
142 Kneeling Down With One Punch: Staining the Sky With Blood

The sound of the impact reverberated through the arena, startling many in attendance. Gasps filled the air, and the audience collectively leaned forward in their seats, craning their necks to catch a glimpse through the cage. Referees rushed to the scene, bending low to assess Covington's condition while tension hung thick in the atmosphere.

Ye Chen, already feeling the adrenaline surge, showed no signs of backing off as Covington's head remained within his striking range. He was poised to unleash a series of punches. Moreover, it was apparent that Covington's grip around him was still firm, indicating that he wasn't out of the fight yet. But just as Ye Chen prepared to strike, Covington made a surprising move. In a swift motion, he shifted his position and lifted Ye Chen, who had just regained his balance, attempting to push him against the cage once more.

Ye Chen couldn't help but be taken aback. Covington's resilience was indeed impressive. Just when the spectators thought the fight had reached its climax, Covington launched a renewed attack. Refusing to be outdone, Ye Chen retaliated by pressing his arms against Covington's head, and then with a fierce shove, he wrestled Covington back down, successfully breaking free from the grip that had held him captive.

Rolling back to his feet, Ye Chen noted that Covington's hold had faltered. This was largely due to the hasty execution of his previous moves, which had left Covington slightly off-balance and unable to maintain a solid position. Ye Chen, strategically sidestepping closer to the center, found himself with more room to maneuver, unimpeded by the confines of the cage.

Covington's expression had turned desperate. After regaining his footing, the forced grin he wore resembled more of a grimace than a show of confidence. Ye Chen couldn't shake the feeling that Covington had incorporated mind games into his strategy, using forced laughter to rattle his opponents and throw them off their game. It seemed as though his laughter was a tool to distract, a tactic to unnerve anyone facing him.

With determination, Ye Chen committed to an aggressive low sweep, landing a sharp strike against Covington's knee. The impact echoed across the arena as Covington's leg buckled momentarily, nearly sending him to the ground. Covington retaliated, offering a couple of quick jabs in an attempt to reclaim some space, but Ye Chen remained vigilant. He absorbed the jabs with calculated resilience, knowing that Covington was on the verge of faltering.

"Crack!" A powerful chop from Ye Chen landed on the inner thigh, sending shockwaves through Covington's body, lifting him off his feet momentarily. As Covington stumbled forward, Ye Chen rose to deliver an uppercut, but the blow found its mark in the air instead of on the target. Covington didn't go down just yet; instead, he seized the moment to throw two punches, although they lacked precision and power due to the haste of his movements.

Ye Chen countered swiftly, sweeping low with calculated intent, creating an elegant arc with his long leg to strike Covington's waist, a particularly vulnerable spot that had already been subjected to punishment earlier in the match. The impact painted a vivid red mark on Covington's side, eliciting a gasp from the audience. Covington's stunned expression was immediate, and he staggered back, attempting to respond with a mid-sweep, but Ye Chen was quicker. He raised his leg defensively.

Yet, in that fleeting moment, Covington launched a Superman punch, an audacious move that caught Ye Chen off-guard. "Bang!" The punch connected, landing squarely on Ye Chen's cheekbone. The force of it sent Ye Chen reeling slightly, staggering backward. The weight behind Covington's punch was significant—he had certainly drawn inspiration from fellow fighters, and this particular technique held its own place in the arsenal of striking combat.

Ye Chen felt the impact resonate through his body, a reminder of the stakes at play. GSP had popularized the Superman punch for a reason. The brilliance of the move often caught opponents by surprise, and many experienced fighters found themselves momentarily stunned by its effectiveness. Ye Chen recognized the danger of underestimating Covington's capabilities, especially when faced with such a forceful blow.

The crowd buzzed with excitement, the noise rising to a fever pitch. Just moments prior, Ye Chen had been in the dominant position, but now the tides had turned, and the spectators were on edge. Many worried about the potential for upsets with the fight on a knife's edge, reminiscent of countless matches where victory flipped unexpectedly.

"Colby, keep pushing! Don't let him breathe!" The shout came from Covington's corner, a frantic encouragement that galvanized him to press the advantage he had just seized. And why would he not? The stakes were high, and this was his moment to seize the lead.

Ye Chen's corner, a mix of anxiety and rallying cries filled the air, especially from the catwoman, who pounded the cage and shouted his name, "Ye Chen, Ye Chen…" Her voice carried a sense of urgency, a plea for him to regain control.

Even from the audience, the notable figures were visibly unsettled. They had risen from their seats, leaning closer to the cage, expressions etched with concern for Ye Chen. Yet, contrary to what many perceived, Ye Chen was not in as dire a circumstance as it appeared. The punch that struck him had landed just as he was attempting to regain his footing, creating an awkward moment more than a critical blow to his advantage.

He quickly recalibrated, using his arm to deflect Covington's swing while assessing the situation. With Covington closing the distance rapidly, Ye Chen opted for a tactical retreat to create space, wise to not fall for the same tricks again. Covington launched into a flurry of punches, each one coming with ferocity, a mixture of straight jabs and sweeping hooks. Though he seemed to be dominating the exchanges, Ye Chen maintained his composure.

The referee moved closer, aware of how quickly the momentum could shift in a match like this, and he prepared himself to intervene should the necessity arise. The atmosphere was electric as Covington pressed forward, his focus unwavering. But, in a moment of instinctive reaction, just as Covington delivered another punch, Ye Chen thrust a perfectly timed hook, catching Covington off-guard.

The hit landed squarely, sending Covington reeling backward. The stunned expression on his face spoke volumes as Ye Chen's punch connected, effectively putting him on his knees with a thud. The atmosphere was charged with disbelief, the entire venue freezing in shock as the fight hung in balance.

For a brief moment, the arena descended into silence, as if someone had pressed mute on reality itself.

Then, with a roar of excitement, the crowd erupted. The commentators jumped to their feet, echoing the disbelief that flooded the arena. Many were convinced it was over right then and there, with the referee prepared to step in at any moment.

Yet Ye Chen, unlike in past scenarios where he might have stayed back, saw the opportunity clearly: Covington was still on his knees, not yet down for the count. He surged forward, delivering a rapid backhand hook.

"Bang!" The sound resonated as Covington toppled back, unable to regain his balance. His braces, emblazoned with national pride, flew off in the impact, and a trail of crimson spewed forth from his mouth, painting a vivid picture of the brutal reality of combat.

Just like that, the arena fell silent again—this time, a hollow silence marked by awe and a hint of disbelief. The gravity of the moment settled like thick fog, shrouding the fighters as they risked everything on this single, climactic play.

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