprised with her reaction.

I was stunned a little. I only intend to tease her but her reaction is abnormal. She behaved like a girl who was caught secretly knowing her crush.

Rias realized her reaction and composed herself. "I really just found what I need on him that's why my decision changed". Rias answered with a serious tone like nothing happened.

I looked at her for awhile, "Okay, its decided then. I will recruit Hyoudou Kun". I replied.

Rias nodded and she was about to bid farewell but she remembered something. "Sona, the fallen angel seems to target Hyoudou. Kiba found out that she pretended to be a student here and confessed to Hyoudou yesterday."

I nodded in agreement. I also monitored Hyoudou these days and known this things. "Don't worry Rias, I know what to do".

Rias nodded in response and did not stay any longer and left with Akeno as she needs to recover and prepare for tomorrow.

I look at Tsubaki on the side. "Call all of my peerage to come in the Student Council Office, I need to discuss some things." I ordered Tsubaki.

Tsubaki: "Yes President Sama." Tsubaki bowed and left. 

I leaned on the chair and closed my eyes thinking on how to recruit Issei Hyoudou.


You can spare me some of your power stones. Thanks guys...

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