
The battle royale has begun

After the arduous training with Saliet'am, Glass falls back into the void until he lands on the floor, along with other souls. A female voice acts as presenter and says:>>Welcome, deniers of heaven, I am your beautiful presenter Aliet'kill in this Syphus care that we reconvene as we do every day in this brutal competition. I imagine you already know the rules, but just in case you don't, I'll refresh your memory:1. Everything is resolved with a conflict or competition.2. You must have a reason to climb or else your existence will be compromised.3. You must always feed your desire to climb with the candy up.4. The more enemies they defeat or tests they overcome they will win dragmars to increase their power or Hungra coins win to feed their craving for sweets up.5. If they lose during the ascent of the tower they can come back again, although their purpose and willpower will drop considerably.6. If they lose their purpose to climb, their soul will be completely destroyed.I hope you have understood, you can find the rules by the designated posters. I hope you like it, let the pitched battle begin.At that moment, a city appears where everything goes to hell both in heaven and on earth everyone is pitted against everyone turning the place into a war field. Glass is thrown here and there destroying buildings as if nothing, but he tries to counter attack but he can't, those who can shoot projectiles do it, but they are always intercepted with someone they use as a shield.-What kind of hell is this, this is not heaven, this was what Aliut'em and Saliet'am were referring to. I should run away from here to see if I can find some peace to think about how to survive this war. -Glass said to himself.So Glass runs towards the buildings, but they are destroyed as if they were nothing during the fighting. Until he manages to reach a subway train to hide.However, a muscular lizard man in full regalia finds him and gives him the beating of his life, but this causes him to want to fight back for real. He turns his head into a rocket to get out from under him.-Come here, you piece of dung, now you will feel my wrath. -Glass said, determined to fight him.They rush at him, but Glass tackles his leg and fires a powerful bolt of lightning that blows his leg completely off. He then charges a powerful punch to send him flying into a subway train to meet more with more competitors so he faces them all at the same time to one Glass grabs his leg to whip him against the lizard man who subdued him until he completely destroys him. He takes his scarf to hang the lizard man decapitating him completely then he uses his head as a weapon to get rid of more competitors. He rams one into several buildings and catches several in the sky.-Well, well, look who we have here, but if he is a worthy opponent, our rivalry will be legendary. -I exclaimed a man in black with gloves and Jin Kazama type pants without shoes.With a mighty leap he intercepts Glass to fall violently through some buildings to reach the train lines.-Who are you? -asked Glass.-My name is Voltagen Shockman, your rival now let's destroy each other. -Voltagen answered as he rushed towards him.They fight like dogs until a train approaches and Shockman catches his head and rushes through the train as if it were nothing. Glass flashes a light on his head to stun him momentarily to successfully counter so he throws him into several more buildings until Glass knocks a building off its foundation to bat him several times until he lands on top of it with a building on top of him.After this, Shock man joins in for both of them to beat each other to death until the time is up for the pitched battle. The presenter speaks:>>Stop it, deniers of heaven. The time for fun is over, it is now time for you to get organized and prepare for the new attractions so you can survive in this personal war. Enjoy the prize that the goddess xenovia made for you for each defeated enemy.The whole place magically settles down and everyone calms down and starts lining up to eat the up candy.Glass finds himself in a long line where the souls buy their up candy until they run out and this generates a fight between the people in the line. At one point Glass rips out the stomach of one who consumed the candy so that he can eat it to satisfy his hunger.When she comes to, he realizes what he did and finds himself horrified by what he did.-Welcome to the tower of syphus, my friend. -Voltagen replies, tapping him on the shoulder to calm him down. 
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